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Everything posted by Opus

  1. Maybe vinyl dye like they sell at auto parts stores?
  2. That is going to make Star Ship Troopers look like Braveheart. I know. That's why it needs Arnold. He's got the muscles, he's got the snappy one liners and most importantly he likes the babes. It would be like the completion of a circle. Duke is so obviously based on Arnold it's not funny.
  3. I'd think you'd be surprised at how much Soviet surpls 1st gen nightvision gear is out there. during Desert Storm we used a revesible day/night camo. The day side was the first pattern "choc-o-chip" desert and the nigt side was dark grey with a lage white grid pattern. It looked really stupid to the naked eye but to those older NV's you were practically invisible.
  4. Sine the Alpha was advertised as "Limited Edition", I'm affraid to miss it. I know it's stupid, 'cause the VF-1's are still out there, but what can I say? I give myself to panic when it comes to certain items. Now you can call me an "Alpha scab" Meh. It's your money. Spend it however you like. I've got one on pre-order for Kev too and I don't even like Mospewhatchyacallit that much but this toy looks cool. I've paid more for less and I'm willing to bet almost everyone here has too.
  5. according to a google search, Waylon Green seems to write mostly TV drama but he's also responsible for "Eraser" and "Robocrap 2". Agent, Sorry man but that sounds like an aweful movie. Now "Duke Nukem the Movie" starring Schwazenegger now we're talking cinematic gold. Thy're actually making this and havn't cast anyone yet but you can email them suggestions. http://www.dukenukemthemovie.com/
  6. i think it's just a PR stunt and not an operational scheme.
  7. Don't worry,... we'll remember these words....forever And so my evil seed is planted. Muahahahahahaha.....
  8. OK I'm done playing devil's advocate. You Win. For now......................
  9. The skull on the heatshield with the dragon on the tail is kinda weird but other than that very groovy.
  10. Yeah, perfectly adequate. Yup. Thats exactly what the US needs for air supremacy. Adaquate planes. Yes very good point. For defense and supremacyyou need the BEST not somethinbg that will "oh yea this will do". And hell someone had to crash the party and represent the tomcat! and that person is ME. Again not all planes would be in maintenance hangers and also not all planes in a fighter squadron launch up all at once it is at intervals. Also a TU-126/95's ASM's have longer ranges than the AMRAAM does so with that in mind by the time the super bug gets a positive lock on on the bomber the ASM from the bomber will have already been launched. And its just a time to play catch up to all the ASM's. Is this possible? YES it is. It isn't "oh no shin that was uh yea like 80s threatrs" as long as the very threat EXISTS no matter HOWUNLIKELY it may sound there needs to be a good defense against that. And a lot of you may say "oh well a tomcat is uhg ytea kuz uh phoneix missle oh yea phioniex": but see the tomcat is no way in hell like a F111B or a missleer. Not to mention the speed of the tomcat is faster than the superbug and most importantly RANGE. Sorry for making another antihornet post but lets be realistic tomcats ROCK Come on now, seriously. There are no bombers. All the Tomcat has been doing for the past 10 years is drop bombs and take photos, two jobs it was never intended for. I think you see through rose tinted glasses. Sure the Tomcat rocked in it's day, but it's day is over. I'm no Hornet lover but it's a good plane all the same and if it gets the job done for less of my tax dollars that's good enough for me. The reality of logistics is that the older the airframe gets the more maitenace hours are required to keep it flying. It's time to put the old war horsees out to pasture.
  11. The stuff is all over eBay. The model kits usualy go for good prices. The 1/48 toy and the 1/72 Blockhead toy can get kinda crazy though. Pay close attention to the boxes if you buy though as there have been re-issues done at least twice and of course the US version has a different box as well. It's been me experience that alot of sellers don't know that much about these things. http://search.ebay.com/dougram_W0QQsokeywo...rectZ1QQfromZR8 edit: added a link for the lazy.
  12. Was there a reason why they didn't use the Furlong kid from T2 in T3? Beside that he's a tard.
  13. Which 1/144 do you need? I may have an extra. Isn't there some speculation about CM's being owned by Yamato? Maybe they're testing the waters with the new trading figs. I wish someone would sub the anime and do a R1 release. If not the series at least the Movie.
  14. I agree with you... but I don't think anyone is saying that we shouldn't be modernizing our weapons.. just that it's sad to see this bird go... thanks to a certain movie and an anime plane that bears resemblance to it... many of us have fond memories of it... I get what you're saying. I guess I jumped the gun. When ever f-14s and 18's are mentioned in the same thread it usually turn into an f-18 hatefest. After thinking about it I'm glad they're getting F-18s. VF-84 are the Jolly Roger Tomcats I grew up with. VF-103 have always sort of come off as posers to me. Now they can make thier own legacy in thier own planes as VFA-103.
  15. Js you've set an new standard for smartass replies. Kudos to you. Now how about Arnold as Talos the android in a live action Crusher Joe?
  16. The 1/48 toy is greatbut the 1/48 model kits are definately the best. They have polycap joints and most come with extra hands in different poses. I have a bunch of them but I'm too lazy to build em.
  17. I know poo about image editing. Maybe you can use this for comparison.
  18. I'm sure people reacted the same way when VF-84 switched from F-8 to F-4s or from F-4s to F-14s. You can't let sentimentality stand in the way of progress. The F-18 is a perfectly good plane. Maybe not the coolest, but perfectly adequate. It's my opinion that the pilot is more important than the plane anyway. The AVG tought us that in WW2.
  19. There's tons of vintage Dougram stuff out there. Check eBay. Here's a good site that'll give you a good idea what's out there to be had. http://dougram.battletechnology.org/ I'm a big Dougram freak. Here's a pic of my favorites. The 1/72 dual models. Just ignore that Gundam on the left.
  20. What you say makes sense. The current 1/60 set really draws attention to the awkward proportins of the 1/60s chest plate. Looking at the 1/48s I think they may have the same problem which leads me to believe that the only way to have a good looking GBP is as a non-transforming model or removing parts.
  21. Opus


    I had a thought about what you could use for a scale damper. The little telescopic pins used on wristwatch bands.
  22. Must it be an original idea? I mean like could be an adaptation of something? Adaptations are OK. How about we say nothing that's been made into a movie in the past 30 years.
  23. If you go strictly by the animation, it shouldn't be there at all. At least in the series. I'm not too shure about DYRL.
  24. Yeah, I've seen that... A little strange if you ask me. You think that's strange... there's a guy on this boards that worships Arnold. Pretty much won't watch anything that doesn't have Arnold in it. He even said he'll take a bullet for Arnold... I'll take a bullet for him... as long as it wasn't from a gun! Weird! RAWR! A taste of your own. HAHA! Dude, you cropped it! I love that thing! Yeah, I couldn't find that one so I went straight to Oolong's site. http://www.fsinet.or.jp/~sokaisha/rabbit/rabbit.htm And so as to not be too off topic I pose a question to you. If you were to write an original screenplay(no sequels) with Arnold in mind what would it be.
  25. Read the pinned MPC thread and you'll know more tha you ever wanted to about it. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=132
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