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Everything posted by Opus

  1. Opus

    What scale Destroids?

    The more I think about it, I am not likely to buy any new destroids. I'm satisfied with my Matchbox 'troids. edited for bad grammar.
  2. Does Fox even show anything other than American Idol? I quit watching any Fox shows along time ago. I don't remember that mech about SAAB except that after watching the last episode I knew it wasn't coming back. That really sucked. Now about those Cylon's wanting babies. You guys keep talking about Six and Boomer wanting to get knocked up. Did I miss something? How can robots have babies?
  3. Opus if I may ask. What model minigun is that? I've been looking for one that good for a while now. That's from Takara Cool Girl series, the PAS trooper. It's still available, IIRC, from HLJ. It's a cool-looking weapon, but too darn big. My PAS Trooper is now with a MG39. The Takara version is a bit pricey you can get the exact same toy from BBI for about $50 less. I got mine here: http://www.allthingscollectible.com/index....d4a23f82445ec75 Her name is Destiny. BBI has stopped distributing them so you better get it while you can.
  5. Opus

    What scale Destroids?

    That pretty much sums up my fellings on the subject as well.
  6. I remember reading that it was a simple case of Patrick Stewart looking better in red than mustard yellow.
  7. In the old days, red = cannon fodder. Or Scotty. scotty was going to die anyways all the drinking he does He outlived Kirk. Yeah, but he couldn't yodel.
  8. Yes as in covered in big ugly moles.
  9. I'm all confused about the physical nature of cylons. I thought they were androids but the raider in the last episode had guts and not you guys are posing theories about cross-breeding with humans? I also don't uderstand what you guys think Boomer is so hot. She looks like a chipmunk and she's all bumpy to boot. Which bring me to another odd observance, why is the cast so moley? Ick....
  11. You guys know that the hands pop right off don't you? You don't need to take the arm apart. They're kinda tight but they do come off.
  12. Ummm.... for staters lighten up dude it's just a joke. And as for the rest of that junk the US/Brits saved the Froggies from the Krauts twice so they I think the score is more than even if you want to play that game. As for my personal opinion of the French, I could care less either way.
  13. If I send you a picture of my doorknob, will you sign it? I'll sign it, "Reba West." Close enough.
  14. I changed my head a bit.
  15. If I send you a picture of my doorknob, will you sign it?
  16. Toynami already did. they call it the VF-1R.
  17. Rohby is the king of the recasters. Toynami's return policy is basically a receipt and you have to be in the US, I think. No there will never be a 19FP.
  18. Try emailing them first. Maybe they'll send out parts. You need to get a reference nuber for a return anyway. nfo@toynami.com
  19. Brit - "I claim India for Britain!" Indian - "You can't claim us, we live here!. 500 Million of us!." Brit - "Do you have a flag?" After a hard day of putting babies on spikes there's no movie I enjoy more than "A Room With A View, Of Hell". Ive never been able to sit through a whole Baliwood movie. They're pure cheese. LOL... Staircase of Satan! Pond of Death! Joo f**k my wife? Hey Mr.March, do those stats include porn?
  20. I dunno. I've been procrastinating. I've already replaced the whole toy once and I kinda don't care anymore. I just leave it in fighter mode. Another idea I had was to use the hands from the super poseable alphas but I never actually got aroung to doing it. I'm a lazy sod.
  21. ...That's precisely what I'm hoping to do with my own gun designs Be careful, America is crawling with night-vision equipped ninja. Just remember, they're more afraid of you than you are of them.
  22. Mine broke the same way. Youre pretty much screwed. You can try contacting Toynami. They'd probably send you some new hands. I super glued mine in a fixed pose and pull them off for fighter mode. The arms close up better without them in there which is how I think I broke mine.
  23. It kinda looks like a scuba diver with a snorkle. It's OK though mine looks like a goat's head.
  24. Dude, you should just give up and defect to the states.
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