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Everything posted by Opus

  1. Wasn't the original Camshaft an RX-7? It would make too much sense to name the RX-8 Camshaft.
  2. Wrong. Those are the numbers (202 and 303) for Max and Millia when they get their 1J's. My bad. For some reason I was thinking Millia was 505.
  3. Very cool! A great custom. I'm happy to see Kakizaki get the love he deserves. One nitpick though. Kakizaki's number should be 202 and Max's should be 303.
  4. Though I may be in the minority, I beg to differ on the statement that the sculpt looks fine, and the item IS overpriced. A cursory evaluation of similar items with similar sizes/features/parts complexity shows that you can obtain items of similar or better caliber for roughly one third the price of the MPC. Granted that the Alpha MPC has yet to hit shelves, the track-record of previous releases in the line leaves a great deal to be desired... if anything, let's hope they at least move-up to a better quality of plastic; the one they used for the Veritechs was absolutely appalling. ...And back to the sculpt, I think the picture below properly conveys my statement on the issue. What's the word I'm looking for? Oh,yeah... biased! For a toy I think this thing is shaping up nicely. It is after all a toy and not a model. I'd rather have one of these than a klunky, brittle old Gakken. (talk about overpriced)
  5. You could be right. It's been a long time since we talked about it. I have to go to my moms house tomorrow anyway so find out some more info.
  6. I got to call in some strikes in the first gulf war. The freaky thing is that you don't hear it until after the target is in flames. I always likened the sound to a giant chainsaw.
  7. I can ask but I think the imphasis is in the pilot interface and GPS.
  8. If you think about it, the only Gundam stuff selling id SD and the only Gundam CN shows anymore is SD. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm......... As for me, I've always been more of a Dougram kinda' guy.
  9. That's what depot maintenance is for. They had a similar NVIS system to what our Block 40 F-16's were getting. They've got a program stated called "HOG-UP" to take care of it but the bureaucrats keep screwing them on the money.
  10. My mom is weapon systems manager for the A-10 she says they're not giving them up anytime soon. She told me the Air Force was planning on getting rid of them after Desert Storm. The Army wanted to take them so the Air Force decided to keep them. The real problem is that they've outlived thier 80,000 hour life expectancy and have developed cracks in the wings that are requiring an all new wing design. They're also making the cockpits night-vision compatible and upgrading the navigation systems. In the past Hog Drivers were navigating with binoculars and a map. At night in the dark that can be quite tricky.
  11. I don't know. I kind of think mini-mods should be delt with like spammers. If they really have a problem with a thread they should use the report button and let the real mods do thier jobs instead of mouthing off. How does one become a mod? I think I'd be great at it.
  12. It's kinda' like a fungus, it grows on ya'.
  13. I fear that transformation on most aircraft will be difficult to pull off in an attractive manner.
  14. That combined with the fact that HG is a poor company and can't afford to sue everyone. I think HG doesn't go after importers because they don't view them as a threat. Since most of these retailers also sell Robotech products it would be like shooting yourself in the foot to shut them down. HG is a business and all thier doing is protecting what they believe to be thiers. Until I see black and white evidence of what they do and do not have rights to I'll reserve my judgement.
  15. Didn't your mommy teach you that two wrongs don't make a right?
  16. They would have to change his name to "Classic Rock",dude.
  17. So much hate for poor old Kakizaki. Sure he's not as great a pilot as Roy, Max or Hikaru but he's still good enough to get his own paint scheme. It must be tough to live in great men's shadows.
  18. I'd suggest looking at Lebheads' thread. He's got ya covered. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=228
  19. Did you make sure to push the little antenna/fin thing in so it doesn't poke through the hole before tring to push the hatch in ? I couldn't get mine to go until I did that.
  20. what he said for the most part though some might add long live jetfire, the first valk most american children ever had Even if they don't admit it.
  21. I'd rather have this. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3078910291
  22. That's funny. It's been so long since I've seen the show that I'd forgotten just how "off" the toys were.
  23. I just checked out the Corvette website and it appears that they're not available in blue. http://www.chevrolet.com/corvette/
  24. I doubt that any of those will be released. The poor sales of the CF make that one seem unlikely. I'd love to see a TV or DYRL Kakizaki which atomaticly means they won't get made.
  25. http://us.codejunkies.com/shop/product.asp...036;&ProdID=142
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