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Everything posted by Poonman

  1. thats awesome this game shines in HD but the damn gun icon in the upper right corner is burning into my plasma because unlike the single player game it doesn't fade out in the online game I thought you've always been able to use any USB keyboard and mouse.. oh yeah- whats your tag Yellowlightman? do you play Gears? the IC crew is on like every night and we have a blast. it makes a HUGE difference playing with cool people and joking around and stuff. A LOT better than the random idiots online who swear and use racial slurs and drop out all the time.
  2. honestly i'm not very excited about Halo 3 because i've been so content with GoW.... I used to think the Halo universe was so great but Gears just took it to another level.. a darker, grittier level that appeals more to me. I honestly think Bungie is going to have to pull off a miracle to make a game better than Gears. and yeah you guys are right.. all the screen shots i've seen have looked just like the Halo 1 and 2 with just a little more detail...
  3. thats pretty cool... and I think its mostly PS2 and maybe some Gamecube games you have to "activate" to get into HD mode... something about holding down the triangle button when you boot up the console or something. all the newer games like the ones on the 360 already to go into 1080i, 720p whatever after you've set your console to whatever resolution you want it to display in. mines at 720p because it seemed to look the best over 1080i and I don't have a 1080p TV (not many do),
  4. that does't make any sense... why pay $40 for a movie that won't look any different than a $15 DVD? and as far as the PS3 is concerned my sentiments exactly. and I actually have an HDTV I was looking at some screenshots of the big "killer app" Resistance: Fall of Man and I couldn't even get excited about that one. it just has a really boring looking art style.. nothing interesting to look at like Gears of War. and God knows the DullShock is crap for FPS's. after looking at lots and lots of PS3 game screen shots I'm getting the same impression I got of the PS2- drab. nothing really exciting or appealing that jumps out and grabs me. the only thing that look half-way decent is Lair.
  5. thanks for the info about the shoulders and stuff... guess I can wait on a Mk. II to come out before I pick one up...
  6. you'd have to be a complete idiot to buy an HD-DVD player or Blu-Ray movies for your PS3 if you don't have an HDTV....
  7. have you tried Chromehounds yet? if you're into mechs it doesn't get much better than that. I've put nearly 100 hours into the online campaign alone. GRAW is also an excellent game and obviously Oblivion is great too. I download as many demos as I can to avoid the "so-so" titles like Condemned. after playing the demo for minutes I knew immediatly it wasn't for me
  8. yeah no kidding... for a system that touts "1080p!" on every game case, even the ones that aren't 1080p native it seems kinda backwards to not be High Def out of the box. 'course a frugal consumer can buy an HDMI cable off the internet for $10 but whenever the PS3 becomes readily available in the following months theres going to be A LOT of moms/grandmas buying the Sony HDMI cable that'll be on the shelf right next to the PS3 for whatever they want to charge for it (my guess is around $40-50).
  9. I'm kind of interested in the red one so what problems did it suffer from?
  10. "Riiiidge Racer! Its as essential as the air we breathe." suuure
  11. The Dreamcast was a great looking console... and atleast on my 360 I was able to find a faceplate that matches my pine entertainment center perfectly... and yeah, upon closer inspection that PS3 does look pretty nasty... I always thought the metal part on the front was more of a "polished" look like the PSP got but thats just flat out chrome.... jeezus. but I don't mind the gloss black... technically its called "urushi" (well maybe its not urushi because its clear black) and Pioneer has been using the "piano black" look for years on their Elite line. the finish would actually match the frame and stand on my 43" Pio plasma perfectly. either way with the decision of putting the power invertor thing inside the console that things gonna be a major fire hazard and putting it inside an entertainment center is probably going to be out of the question. think you had problems now with your 360 overheating just you wait... yikes
  12. I picked it up last night.... I never waste my time with EB Games/GameStop... those places just suck. Game Crazy all the way. The game is awesome. best graphics I've ever seen (on my 43" plasma- only way to game), the whole duck and cover thing is really fresh, the guns are great.. now I just have to decide if I want to play online or single player! both are so good. I put about 2 hours into the single player last night and two more into the online multiplayer and damn was that fun..... the game is brilliant. total masterpiece. even the reloading is fun. playing this game is the closest you'll get to being in a fire fight. its even better than GRAW. makes the duck and cover in that game look silly. I love how the HUD fades out... gives the game a cinematic feel and its kind on us plasma owners the single player is tough too. its no graphic-heavy cakewalk like some next-gen games. if you don't already have it, get it. even if you don't like "FPSs" because theres so much more to it than that. its pretty much a whole new type of game with the duck and cover elements.
  13. a Yeti Kong would be sick
  14. damn.. that looks really awesome. I have extremely limited modelling skills but was wondering if you could explain a few of your techniques. The "black wash marker" you mentioned is a marker that you can use on the model and rub off most of? like a wash with a brush and water/black paint mix? the panel lines I get.. just a really fine black marker. then the sanding I saw.. adds a really cool "battle worn" look. and I guess the Gundam markers are just for shading in areas? I've got a couple models I want to customize so any help would be appreciated. thanks
  15. so its like a mech fighting game?
  16. uh.. wtf is this? (ebay thing)
  17. the update affected less than 1% of all "normal" 360's so most of the people who had problems were probably dicking around with theres. and guys, you have to have a TV that supports 1080p via component cables. most TV's don't... most only accept the signal via HDMI so it was kind of a useless update... but then again I don't know anyone with a 1080p TV let alone an HDTV (besides myself and my friend jordan). don't let the interweb influence you into thinking its the voice of the majority probably about 85% of anybody you ask (more like 99% if you're asking women ) will have heard of an Xbox360 or PS3 but wouldn't be able to tell you the difference between 1080p and DLP
  18. they might be more scared of the PS3 over there then they are over here so they've got the big guns out.
  19. on second thought.. damn a few of those TG-16 games are some of my all time favorites.... ahhh conflict
  20. sure, they lure you in with a $250 price tag but each one of those virtaul arcade games are $5-10 dollars and I for one know i'd go broke downloading all them. the thought is kind of scary actually.... atleast I get to demo arcade games on Live... but I could just see it now, going down the list and seeing all these games I haven't played in 15 years and just going "to heck with it" and downloading a bunch... then actually only end up playing them a couple times like most of my Live arcade games... the novelty of retro games wears off pretty fast... Ghost Recon >> Dig Dug
  21. I always thought the first Halo would make a great movie.... i mean the game already felt like a movie pretty much. the story in Halo 2 was alright but I just felt like I didn't need to get that deep into the plot of the covenant. either way I think it would have made a cool flick. space marines and a giant space halo? come on, thats pretty cool.
  22. yeah it was an awesome movie. I saw it twice. basically just an animated novel. most of the lines and scenes were taken word for word out of the book. its the truest rendition of a novel-to-movie i've ever seen. good stuff
  23. pre-orders are completely sold out at all gamestops, eb games, game crazys etc. so the price didn't scare some people away. the only way to get a console is going to be to camp out at a target, wal-mart, best buy etc. or pay $1,000 for one on ebay. same for the wii too because all the pre-orders on those are sold out too.
  24. WHOA now THATS my kinda car. freakin sweeet!
  25. yea I really wanna see that Mini-pato stuff.
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