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Everything posted by Opus

  1. super fighter
  2. super GERWALK
  3. Outta the bag.
  4. After three months on the waiting list I finally recieved my JM recast from MW member rohby. My first impression was "wow". It was alot cleaner than I expected for resin. It's a bit loose and the FPs fall off easily but as a Yamato 1/60 owner this is nothing new and is to be expected from a resin recast. It came pre-assembled and sealed in a plastic bag with a seperate bag for accessories. The box contained 1 JM, 1 gunpod, 1 VF-1J head, 1 VF-1A head, 1 VF-1S head, 1 set of FAST packs, 1 extra right booster, 1 set of parts to make a strike cannon, 1 Minmei, 1 SD pilot and a pice of paper with helpful tips. I took some pics. If you want more don't be afraid to ask.
  5. Comcast buries these things so deeply in the on demand menus that I didn't realize I had it. <_
  6. Yes.
  7. Definately a bootleg. Probably a POS. Absolutely not worth the price.
  8. Oh yeah I see the "tt" now, I bought it only guessing that it was a Taka, it obviously wasn`t a Bandai (no black band around the nose and top intake panels not black either - I already have a very knackered Taka and a Bandai to compare) and definately not a Joons, as the backpack sits properly in plane mode! I`m a Macross detective ! In the U.K. it could have very easily been the frequently overlooked Matsushiro.
  9. Is it just the pics or are the chest stripes a little fuzzy.
  10. Maybe this helps? http://www.techtv.com/xplay/features/story...3516150,00.html
  11. What it basically boils down to is that they have the right to express thier opinions and you have the right not to agree. Any parent who is smart enough to be involved in thier child's life is also smart enough to formulate thier own opinions about what are acceptable toys. That being said it's really not worth getting worked up over.
  12. You mean like that setup the Punisher used to carry, back in the old Lee/Potts War Journal days? I dunno. I'm not much of a comic book kinda guy. I think it was Billy in Predator that had an M-16 with a shotgun attached.
  13. I like the idea of a 12 gague shotgun module. That would be bitchin' in a situation where you had to keep going in and out of buildings like serching for dethroned despots in rural villages.
  14. "Like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this is another television-generated brand with the message that the best way to solve problems is through violence," My life experience as an adult, not the toys I played with, has led me to the conclusion that 99% of the time violence is the best solution.
  15. I hope the final Binaltech Hound has military garb on it. I've always thought it was kinda wierd that they put US markings on a Mitsubishi.
  16. Well, I guess you see things differently than I do. To me, Hound was a military vehicle. He was a Jeep only because that's what the military was using. Now the military is using Humvees. If you can't understand that, then poo on you. Um, yeah I can't count the number of Jeeps I saw with bright chrome machineguns when I was in the Army.
  17. Which type of officer? North, south, army, navy, marines, artillery, foot infantry, cavalry, general officer? They all used different swords.
  18. It's kinda dumb that they put the full doors on there instead of the half doors since he's got no top. I do like the little details like the sound bar and I will definitely get this one since it looks so much like what I drive every day.
  19. How about the Japanese type 95 Ha-Go?
  20. Napoleon was actually Italian. Wasn't he Corsican? You're right. <_< I don't know wher I got Italian from.
  21. Napoleon was actually Italian.
  22. Crusher Joe is very good.
  23. Is it an animation mistake? Has the Froating Head deemed it so? Maybe its there on purpose just like the missiles on Max's tail and the Orguss/Valk hybrid thingy.
  24. Interesting. I followed their link from the auction to their website, but I couldn't find out anything more about these "new" receivers. There seems to be one or two different makes they carry, and for some reason the name "Century Arms" rings a bell in my head. Hmmmm.... But at less than $400, that CETME version of the G3 would be pretty tough to turn down. It appears to be made by Special Weapons. I've never heard of them but from looking at thier website I'd say they specialize in HK knockoffs. Sorta the Joons of assult rifles. http://www.specialweaponsinc.com/
  25. What about the US high quality remakes like here for example http://gunbroker.com/auction/ViewItem.asp?...p?Item=13686509 I might be leaning twards one of thiese, they have a target grade for a little more Im a pretty big guy, shooting my rem 870 with a 3" mag slug aint no thing Those are surplus parts on new recievers. The thing to look for is the condition of the barrel and bore. If it's really an NRA excellent grade the it's probably OK.
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