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About Poonman

  • Birthday 04/14/1979

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  • Location
    San Diego

Poonman's Achievements

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. I've had my iphone for awhile now and I can't imagine how I'd get around without it. I'd already been using ipods for awhile and I needed a cellphone so getting one was a no-brainer for me. its saved my butt from getting lost when I was out of town, I use it daily to find restaurants, barbers, post offices, department stores etc. the map search and directions feature is probably what I use the most on it. its like having google and mapquest in your pocket. I also use the internet all the time on it. you can't imagine how handy it is until you've had real web at the touch of your fingers. I do a lot of ebaying and its really handy for when I get to the post office and forgot to print out someones address or to check what they paid me for shipping. all the new apps are awesome too. I downloaded "remote" which lets me use my iphone as a remote for my itunes on my imac so I can be sitting on the couch and browse my library and play music. theres lots of nay-sayers who say "well my nokia can do that blah blah" but until you've owned one and used it for awhile you just won't "get it". theres soo many little things about it that make it great like being able to pull pics of your friends off their myspace page and use them as avatars for their phone numbers and being able to just touch addresses in emails and have a satellite view of where its at or touch phone numbers in text message and emails and have the phone automatically dial it. theres a reason more and more PC stuff is going touch... its just very intuitive.
  2. looks like one of those old 240SX's from the nineties.
  3. the new Challengers are sexy.. I saw my first one up in Phoenix on saturday. it was jet black. whats funny is from the back they kind of look like an old Nissan 240SX cuz they got that single big wide taillight
  4. too bad it'll probably be like $30k just like all new cars these days
  5. I didn't realize that. I always thought the GTO was pretty cool so its good that Pontiac is doing something smart with the G series and using another Aussie car. I'll have to take a second look at those.
  6. HA I knew it. and what do you mean "not G8 nice".... Pontiac G8's are nice? lol an American car? pretty much every car made in america except the Corvette just looks like a clunky, heavy-handed FWD blah-mobile to me. I had a Pontiac G6 GTP rental for about a month and that was one of the worst cars I ever drove. interior was terrible, oversteer to the point that it was scary to stomp on the gas pedal too hard and the whole thing just screamed "when you can't think for yourself and you'll just buy whatever car you see for sale on the teevee own me"
  7. you're crazy. ever since I replaced my Xbox360 with a 40gig PS3 my entertainment center has been looking 100% better. my 360 used to look like a dang toy sitting down there all my home theater components are Pioneer and the red standby light and blue "disk in" light on the PS3 match my Pioneers red and blue LEDs perfectly. also the 40gig PS3 has the silver metallic paint on the front and not the chrome and the paint matches my silver Pioneer media receiver for my plasma TV perfectly. between my silver satellite box, silver & black plasma media receiver, silver & black PS3 and black audio receiver my entertainment center looks top-notch! on a side note and something that you all might appreciate I recently got my new Pioneer audio receiver that supports the +P feature on my Pioneer plasma. I plugged a three pin mini-stereo cable in my audio receiver and plasma media receiver and now one remote runs it all. one nice feature is when I volume up and down on my audio receiver the volume slider shows up on-screen! theres also an on-screen set-up menu just for the audio receiver for changing speaker frequencies and running the MCACC setup etc. I'm not sure how other companies do it but Pioneer sure gives you an incentive to only buy their products! its also nice having one-touch input channel switching.. one button switches over my audio and video between my TV and PS3. I used to have to switch the audio input on my receiver's remote then my video input on my TV's remote when I wanted to go back and forth between game and TV input channels.
  8. that sounds kind of cool. I used to play a lot of Ghost Recon on Live and the beautiful outdoorsy levels were the best part of playing that game. it was great playing in the canyon or the ghost town and creeping through the grass sniping people.
  9. I downloaded a couple "high-def" movies from the Xbox360 Live market and they didn't even have 5.1 surround sound! last time I ever did that. on a side note AKIRA in hgih-def was free all last month from OnDemand! I've never seen it in high-def and in 5.1 so as soon as I saw it in the OnDemand menu under the free HD movies I pretty much dropped everything I was doing and watched it
  10. the Maxima seems a couple years overdue for a facelift so I'd hold out on getting one for now if I was you unless you were looking to get one used.
  11. a friend of mine got the first new M3 here in Tucson (lucky SOB) and it is one sweet car. I just think a BMW carries with it a little more prestige and class than a... Nissan. I'd much rather drop all my money into a car like that than a cult car like a GT-R. I guarantee the interior is nicer in the BMW too with richer materials. one thing tho that I bet the Nissan will have on the BMW is reliability. the Japanese tend to make boring, uninspiring cars (and copy cats, Honda Accord/BMW 5-Series anyone?) but they do make reliable cars. in 10 years from now the GT-R will probably have held up and required less maintenance than the M3 but still... I rather have the more "exotic" German car.
  12. whats the GT-R selling for? pretty expensive I think, right? I know you guys are fans of Japanese cars but I'm sorry I'd much rather have a new M3 that atleast won't get confused with being a 350-Z or G37 by passerby's.
  13. I play MGO. my name is in my sig.
  14. no I'm looking for the actual gunmetal PS3... are those the ones you saw for sale? you can actually buy them on Konami's website so I may ebay my console and get one of those.
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