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Everything posted by Opus

  1. I think you'd be surprised just how effective a sword can be. If a swordsman is close enogh to use his weapon he'll cut you up before you can aim. Knives are even more dangerous because the weilder can get right up against you where you can't get a shot. when I think of swords vs. pistols Yojimbo comes to mind.
  2. You know, theyve been following alot of the original series storywise with the convicts and Starbuck and the Cylon Raider so the Pegasus is not an impossible dream. I think theyll wait until were bored with the current characters so the can bring in some freash meat AKA Sheeba.
  3. Opus, it might be possible to have twelves habitable planets in a solar system depending on how their orbits interact, but it is unlikely. Anyway, I believe they refer to it as a star system, which is different then a solar system. A star system is typically defined as all stars within a set distance, about five or ten light years IIRC. So, depending on where in the galaxy they are having twleve habitable planets inside of a ten light years sphere of space is entirely possible depending on how close the different star systems are. That makes sense.
  4. Brit - "I claim India for Britain!" Indian - "You can't claim us, we live here!. 500 Million of us!." Brit - "Do you have a flag?" After a hard day of putting babies on spikes there's no movie I enjoy more than "A Room With A View, Of Hell". Ive never been able to sit through a whole Baliwood movie. They're pure cheese.
  5. And I used to think you were cool. Annoying side-kicks... nothing more. While he is severly annoying, C-3P0 isn't a sidekick. He and R2 are the focal point of the series. They're the only constant. They appear in all 6 movies. Star Wars is'nt about Jedi or the struggle of good againt evil, it's really all about two droids and the amazing things they've been witness to
  6. I think you shoud move the cockpit back and put all of the weapons in the nose.
  7. Alright, try not to laugh too hard.
  8. Noriko, you need to flip your swords dude. The sharp edge of the blade should always be facing up with the handle facing the door so you can draw quickly on any unexpected visitors.
  9. It just means they're easily influenced by corperate American media hype.
  10. I've been burned too many times by bad Batman movies. I think I'll wait for this one to come on cable.
  11. When you see a bunch of bids from the same bidder in a row it doesn't mean they're uncontested, it means they failed to out bid the previous bidder so the kept bidding in small increments. A commonly noobish act.
  12. Is it even possible to have 12 habitable planets in one system?
  13. I seem to remember a scene in the mini where they talk about how many Mk II are flyable and that they were downgrading the Mk VIIs electronics but I don't think they gave any numbers.
  14. If the Macross had missed the Earth WW3 would have kept going until the entire planet was a glass-bottomed,glow-in-the-dark, parking lot. I was always under the impression that the alien threat is what made the world's nations pull thier collective heads out of thier asses and unify. I can't remember if that's Macross or Robotech or both and I havn't seen Zero so I probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
  15. Depends on the dog. my german sheapard is so spoiled she wouldn't care about any intruders. Only thing she will protect is deer meat like when a deer bodie beaches up on the shore. Okay, as a general rule the breed has strong defensive urges. These can be over-ridden by raising them the right/wrong way. Just like any smat breed, you have to stay on thier asses 24/7 when they're pups or they'll be uncontrollable. I had a friend who got a shepard and didn't do anything with it so it grew up to be a whiney spazz. That dog could have made Mr. Spock loose his temper.
  16. That's a good point... damn... I was gonna say how consistant that is with another of Adama's decision, but I don't think that part aired in the US yet... I'm kinda confused of the timeline because I've been rewatching certain episodes out of order. But what good are pilots with no Vipers or fuel? It's a tough choice to make.
  17. You should check out this page for some real world battle damage: http://s96920072.onlinehome.us/Stories1/00...e/story0016.htm heres a nice pic of the VFs innards.
  18. The real world military will go to great extentss for a downed pilot but they basically have unlimited resources so I'm not sure what they would do in the Galactica's situation. The thing that bugged me was Col. Tigh complaining to the President after he was relieved. To an ex-GI I see that as a blatant disregard for the chain of command which is an absolute no-no.
  19. Poodles are supposed to be good for people with allergies. They don't shed. People laugh when you say poodle because they think of yappy little toy poodles but the standard poodle is a 50 to 70 lb. dog. Not a sheppard but definately enough to make a crook think twice.
  20. The best way to keep crackheads out of your house is to get a big ass dog. When they hear the barking they'll split. Personally I have a doberman, rotwiler, spitz mix and if she doesn't know you you're dead meat.
  21. Necrobestialbuttsex is also doable. That doesn't mean it should be done.
  22. I still have mine.
  23. I've been a big fan of these mechs since the Revell Robotech days. I've seen the series, it's pretty awesome. I think if you like Macross or Votoms you'll like Dougram. They all have that real-esque military vibe. The anime has never been dubbed or subbed in English. I believe it was dubbed into Spanish . It might have been Portugese, I can't remember.
  24. That's pretty rad. My first reaction from the pics was that it seemed kinda Aztec-ish. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some connection between ancient Asian cultures and pre-columbian South America.
  25. Something else you should look into is California's laws regading home invasion and self defese. Here in VA the person has to be in your house and you have to prove that you had no way to escape but in Texas you can shoot someone for trying tring to steal your car.
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