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Everything posted by Opus

  1. The really interesting bit is that Pryor was hired to write the part of Bart to make it more "black" but Brooks ended up writing those parts and Pryor mostly concentrated on Mongo. According to Brooks the reason Pryor didn't play Bart was that he was too unreliable. He was high all of the time.
  2. That makes perfect sense for broadcast TV. Is it true for cable as well? Do the subscription fees offset the money from advertisers? For Cable TV its a different model (even though some DO have advertisers) but there is still the same constraint. There is a seriously limited budget. And just because a show souds "cooler" than maybe the plot of another show doesn't mean they can spend more money on one versus the other. There is no way from a financial standpoint that ANY TV show could be produced for a higher budget than those produced today. It's Star Wars your talking about though. Advertizers will pay out the ass for those commercial slots.
  3. Kevin Smith forever affected the way I view Ep4. I can't see Dart Maul without thinking "Call me Darth Balls, Bonnngggg!!"
  4. If you have about $300 and a region free DVD player you can always get the DVD. Do a Google search, plenty of places selling them.
  5. I think my avatar sums up my fellings on the subject perfectly.
  6. It's silly American thing where you pick a name out of a hat and give that person a present. Personally I'm not down with it. I think it violates the no religion rule.
  7. I'd rather the Yammies came on blister cards. Then I could chuck em.
  8. Chest intakes can do. Chest stripes can do maybe three piece. Skull is a no no. The curve of that cocoon is too much. Unless Devin has a better idea. Dont forget the heat shield is WHITE!!!!! what good is a white skull on a white heat shield. There is a little skull on the Bandai super 1S sticker sheet that works perfectly so it's no biggie.
  9. It looks a lot better than thier first effort but at $120 it's too rich for my blood.
  10. Opus

    TV Max Custom 1/48

    Looks good to me.
  11. Aw poop, I wish I had know about this. I would have gone.
  12. I think if you do the chest stripes as three pieces (left, right and center) they'll work ok. Two more decals that'd make the sheet complete are the chest intakes anda skull for the heatshield. Also I think it might be more economical to make seperate sheets for the different color schemes. I don't like the idea of having leftovers and it will decrease your cost per sheet thusly increasing your profit.
  13. Actually it doesn't. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...unassembled.htm
  14. Chest stripe stickers are notoriously hard to do. I made them for my first 1/55 sets then quickly abandoned them on later sets because they don't work very well.... I'll talk to Nick and see what we can do.... That'd be awesome. rohby's recast is great but it doesn't like paint.
  15. Could you put chest stripes, eye piece and intake cover decals on there? Then I wouldn't have to paint my recast.
  16. Can we have some pics of what were voting on?
  17. I liked it better without intakes and before you changed the frontends of the engines. It was much sleeker and more aggressive looking. An interceptor should look like it's hauling ass even when it's sitting still.
  18. Put em along the edges of the wings and aywhere else that doesn't look like it'd support much weight.
  19. i didn't lie and got the same thing.
  20. The gunblade concept is nothing new. During the 17th and 18th centuries people used hunting swords with guns built into the hilts for finishing wounded prey.
  21. Just get "i'm a dork" tatooed across your forehead. It's much cheaper and sends the same message.
  22. Your mother is ugly as hell and your father 'plays' with your little sister. Relax! It's just the internet! That's what I said as I farted in your general direction.
  23. Meh, you thin-skinned ladies just need to learn to suck it up and take it like men instead of throwing a sissy fit over something someone said on the internet.
  24. Give it SR-71 style tailfins on the top and bottom of the and you've got a winner.
  25. It's quite strange. They have VF-1 on thier helmets but they have VAW-110's insignia on thier flightsuits. VF-14 was an F-14 squadron at the time called "Wolfpack" and VAW-110 was an EC-2 squadron called "firebirds". Why didn't they just use the real VF-1?
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