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Everything posted by Opus

  1. the trick is to sand the paint out of the socket then the rubber piece won't slip out.
  2. I think the left Lego out becase it's a no brainer. There are two things that everyone under the age of 40 loves. Ice cream and Legos and I don't trust anyone who doesn't.
  3. That's not really QC. That's just craptastic engineering. The all do that.
  4. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. That's really a tough call. Are material things realy worth getting upset about? if she loves you she'll accept you hobbies but also if you lve her you'll give up your hobbies. It sounds like a catch 22. Maybe you should call Dr. Phil.
  6. Those kids better watch out it looks like Lupin is about to steal thier game and feel up thier mommy.
  7. You guys remember those guns that shot litle plastic disks? Those have to be my favorite toy ever. My bro and I literally had dozens of them. We'd stuff them all into our pockets and have double-fisted runnig shootouts that put John Woo to shame all over the house. Ahhh... happy memories.
  8. I think this is one of the reasons Yamato is so tight lipped. I a project get cancelled and nobody knows about it then nobody cares. either that or it's some weird Japanese honour thing where vaporware brings shame on thier ancestors. Either way it sucked and I wont miss it. I'd rather see a nice study, if somewhat innacurate, VF-0 from Bandai, a company with consistent QC. Mmmmm.... VF-0 Chunky Monkey mmmmm.........
  9. I've been playing it. It's pretty cool but the new units are way too powerful. Just like most mods.
  10. It's just simple physics. If the bullet hit the flat of the blade it would shatter. It was very common for a samurai to break his blade in battle. Wakizashi were sometimes made from broken katana.
  11. The idea behind the bullpup is to give the soldier a full legth barrel on a carbine legth rifle. The problem is balace. They're butt heavy which makes them hard to control on full auto. The thing I don't like about them is that they're not very left hander-friendly. Unless you like hot brass in the face.
  12. yeah, you'll say that until Master Windu steps up and opens a can on ya.... i thought alot higher of jedi before the preqels..now..the dork factor is impossible too ignore in the old flicks they were mysterious and cool.. now they are dorky do-gooders with cardboard personalities which makes me..mad,mad,mad! What irks me is the whole only two sith at a time rule. I mean how does an entire army of super-space-samurai-mormons get annihilated by two dudes.
  13. yeah, you'll say that until Master Windu steps up and opens a can on ya.... Meh... there's no problem that can't be solved with a good blaster and a small army of droids.
  14. Opus

    Knock Off Valk

    I was thinking that as well, but there are too many little differences in the proportions and the head looks to be more like the Taka original.
  15. I have a little robot that cleans up the dust bunnies on my floors. Are you impressed?
  16. don't get suckered in by the "prototype rocket firing Boba Fetts" thery're all fakes. There is no such thing.
  17. Then maybe we can get Master Replica bongsabers. Am I the only one who doesn't like Jedi? They're a bunch of panty-waisted do-gooders. They're like the Mormons of outer space.
  18. It's kinda a tough call between the 1J and 1S. You should give him the one he likes better. I think the 1/60 is too messy for a casual fan for all of the usual reasons.
  19. It makes perfect business sense. Pretty much everyone who wanted it has it. By stopping production they can drive up the demand guaranteeing they won't be left sitting on unwanted stock. I seriously doubt it has anything to do with any shady dealings by HG since they were behind the project from the start.
  20. Parts orders can take time. Manufacturers frown on us placing orders for just one or two parts. In addition, we earn no profit from parts orders (handling costs far exceed the income from the markup), so we need to handle them as efficiently as possible. As such, we let parts orders from customers "pile up" for a couple of weeks or so and them order them in batches. And depending on the parts, it can then take a few weeks for them to actually arrive from the manufacturer. So you need to be prepared to wait as long as two or three months to get your part (it's usually quicker, but it may take this long). That's what they say in thier FAQ http://www.hlj.com/faq/q41.html
  21. Yeah... it'd be huge! but nice... With the landing gear down it could double as a coffe table.
  22. A 1:18 Tomcat would be about 3 1/2 feet (105cm) long.
  23. Heh. Yes, racist, sexist and homophobic views, so deeply entrenched in today's frightened hate-filled society that they pop up in everyday conversation without any thought is just pointless semantics. Gypped out of any deals lately? "Gypped" was a term propigated by the fun-loving Nazi party, in reference to Gypsies, who nobody (except other Gypsies it seems) liked. Nobody cares about them now (moslty because they were all killed) and use the term "Gypped"widely without any thought whatsoever. The term used to be "Jewed" until people starting thinking that was wrong. Why not bring back "Jewed" and "Niggered" and "Chinked"? Semantics. As for the Scopedog, won't it have to have a tonne of modifications if it is to be any other version? I thought the Brutish Dog, my fave (cuz it's pink ) had different feet. Ideas? Those terms are only offensive because you take offense to them. At the same time everyones opinion is valid so you do what you do and I'll do what I do and they'll do what they do but this isn't the place to discuss such things. There really isn't enough variety in votoms designs to warrant more than one for me but I'm hoping this may lead to dougram toys from Yamato.
  24. Sigh. Son, when one uses a term such as "gay" or "black" or any other belief system, racial group or social stereotype as a synonym for "stupid", one is insulting that belief system, racial group or social group regardless if one is a member of that belief system, racial group or social group. Now I may be going out on a limb here, but I doubt your chummy gay friends use the term "gay" when describing something they dislike. For example. I almost agree with your post, which stated "Kai's Fire Valkyrie is gay". Is it homosexual? Obviously not, because it ain't alive and has no desire for sexual relations with other mecha. It *is* gay-LOOKING, however as it might fit into a stereotype. The majority of humanity would not be surprised to see Liberace jump out of the thing and cry "it's showtime!". I hope this cleared things up for you. I wouldn't mind knowing why you think I'm an idiot though. Interesting side note: You label these other friends as "gay" because you classify them as different from your "regular" friends which is a whole other kettle of fishies for you to steam over. Don't you look at the quality of the person's character before you look at their sexual orientation? And as for the ScopeDog, I think the thing looks amazing. I am eagerly awaiting Diamond's release... hoepfully by then all the accessories will be out. Thanks for the link, Shag! People who argue semantics are gay. This Scopedog is definately not.
  25. The US version is $100. $60 less than in Japan.
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