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Everything posted by Opus

  1. There's also this little guy.
  2. Here's another great pic I found on my hard drive.
  3. Chu want a man's gun. Not that little sissy gun.
  4. It's actually illegal to build a new gun from a parts kit without the proper license. The kits can only be used for refubising an already existing weapon. Dealers don't usually volunteer that info because they want you to buy thier kits. <_< You have to have an FFL to buy a reciever through the mail anyway.
  5. So what's nessesary to get one of those? Check this link for info from your state: http://www.packing.org/ Couldn't really find anything on getting a hold of a BAR. But then again I don't even know where to start looking for that info... The laws won't be any different than any other semi-auto which you can pick up at you local Wal-Mart. I'd suggest calling around your local gun shops. Be sure to specify that you want a GI BAR since there is also a hunting rifle by browning commonly reffered to as a semi-auto BAR. Also be prepared to pay big money. $4000 -$5000 Check out this site. It loads really slowly. They make what you want but if you live outside of Ohio you'll have to get it through a local FFL liscenced dealer. http://www.ohioordnanceworks.com/
  6. I hate energy weapons that shoot brightly colored beams of light. I also hate how good guys and bad guys always use different colors.
  7. Does a Winebago (sp?) count?
  8. I dunno. I'd ask him for proof that it's from Takara before I'd bid. <_
  9. Easy solution: Don't miss. In fact, my goal for next summer is to learn to shoot left-handed. I don't miss. Sometimes there's just more enemies than bullets. As for the left-handed thing, I'm already left-handed but I tought myself to shoot a pistol with either hand by putting my index finger on the frame beneath the slide in line with the barrel and using my middle finger on the trigger. In a practical pistol range you'll hit whatever you point at with a little practice.
  10. The thing I don't like about plastic guns is you can't beat the crap out of somebody with it after you run out of ammo or it'll break. I've seen it happen.
  11. if that were the case, he wouldn't have his little cassettes anymore. All digital now! Say that again? Yup! Soundwave would be cool, especially with a working and transformable memory stick. But it was more fun when they were cassettes. It's a good thing they didn't come out in the 70's because records are hard to transform. For the kids out there, records are real big CDs. You should take a look at soundwaves copyright sometime. It's 1974. He's probably older than most of our members.
  12. Opus

    Yamato Destroids

    Screw the destroids, I want the virgins. <_
  13. This is the gun I carry every day in my job. I know alot of people don't like Taurus, but it's never failed me.
  14. Yeah but you get to say the greatest term in musketry, nipple-prick.
  15. Not me, I was company marksman. M-14 all the way.
  16. I saw a bumper sticker this morning that sums it all up : " Don't judge a book by it's movie"
  17. Me likey. It reminds me of Dorvack with a socialist twist.
  18. I remeber reading somewhere that Sony is updating the PS2 for progressive scan capabilities, or something like that, and the price drop is to get rid of old stock so maybe with Nintendo's sales results Sony is going to have to drop the price to stay competetive. Just a thought.
  19. Did you bother to look at my profile?. If you had bothered to check my profile, you would know that I am in Maryland, which is SOUTH of the famous Mason-Dixon Line, so technically, I AM IN THE SOUTH. However, I choose to speak the King's English instead of that drawling lazy crap that I hear all day long pranging away in my right ear. I just cannot abide people who delight in being simple, and speaking incorrectly. I swear one time I had this redneck lady who told me that she had a laptop "whullago" that was good, but "yersteeday" it broke. WTF??? The Mason-Dixon Line has nothing to do with north and south, only Maryland and Pennsylvania. West Virginia is a northern state even though it's south of the M-D line. As a Virginian I would definately consider you a yankee. That is if I gave a crap about that redneck crap. Anyway, back to music. I most definately prefer making my own music to listening to others. Someday I'll get off my ass and start a new band.
  20. They're changing the name from "Kunoichi" to "Nightshade" for the North American release.
  21. Sorry but the DK just aint the DK without Jello just like the Misfits arent the Misfits without Danzig. <_< I guess it's still better than the Vandals who have only one original member and he doesn't even play the same instrument that he used to. I don't know why these old guys can't just start new bands.
  22. I can never understand this reasoning. Even if you hate the PT with a passion usually reserved for Hitler and Bin Laden, how does it in any way "ruin" the OT? I hated Alien 3, but I have never suddenly decided to hate Alien & Aliens becasue of it. I was just being a drama queen. I don't hate it, I just don't care about it any more.
  23. Star Wars is dead to me.
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