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Everything posted by Opus

  1. My only real beef with compacts is mag capacity. The full 10 round mag was the main selling point of the Glock 30 for me. When I'm on the job I carry a large frame auto though. My old Taurus PT-99 is the most reliable gun I've ever owned. Captain, you should definately let us know when your design goes into production. I'd get one just because it was designed by someone I vaguely know.
  2. Pretty cool but if you want that real NYPD vibe you need to weather the crap out of it. Dent up the corners, scuff up the paint and have some random small pieces fall off.
  3. I have a Glock 30 and a PPK and I love em both.
  4. "The concept was to create a practical .50 caliber 1911 without unnecessary bulk or weight, but with increased knock-down power. " What the hell are they shooting at that .45 cal can't knock-down? I'll be sticking my .454, thankyouverymuch.
  5. Every time I watch DRYL I like it less. Yeah it's pretty but the story is crap.
  6. When I was in the Army we did some joint training manuvers with the Germans. I was blown away when they whipped out thier MG-3s. It's an MG-42 chambered in .308! Very frickin' cool!
  7. Jetfire never appeared it the show. They used a similar character called Skyfire to get around copyrights, I guess.
  8. This is the cardboard piece I made. It's simple but it allows for full t-formation.
  9. i was intrigued by this concept so I made quick mock up with cardboard and 2 sided tape on my 1/48 to see what it would look like. This is the best config I could come up with.
  10. How about something like this but with 8 AMMs?
  11. Good list. My other favorite dystopian future movies from the 70s include: - Death Race 2000. Rollerball (the original, not the crap remake). Graham You mean you don't like Zardoz? edit:I can't spell
  12. It really doesn't matter how good potential enemy pilots are. No one can compete with the US logistical machine. Even if India can field a few Su-30 aces how long can they keep them in the air? everyone's making a big stink over nothing. The hadicaps were probably put in place to even the odds a bit so the Indian pilots coud have a chance to learn something (it was a training excercise) rather than get instantly owned. They were underestimated. The Air Force has already taken posession of the first batch of F-22s so I don't think they need to drum up anymore support for that..
  13. I went to Blockbuster today to see if they had it but as usual no new GC games. Blockbuster must hate Gamecube owners.
  14. Is this the GTA issue? http://akadotretail.com/shop/shop_showbook.php?id=26451-64
  15. You left out the rather large fact that the entire populace is kept in a drugged, emotionless stupor in order to keep them subjugated. You mean they still have eMpTV in the future?
  16. I wonder if Schwarzenegger's kids are naturally beefy.
  17. A quick Google search turned up this. http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-00-71-99.html They have some Famitsu.
  18. The color really does make a difference. I just wish they had given him flip up headlights. At that large a scale I don't think that's unreasonable.
  19. It looks OK to me. The only thing I don't like from looking at it is the flash hider. It'll probably get changed like the M-16 A1. It had a similar flash hider and it had to be chaged since it snagged so easily.
  20. I sniched the song. Just one of the perks of Mozilla. PM me your YIM ID and I'll send it your way.
  21. That's sort of what I was thinking. He looks the part but I don't think he can ovecome that nice guy image. On the bright side, square jawed muscle men are dime a dozen. Even Dolph "I can't act my way out of a wet paper bag" Lundgren could pull off a character as shallow as Duke.
  22. That is going to make Star Ship Troopers look like Braveheart. I know. That's why it needs Arnold. He's got the muscles, he's got the snappy one liners and most importantly he likes the babes. It would be like the completion of a circle. Duke is so obviously based on Arnold it's not funny. True, but it would be tough to get back into "Predator" shape... Maybe even impossible. OK maybe you should take the part.
  23. You have a point there. Doesn't work on night vision, but once you go to infra-red, all bets are off again. But it's useless in the daytime, when you need it the most. Interesting. I've seen pictures of the night cammo, but I didn't know it was actually the reversible side of the standard BDU... Felix It was more of an overgarment. It's like a smock and pants you wear you BDUs underneath. It kinda reminded me of the stuff the SS wore.
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