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Everything posted by Capedbaldy

  1. Ill check it out. I have to wait 4 weeks for the replacement. Still waiting on HLJ to respond haha. HLJ got back to me: Trying to decide if I should do a return and hope I win the lottery and get one that isn't broken, or work with the replacement. or just go full refund and not bother with threezero again haha. --- Great review Jenius. I do agree that since it is mostly a display piece that I probably won't fiddle with that often it's the best version out there. It clearly looks the best. That doesn't mean I don't want a whole working toy that isn't broken though haha. Also, my problem with the DMZ toys are the hands. They are some of the worst hands on a toy I've ever had. I like that smaller scale but.. Yeah.
  2. Well I got it saturday, put the request in on sunday and got an email about an obon holiday until the 17th.
  3. I messaged them too. I got an email that they are on holiday. I'm going to try to do the repair and if i damage it or it doesn't work I'll ask for HLJ to replace/refund depending on how I feel. Going to insist either company pays return shipping though. i shouldn't pay extra for their mistakes.
  4. If it's easy or not isn't the point. My toy isn't really new anymore, it's used and repaired. Would you pay full price for a new toy if you knew you had to repair it? At that price point there should be zero QA issues. It's not like 3Zero/A is a newb company or has no experience with this kind of stuff. I have some experience fixing up things, but what if you have none? You could wreck the thing and then have to pay to mail it back, which makes your cost even higher in the end. I am glad their customer service is being helpful, but if they did it right the first time they wouldn't need to be. But everybody is different I guess.
  5. I asked if it could be repaired and the rep said that they would send one that isn't broken instead. But I haven't taken it apart to look at it yet. Maybe it didn't occur to them to fix it that way.. but I assume this was a flaw they knew of since they responded so quickly.
  6. My honeymoon with this guy was cut very, very short. The loose arm issue got much worse. It won't even hold a pose. If you hold it out it flops right back to the ground. I emailed customer support at 3zero, and they sent me a diagram to fix it.. so obviously it's a known issue, or enough people are reporting it for them to make a document to mail to people. I guess their QA is crap after all. It is pretty disappointed for a 500+ dollar toy that is frakking huge and not easy to mail back to japan to have issues out of the gate. Their solution is to mail me a new arm with a tight ball joint, and then have me preform surgery to fix it. I asked many questions to clarify and I have to pull the arm out, pull the arm cover off with pliers (ouch) clean the old glue, then reglue the cover with the new ball joint inside. They said the old ball joint is just faulty and it can't be fixed. One, I'm not comfortable ripping the arm cover off and potentially damaging the paint, and two I'm not even sure what glue would work best. They said any super glue would be fine. I told them I wasn't happy and I would want a new one that isn't "operated on". They said they would ship a new one if the replacement arm doesn't work. Based off all this I doubt if I will ever buy another 3zero product again. How hard is it to a ball-joint to a high standard?? It is one of the simplest mechanisms in toys? Again, based off the size and price of these guys, if they can't nail it in the first go it's just not worth the risk.
  7. Retail. Wasn't comfortable giving 500 for the weathering six months out. Which turned into 8 months? I've never had a 3zero before too. Kind of wished I had, but I go back and forth on if I'd want the weathering over the original as it's more iconic. The weathering looks beautiful as a weathered custom piece, but it doesn't quite look like the hero mecha either.. so Idk. Tough call at that price point. I will say the QA is pretty top notch other than my right shoulder is a little loose compared to the left. Hands are super tight. Gun has a nice flip insert to go into the hand that you use a small included tool to pop out. Knees and waist are super right. I had a little bandai stand and threw the ammo boxes up there for Chirico to chill on. Get the most bang out of my display. HLJ did a great job packing it too. Box inside a bubblestuffed box. I really hope they continue the line.
  8. I got mine today. It's beautiful. I'm going to love looking at this baby every day. Pics soon.
  9. ugh The moron that works the front desk took lunch at 2? Who goes to lunch at 2? And USPS left a notice for a signature. I filled out a redelivery form so hopefully tomorrow.
  10. Mine is on the way. Can't wait. Cleared a spot on my detolf
  11. Got my payment request from HLJ. Quite a lot of money Cab anybody transcribe this?
  12. I've seen rainbows with fine edges in the coating. I guess you can say it's cracked or stressed but the plastic is fine.
  13. Good think I have Mira then :"D
  14. Hey that's great to hear. I've very stoked to get mine. From the videos I saw the jointing system seemed pretty modern. I have no experience with 3A/zero so I'm hoping for the best. I originally thought it was the same sculpt and maybe they bought it from Yamato but if you look closely you can tell it's at least a redesign. Their are lots of changes in diemensions like the shoulders being larger and the calf being smaller ect. Looks like the yamato figures will fit fore sure. and I would imagine the guns would too, though they wouldn't be painted to the same standard.
  15. These are mostly painted blue and red at least so it won't be super noticeable.
  16. Has the regular max gone up for PO yet?
  17. Happy to finally get a max and not have to pay 500-700 bucks for it
  18. http://www.ebay.com/itm/142448819190 Virgin road sold for 382 + 15 shipping in the states.
  19. How much is a Mint 1/60 Yamato VE-1 Elintseeker going for? Looks like one just sold on manadrake for 54,000 yen before shipping. So 500 bucks? Also, I have a 1/60 Mila with rainbow canopy but I guess they dropped in price because of the re-issue?
  20. Seems really nice for people who want to weather their own valks.
  21. What's the plastic quality on those gundam kits?
  22. Excited to get the threezero version this month. Selling off some masterpiece tf stuff as that line kinda lost me with the endless kos and reissues.There is a review by some random guy on comicswow!... He has no idea what votoms is. Sad. It seems to have vastly better joints than the yamoto pos. Wish I'd spring for the weathered one. Looks like this got pushed back to late Sept instead of this month. Mang. It's been pushed back several times.
  23. What's the best price on soc golion? Hlj is 289 but with shipping it would be about the same as bbts?
  24. I don't think three zero has ever dealt with diecast, so it shouldn't be a shock. They use sturdy plastic though. Can't be worse than the yamoto designs and they had almost no diecast. I am in for one after seeing their other robot suits from video games and such.
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