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Everything posted by ayaxr

  1. So after having had ample time to "play" with my new Arcadia VF-1S Strike Roy edition I gotta say I am very very pleased. I can agree on what others have mentioned that it's missing the "heft" or weight you would expect from a premium product but aside from that I have to say it is MILES ahead of an original V1 Yamato release. I know this is common knowledge for most here but for me as a newcomer to V2s and their rerelease by Arcadia, its a welcome change. If anyone is on the fence to get this one I'd say it's very good and worth it. I saw Jenius' review on his YT channel and already knew what to expect but it was still nice to have in hand and have a play about. I'm going to be hunting for a set of water slide decals (assuming they exist) as I'm not a fan of the sticker sheet that came with it for the markings. I'd prefer to use something more permanent and longer lasting if possible.
  2. A new slightly small stash just came in...by comparison to others haha.. Arcadia VF-1S, VF-25F Renewal (spanner Thanks man!), CharaWorks VF-1S Strike, Gashapon Milia Super Valk. Have an HMR VF-1S Strike on the way too as well as HMR Max but that will come later. Non Macross--- So jealous you guys have the EX-S Ver Ka already... I have to wait to ship out more stuff from my PW!
  3. ayaxr

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks. Looks so good in blue. YES!
  4. ayaxr

    Hi-Metal R

    Max is back at HLJ... For now... http://hlj.com/product/BANN07904 For those who still havent secured a PO
  5. ayaxr

    Hi-Metal R

    So I grabbed a new HMR VF-1S Roy Strike Valk, I paid $160 shipped... Is this outrageous or is it around the best I could expect to pay at this time? I keep seeing prices creeping up higher and higher some even into the $300s and I was afraid that it will just keep climbing. I mean I'm happy either way, but man are these things getting expensive after initial release.
  6. I'm gonna take a second and say the same. Great job, your YT reviews are second to none. Has really helped me make wise decisions in the hobby.
  7. ayaxr

    Macross figures

    Hopefully they hear you! I however fear they might not see enough profit on such figures since they think the appeal will be to a limited crowd due to the age of the character against the Walkure ladies that target a "larger" audience in present day. I hate it but I'm just trying to align to what they MIGHT be thinking. :/
  8. ayaxr

    Macross figures

    Nice, but the need to also make Mirage in that same line!
  9. ayaxr

    Hi-Metal R

    That's an amazing shot. Congrats, really making use of those CFs haha.
  10. So guys, thanks for the help. I was able to get Spanner's VF-25F Renewal which means I had enough left to jump on the Arcadia train with this release. Very happy to have both in the mail and not having to choose over one or the other. I'm ashamed to say the only 1/60 VF-1 I had many moons ago was a V1 Yamato that was lost during a move... but I was never really impressed with it, it was just more of "well this is whats available". So I'm very impatient to see just how much better this VF-1S will perform, seen reviews of it but you just can't help but wonder how it feels in hand. Fair to say it will be much better and a worthy addition I think.
  11. ayaxr

    Hi-Metal R

    I got my preorder in for Max. Figinstock did its work.
  12. Thanks a bunch for sharing!
  13. ayaxr

    Bandai DX VF-31

    When the VF-25 first came out, were the super packs teased so early even before release to the public of the VF-25 itself? I missed out on the preorders for the J so maybe I might be getting the super packs before the actual valk..haha.. depending on when this is released. These super packs look different enough to add variety, but I agree it is an acquired taste.. I like them, but I can see how others might not.
  14. ayaxr

    Hi-Metal R

    Totally digging that VF-2SS.....looks awesome.. I'm dont even really like Macross II or the valk.. but this has now appealed to me... might have to bite haha.
  15. Sweet!. This should give me an excuse to actually build this kit now...
  16. Is that going to be a limited run or something like that? Or will the PE set be easily available? (HLJ etc)
  17. I'll go a step further and ask for Super and Armored variants as well
  18. Well that's a must now.. haha. Looks really good.
  19. Can you maybe give a quick write up on how you did the shades and highlights? I'm looking to do the same as it really looks a ton better.
  20. ayaxr

    Macross figures

    If Macross would get into a release cycle that Gundam has, then it would be a lot more popular and profitable I'm sure.... I mean with Delta's quality as a series you can throw out the window the whole "it comes along once every blue moon because its seasoned for excellence, because its special" idea... this one certainly wasn't (IMO) and as far as merchandise it's a hit anyways. That's not to say I wouldn't prefer it to be special, DELTA can be a fluke.. a very bad one at that, the next series could rewrite the standard.. I think we all want that.. whether it actually happens or not, is yet to be seen. Anyone have any idea on the SH Figuarts release dates for DELTA? I'm looking forward to that being a hit so we get also Minmay, Ranka, Sheryl, Misa, Milia.. etc.
  21. That looks awesome for a 2007ish? release .... damn.
  22. ayaxr

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow when was this stand teased??? Forgive me but I haven't gone thru all the 258 pages of this thread so if its buried in there I completely missed it. The Hi-Metal R VFs have quickly become a favorite of mine in the last months after never having cared for it. Its a very happy medium between a toy and a larger scale (toy/model) thats fully transformable to boot. I do agree the effect parts look great but might be a tad overpriced, I'm not sure I can justify it. The stand pictured above though is an absolute must.
  23. I was looking for new, had never considered really the option of buying used... but I dont really have a problem with it so long as the joints aren't loose and the valk looks pristine. Let me check his thread cause that would be a considerable price drop. Thanks for the suggestions.
  24. So I need to jump on this boat. But I'm torn between buying this in the next couple of days or getting a VF-25F Renewal (more expensive). My dilemma would be that if I go for the VF-25 I need to kind of restrict myself for a few months after that before I could come back to this Arcadia VF-1S and actually buy it. I'm afraid that when the time comes it will be out of stock by then (I buy from HLJ) and the prices will skyrocket on the aftermarket. As of now the VF-25F Renewal pricing is pretty stable ($275-300) and there seem to be a lot of them on the market, maybe the better option would be to spring for the Arcadia now? Thoughts? I have no clue how the market behaves for the arcadia toys. I will add that I do not currently have either a 1/60 VF-25 or a 1/60 VF-1S. I love the VF-25 a lot but the VF-1S is the grand daddy and with Strike parts its just great making it a tough choice.
  25. O M G........ Beyond amazing if it ever happens.
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