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Everything posted by Poonman

  1. well thats your problem. most people who work at game stores are absolute morons and know probably the least about games out of anyone in the gaming community. its pretty common knowledge. most of these people were walking down the street in need of a job and saw a mcdonalds and a game store and decided to put an application into the game store. or maybe both. some of the most ridiculous statements i've ever heard about games have been uttered by so called "authorities" who work at game stores. and for the most part, yes, ports do look worse on the PS3. theres no such thing as "utilizing its capabilities" because technically the 360 has a superior GPU and twice the RAM so what you're seeing is what you're getting on the PS3..... "utilizing its capabilities" lol
  2. I wouldn't worry too much about it. most of the broken 360's can be attibuted to "user failure", not hardware so as long as you don't leave it on day and night stuffed in an entertainment center you'll be fine. when someone's been through three or four 360's you've got to start looking at the user, not the console. a lot of people don't know how to take care of their stuff and theres even such a thing as "dirty" electricity thats in old houses and apartment complexes. if you aren't a 12 year old kid who rips their console out of the entertainment center every weekend and drags it over to a friends house for LAN parties I think you'll be alright.
  3. awesome man, thanks. the Mr. Hobby stuff is a little hard for me to find outside of buying stuff off the web so I may just get some Tamiya stuff because that seems more readily available at my local store. do you recommend a spray-on or brush-on primer? and besides the stuff you listed above have I got it pretty much covered? any steps I'm missing as far as building a kit is concerned?
  4. lemme guess, its illegal to marry livestock but you found a loophole somewhere, right? "no father, this really is a woman! now say the rites and lets get this over with." nope, only about 7% failure rate. how many times do I have to tell you when something good happens to you (or nothing at all) you tell maybe one or two people but when something bad happens to you you tell ten people. hence the reason why you think so many of these are breaking. and given enough time (5, 10, hell 15 years) ALL disk drive consoles will be bricks, P$3 included. and BTW the "tard" version of the 30GB P$3 is the one Sony stopped selling due to poor of sales, not the 360 Core console. that one is still for sale and will be as long as the 360 continues to have awesome GAMES (emphasis on GAMES, not movies and cancer research) unlike its competitors.
  5. aww crap I just saw that theres a whole section on here just for building models..... guess I should have posted this in there. sorry mods
  6. here's what I got: I'm basically starting from scratch so I've got to go down to my local hobby store and buy pretty much everything- paint, brushes, sandpaper etc. thats why I was looking for advice on what to get.
  7. I apologize if this sort of topic has been brought up a bunch of times but I'd like to get back into modelling after being away from it since I was just a little kid and I was wondering what "start-up" tools you'd recommend. also where to buy said tools. I've got my eyes on a plastic kit that I'd like to build. this it what I invision it will involve: - obviously building it, trimming flash etc. - filling in seams with modeling putty then sanding. what type of putty do you recommend (maybe Mr. Putty?). then the sandpaper I imagine should be pretty fine grit, that stuff I should be able to find wherever. - priming model. what type of primer? I don't have an airbrush and its a small scale figure kit so I'm just going to use, uh, Tamiya acrylic paint and a brush (I think). - painting. I'd like to dry brush it so I think you start with a dark base coat then paint over that, right? like if its an olive green army jacket you paint a dark green base then dry brush some olive over that. - seal it all up with a matte spray-on clear acrylic? I'm a real noob at this so any help would be much appreciated. thanks
  8. yep you got it man. and don't forget this one either "women's opinions are like Golden Globe awards- no one cares about them and they don't mean anything". I'm getting the vibe here that a lot of you guys were raised by single mothers, am I right? this generation has the highest percentage of broken families and single mothers so gone are the days of dads being around to show a kid how a man is supposed to act and a mom around to show how women are supposed to act. we're living in an age of guys who talk about "soul mates" lol
  9. yeah it really is a shame what american women are turning into. I blame paris hilton for a large part of it and don't get me wrong, I love chicks, or more like I love what they've got between their legs, but as far as the rest of them are concerned I can do without it. I've yet to find a girl who isn't a batty 95% of the time and I doubt any of your wives are any different. you just grin and bear it and everytime you do that your soul dies a little bit but not mine. I can't and won't put up with that. you can get tail AND you don't have to hand over your house keys and ATM card IF you've got balls. what a concept, hunh? good luck with the married life guys (suckers) j/k but not really.
  10. at the end of the day despite whatever "risks" there might be with playing and owning a 360 I'd still own one over a PS3 because there is ZERO games for that thing. and the controller sucks too.
  11. one out of every two marriages ends in divorce and the idea of paying some broad vaginamony for the rest of my life DOES NOT sound appealing to me so for the time being (and hopefully forever) I'll remain free. wither you can admit it to yourself or not most women look at their husband's as a combination of slave, ATM and pet and that does not jive with me. I've got enough game to not have to put a ring on a girl and start calling her my "wife" to get what I want out of them so no marriage for this guy! you only get one life to live and I don't plan on wasting mine slaving away at some job just to make a car payment on my wife's second SUV. I'm in a position in my life where I'm able to spend my money on whatever the hell I want (be it toy robots or plasma TV's) and get up and go whenever I want without answering to anyone (month bumming around tahoe and sleeping on my buddies couch and snowboarding everyday). in the words of the wise Tom Leykis: women are dream killers, don't ever forget that!
  12. I cringe everytime I hear something like this. no offense to you but its just another example of the pussification of the american man thats been getting worse and worse with every passing year. if you earned it and if you're not a complete idiot with your spending habits (buying a Bentley with your American Express card) NO ONE should give you a hard time about how you spend it.
  13. best response in the thread. you live in San Diego (like me) so I know you're a Leykis listener, am I right? the bottom line is this- odds are you paid for the house so its your place to say what can or can't go up. get your balls out of her purse and display your stuff if thats what you want to do! life is too short to compromise anything for anyone. she'll respect you more for taking a stand anyways. odds are your house is just FULL of crap she goes out and buys while you're at work so you've got every right to display your stuff too. sack up guys!
  14. yeah 5% failure rate is pretty common for most consumer electronics... there just isn't hundreds of websites and forums devoted strictly to say, Sony's latest 7.1 surround sound A/V receiver. its the kind thing where if everything is good you tell one, maybe two people but when something goes bad you tell ten. my launch 360 still works flawlessly along with all my friends 360's. its also pretty common knowledge that a lot of the "red light" reports are from Sony Pony's with too much time on their hands...
  15. why is the Sinohara logo upside down on the X-0's shield?
  16. its too bad this movie is out on Beta-Ray and not HD-DVD..
  17. I went to Fry's over the weekend and they had several Force FX'x on display and I was quite impressed. I've never had my hands on one before but seeing them in action is very neat. the metal sabers themselves are very nice looking and the switch action is really cool. I might have to get one eventualy after figuring out the one I want
  18. exactly. the Kaiyodo's make this thing look "chunky" too. whole thing just looks sort of hokey. but I'd love to see more pics of the thing other than the low-res press release stuff so time will tell if it turns out to be a nice piece or not. dude... you're drooling over this thing and you dissed the Revoltech? are you really a Patlabor fan? I've had just about every Patlabor toy they make and the Revoltechs are awesome. nothing prior to them even comes close to the sculpt, poseability and craftsmanship. they're really nice toys if you don't mind the size.
  19. the end of the teaser trailer said "Summer 2006" haha I wonder why it wasn't released then... hmm but think of the guy what you will the man's a genius because every mexican person and their cousin's cousin is going to see it. lots of them take pride in their aztec/inca heritage or whatever so the guy tapped into a market of millions and millions of people.
  20. I JUST saw a couple pre-orders for those on ebay and ran here to see if it was reported yet... not sure what to think of them.. (can zincpanic have a more annoying website?) I've been looking at my Kaiyodo for so long those look kind of "bulky" to me.. hmm.. the price doesn't help much either. the pics suck too... I'm going to have to see some really zoomed in pics from some japanese toy review site before I can decide. but either way more Patlabor anything is good in my book! its also funny to see all the Bandai DX's on ebay now that those things were announced. still nothing beats vintage in my book.
  21. haha thats awesome... guaranteed the jack-ass had a "hot ass" girlfriend too lol
  22. haha that stuff is awesome idiots get what idiots deserve. the only think I'd wait in line for is some p**sy and I'd make sure I was in front. the best part about all this is probably 75% of people waiting in line will put them up on ebay. most couldn't even tell you what launch titles they want to play
  23. I'm not sure how big the memory cards are but ever since the Xbox1 I got real used to having a hardrive... just save stuff and forget about it. I'm pretty sure you need one for Live too. demos take up a TON of HD space too... I'm always hovering around 6 gigs of free space on my HD and its mostly because i've got downloaded around a dozen of the newer game demos and a couple vids too.
  24. you also get a headset, component cables and a wireless controller with the Premium.
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