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Everything posted by Poonman

  1. thats a little too retro for me
  2. if you're playing a $600 game console on a TV thats only got composite inputs you need to re-arrange a few priorities...
  3. best. mech. design. EVER. even the foam is nice on that thing. I MUST HAVE IT
  4. my parents brand new Panasonic house phone is the worst phone i've ever talked on. i don't know why its so bad.. glad I bought another trusty Vtech. my old one was probably the oldest piece of electronics in my whole apartment lasted forever.
  5. haha no kidding. well... maybe a Sony QRIO if they actually started selling those things for less than $15,000 or whatever they want for one....
  6. you gotta be kidding me... was he japanese?
  7. yeah.. they probably learned a lot by what went down with that launch. hell, I didn't even bother with getting a launch 360 and it wasn't until a buddy of mine told me he'd buy my Xbox1 from me back in March that I got around to getting one. and even then I had to call around a little to find a premium version.
  8. I imagine a couple thousand people are going to be stuck with $100 in EB Games store credit. just like what happened with the Xbox360... talk about poopy.
  9. yeah.. my Pio is native 768... I didn't have $10,000 sitting around for a 1080p Pioneer plasma so I went with a 43" 768 instead. no worries tho... its better to have a quality brand and picture than to play the numbers game and get a no-name TV at Costco just cuz it claims to do 1080p. I've been loyal to Pioneer for years and they've never done me wrong. gotta keep it in the family sure as hell am not going to be buying anything from Sony ever again.. talk about overpriced garbage. ever since they started making stuff outside of japan in the last 15 years or so and just sitting on their laurels almost every product I've bought from them from cameras to a/v receivers to clock radios has had something wrong with it (and I'm not even going to get into the PS2).
  10. its too bad for you guys Metal Gear Solid is gonna cost like $90 hey don't hate. I've got a little extra change in my pockets so I go for the best. nothing touches a plasma's color contrast, black levels, viewing angle etc. if there was an LCD out there that looked as good as my 43" Pioneer I would have got it but I couldn't find one
  11. I wouldn't bother with 1080i on the Xbox360. looks.. weird to me. too many fine lines and artifacts. 1080i is ideal for still images but I've never liked it for gaming. 720p all the way.
  12. he's probably got a crappy TV then. Also- laser TV's to replace plasma? http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,20556847-2,00.html http://www.novalux.com/display/solidstatergb.php
  13. I'm just afraid to have a PS3 sitting under my plasma TV when the ladies come over and say "you spent $600 on a video game?"
  14. I'm pretty damn excited about the Wii but I don't have any plans to purchase one until they release a black version (same thing I did for the Lite). Whilst I'm not thrilled that it doesn't support High Def I am excited about the Virtual Console thing. there aren't even many launch or upcoming titles that have really grabbed me... I just want to play old games oh yeah and the $250 price tag is pretty killer too.
  15. naw, doesn't really work like that. Oblivion is a massive game and it fit on one disk. I can guarantee there won't be a game out for the PS3 for a very LONG time that actually "requires" Blu-Ray. developers just got more room to work with so they don't have to compress as much. its not "better" or anything. just different. and its Blu-Ray which actually makes it worse for gaming
  16. dude... that doll is creepy...
  17. I don't think theres been a seperate controller in the history of gaming thats costed less than $50... and you're nuts to think it'll be less than that. knowing $ony if anything, it'll be more. and you know they're going to release an HDMI Xbox360 right? so anyways not to rain on your parade or anything the bottom line is Beta-Ray is looking pretty weak right now... I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. and for ME I've never been into Playstation games anyways... too many JRPGs with pre-pubescent, spikey haired, love sick characters and Metal Gear Solid movies with 10 minutes of gameplay so enjoy your PS3 I guess.. they aren't calling it the PSP3 for nothin' too expensive, shady proprietary format and typical Sony build quality. and besides, I like to buy american. just like the japanese like to buy their own stuff I like to buy American (for the most part).
  18. naw, it won't work like that. the Xbox360 is "region free" too but its the DEVELOPERS that region code the games in order to, you know, make money. it'll be the same case for the PS3.
  19. I've got a hell of a lot more confidence in HD-DVD than I do in Blu-Ray.. just look at how HD-DVD is already spanking BR in sales... when I think of BR all I can think of is Beta-Max, Mini-Disk, Memory Stick, UMD... you get the picture. and I don't care what they put in the new Dull Shock.. gimmicky tilt feature or no the Xbox360 controller, in my opinion, is far superior. when I get a new console I want a new controller. its as simple as that. a pig with lipstick on or a tilt feature is still a pig. the only thing the new Dull Shock has on the 360's controller is the internal built in battery but who knows if its even replaceable when it dies on you eventually like all rechargeable batteries... and for $20 I get the same thing from Microsoft. big whoop the great thing about the 360 is that you get CHOICES. don't own an HDTV yet and don't care about HD movies? don't worry about it, we're not gonna trojan horse you into paying extra for an HD movie player just to play games. play online a lot and need to use and ethernet cable? we're not gonna force you to pay for a built-in WiFi adapter. and the list goes on... all I know is come... when are the PS3's going to actually be available to the average person and not someone who wants to camp out in front of GameStop? maybe January 2007? anyways all I know is come next year when they actually start shipping some real numbers I won't be walking out of GameStop with a $900 receipt... $600 for the console, $50 for another controller, $40 for an HDMI cable, $120+ for two games, tax... you get the picture.
  20. the PSP3 with Beta-Ray is going to be a "wait & see" kinda thing for me... the same reason I didn't buy a PS2 is probably going to be the same reason I won't buy a PS3... same decade old controller. and no rumble is just the last nail in the coffin for me (right after the price, Blu-Ray, $70-100 games, probably unremarkable free online like the PS2's etc. etc.). on the other hand the HD-DVD player thats coming out for the Xbox360 is something that couldn't come out sooner... I can't freakin wait.
  21. yeah... its not like its a high definition console or anything....
  22. if you go to avsforum.com they can give you a lot more info on burn-in prevention but basically for the first 100 hours of use (you can track how long you've been using your display by accessing the service menu on most TVs) avoid viewing any kind of stuff that has still images like video games or ESPN logos and stuff and bring your contrast down to around 75%. if you do play games flip the channel over to the TV input every 20 mins. or so and if you watch stuff on TV with still images during the break-in period just the change channel for a few minutes every 20 or so. fresh, new pixels are the most susceptible to burn-in so once you pass the 100-200 hour mark your TV will be fine. some TVs automatically "move" the pixels around to keep them from getting burned and this is something you can't even see with your eye and some TVs like Samsungs have a "white wash" feature you can turn on that displays a white screen for a few minutes to reduce burn-in. burn-in is what happens when the phosperous gas inside each pixel gets prematurely "burned up" or over used by extreme contrast i.e. a white ESPN logo against a black background. the pixels that are illuminating the white logo are fully lit and the pixles that are right next to it that are displaying the black field are not so the white ones get "used up" faster and thats when you get image retention. but seriously, most modern plasmas don't have any problems with this. having a little temporary image retention on a plasma screen is a million times better than getting a dead pixel on an LCD panel. that just sucks. my Pioneer even has a "game" video setting that automatically reduces the contrast, color and image filters that I leave set on my game channel so I don't have to worry about any kind of burn-in at all.
  23. I game on a 43" Pioneer plasma and I love it. I took the necessary precautions during the break-in period so burn-in is not a concern. my electric bill is the same as it always was (I have the display set to a level 1 power save) and theres no fan noise or heat. my set actually has a seperate "media receiver" box that all the A/V cables go into and the fan for the set is inside that and most of the heat comes from that device and it sits on a shelf in my entertainment center so I've got no complaints about either issue. the highest resolution it displays is 1080i but thats perfect for me and my Xbox360. most, I repeat MOST PS3 games will NOT play in 1080p ever or for a very long time so the 1080p thing is just a numbers game (Xbox360 doesn't do it but we will etc.) because they're just too expensive to produce. and most people can't afford a native 1080p set so like I said its just a stupid numbers game. kinda like Sony advertising a Walkman dock that mounts perfectly in a Ferrari's cup holder (big deal, right?). I looked around a lot too before I bought this set and compared to the image quality of LCDs the plasma blew them all away. another determining factor for me was the great price I got on it because Pioneer was beginning to release their new models. and now those new models are going for the same reduced price I got my TV for because Pio cut a bunch of costs this year. no more 43", no more media receiver, detachable speakers etc. so they sell for a lot cheaper than they used to. here's a pic:
  24. dang.... guess its not gonna be $100 like some people were saying but either way I can't WAIT to get this thing and start watching movies in HD. so far the only thing that I get to see in HD on my plasma is Xbox360 games because I don't have an HD-DVD player yet and my balconeys not pointing in the right direction that the HD Satellites are in I'll tell you that REALLY pissed me off when the DirecTV guy told me that.... and my place isn't wired for cable either..... you can only put a DirecTV dish on your balconey or plug into the wall which is Dish Network... but not in HD yet..
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