I built 2 fighters and 1 Batteloid today. The printing is amazing, the pieces fit very well together, about 90% of these kits snap together very tight, glue is not required but I glued most of the pieces together (except for parts that you swap to make Gerwalk mode). I ordered 3 VF-1A fighters, 1 VF-1J fighter, 1 VF-1S fighter, 2 VF-1A Batteloids and 1 VF-1J Batteloid.
I model N scale Japanese trains (1/150 scale) and didn't want to do Godzilla like most other Japanese train modelers....what says Japanese train layout more then Mecha all over it If I had more money I would have picked up more VF-1A fighters for an airfield scene on the layout but I am lucky the wife didn't shoot me for the 7 Valkyrie I ordered.