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Everything posted by Poonman

  1. I'm all for the little guy.. can't say I've ever been much of a Sony #ick-rider so either way I think the whole thing stinks.
  2. i've got dozens of rechargable batteries I use in my 360 controllers that i've had for years... I never bothered with a charge-n-play kit. but if you insist on being able to game-n-charge I'd rather it be via a replaceable, $20 component rather than a replaceable, $60 controller. both controllers do the same thing... except the 360 has you replacing a $20 "piece" of a controller and the PS3 has you replacing an entire $60 controller if the battery dies. and we all know how great battery life is on those Bluetooth enabled devices... about a quarter the life of an RF device. so expect lots and lots of charges and lesser and lesser internal battery life
  3. either way I've bought lots of stuff from them and they're gone now and Sony is still here.... making crappy electronics and pissing gamers off with their arrogant attitude. as far as I'm concerned nothing good has come out of Sony in years.... even my MP3 player from them sucked
  4. ouch.... I was wondering if those super cool "Sixaxis" controllers were going to have replaceable batteries like a cellphone but I guess not.... Xbox360 wins again... its got rumble and you don't have to wait for Sony to mail you a new controller while your third friend sits on the couch controllerless...
  5. those goddamn ###king bastards.... great for their PR too
  6. once you've played a good game online with a good group of people it adds a dimension that you don't want to play without! almost every game I play on my 360 is online (Chromehounds, Ghost Recon, Halo 2 and Phantasy Star Universe next week). ofcourse theres games I play offline like Oblivion but thats usually only when I get bored of my online games
  7. this website is brilliant: http://www.wreckedexotics.com the write up on the whole Enzo crash in Malibu is downright fascinating. I could never imagine having enough money to own two Enzo's, an SLR, a 14 million dollar yacht and an estate in Bel-Air. in-freakin-sane
  8. yeah that sticker price is CRAZY.... cars are getting to be so freakin expensive these days.... I for one know that driving a shiny new beemer is not worth lowering my living standards in other areas like getting a cheaper apartment etc. Its the "socal" way to live ghetto fabulous... live in a crap apartment/house in the south bay or have five roomates and drive a new car but I refuse to live like that. eventually one day when I'm making tons of cash I'll have it all but until then I don't see how having a car payment thats almost as much as my rent would be worth it...
  9. yeah I know what you mean.... I live in San Diego and have seen all but one... I saw one in Tucson, AZ two months ago of all places before even seeing one in SoCal (which seems crazy to me) so maybe the "ho hum" styling of the coupe is the reason for this. atleast I know the one I saw just looked... ok. not enough of the sharp lines that the sedan has I guess... and while the taillights kinda reminded me of the ones the updated 7 series got the whole backend just looked real boring.
  10. I think its more like Bangle did it first ====> then all the Japanese cars you compared it to. its what they do best afterall.... ripping off the Germans and making it more cheaper and reliable as far as styling is concerned the germans have always lead the pack then all the Lexus' and Honda's of the world have followed suit several months later with their own homoginized versions of "two tone tailights" "dual lens headlight configurations" and "flame licked orgami lines". for half the price.
  11. neither. a bunch of the new Eclipse's were DOA because the batteries were leaking acid on the freakin lots right after they were released. its probably why you only see them on the raod once in a blue moon. unlike the old ones which are probably the second most common car behind a civic.
  12. i find the 5 to be the most beautiful car on the road. still gets a small "wow" out of me everytime I see one. and don't even get me started on the M5. "Supra killer" yippie
  13. guess they re-used the PSP's menu....
  14. I cringe every time I watch that show and watch those shop monkeys hop into a 2006 Benz or Lambo or something, take an air wrench to the seats and dash, rip it all out and cover it in some vinyl that "matches da same color as da rims, yo!". if I had a fly ride and lived on Long Island I wouldn't let those guys get within 20 feet of my car.. ever. i've always been a purveyor of the all stock, JDM, OEM, "Mugen", "TRD" etc. thing. if its not from the same country or brand my car came from, it doesn't go on it. when I had a Prelude it was all JDM parts. when I had an Audi it was all European parts. and now that I've got a Tacoma all I buy is TRD.
  15. just haters and japanophiles...
  16. I don't know the first thing about these but I like them. more research will need to be done...
  17. pretty much any year of any BMW ///M and Audi S-line car is worth mentioning. style and balls. gotta love those german machines. unlike the extremely lopsided Mustang that assaulted my eyes above.... interior looks like it was done by one of those hacks from "Unique Autosports"... man do they know how to destroy a car Jersey style....
  18. thank you for posting that Audi. I know you guys are mustang fans but I was going to post some pics of a German machine myself just because that plastic bumblebee was starting to hurt my eyes the carbon fiber interior touches go way back to the RS4 (which they never sold over here) that had it on the door panels and across the dash. Audi's are reknown for having the best interiors and I'm sure if you got in that thing you'd know why.. the carbon inside also accents the huge carbon panels on the outside. very nice. I miss my A4 dearly....
  19. yeah you're right again.. feels like its been out for ahwile.. like a year and a half. guess I need to do a little more research and go to gamefaqs and bone up on release dates and stuff... guess its just been a long year for me..
  20. I coulda swore it was a launch title and I played it at my buddies house around the same time he got his launch 360 but I guess you're probably right. either way its funny that the PS3 guys are getting excited about something some of us have played and beaten back in Feb.. yeah, its a great game, don't get me wrong... but its sooo Feb. 2006 lol
  21. that light turquoise color of the ED209 is so cool... i haven't seen the movie in so long that I didn't realize it really looked like that.
  22. hey looks just like the Fight Night game I played and beat a year and a half ago on the 360! sux you guys have to wait so long to play this stuff (Fight Night, Oblivion, etc.) because you're so stuck on the whole PS3 thing.. yeah thats what I'm currently doing on my Satellite HDTV receiver.. the stupid satellite box has DVI so I've got a DVI to HDMI cable that goes to my TV then theres an optical audio out port on the satellite box that I output to my optical port on my Pioneer A/V receiver. I don't need a seperate HDMI audio jack on my TV because I've always used a seperate receiver with surround sound speakers on the last two TVs i've had but I could see how some people might need it.
  23. HDMI carries the audio signal too... its doesn't need a seperate port for it. but yeah, thats almost the same amount of inputs my Pioneer has... except its got only two HDMI inputs. and its got two fire wire inputs which I have no clue why...
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