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Everything posted by Boobytrap

  1. Took the pin out of the neck and confirmed that there was some extra flashing on both sides of the piece with the neck post. Sanded that off and now the head can be posed and hold its position properly. Thank goodness for quick easy fixes.
  2. Got my Max yesterday. So nice to finally have M & M side by side. Unfortunately it didn't arrive issue free. The left head laser is really loose. Should be an easy fix with some Future but until then I can't pose it in any mode without it falling down. Also have an issue with the neck part that flips around when going from fighter to battroid. It won't stay level when in battroid and keeps swiveling back so that the head is always looking up. I'm assuming it's just due to a little extra plastic around the joint that is pushing it out of position. I'm planning to remove the pin connecting the pieces to clean it out. Hopefully that resolves the issue. Both minor issues but no one likes to have to take apart and fix a $200 collectible as soon as it arrives. No regrets though. It wasn't that long ago that I thought there would be no way for me to afford this pair. Now I have them and couldn't be happier.
  3. This ones tough. I could easily put the VF-1 in all three categories as it is my number one favorite. My number two favorite is the VF-2SS but no toy has really captured it for me. So leaving those two out I'd pick the following: Fighter - VF-4G (this was the easiest pick of them all) followed by VF-27 Gerwalk - VF-31 followed by VF-0 Battroid - SV-262 followed by YF-19
  4. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my VF-2SS last night. Honestly, I was hoping for Bandai to do a better job than what we got so was a little disappointed. There is very little holding it together other than joint friction. For now, at least, those joints are nice and tight so it feels pretty solid. But if any of them get loose in the future it could become a floppy mess. Since things, especially the arms and legs, don't have a true locking point it also takes lots of futzing to position things in just the right place. It was pretty easy to get it from battroid to fighter but once in fighter it took at least an extra 10 minutes to get everything positioned just right. Adjust the leg, the backpack flap disconnects, reposition the flap, the chest untabs, re-tab the chest, the legs are out of position again, and on and on. Overall I still like it and would get any other variants if they released them. Maybe I was just expecting too much from this scale for something that required a lot of anime magic. Hopefully after messing around with it for a few days my opinion of it will improve.
  5. Droooooool. Love the clear orange canopy, among many other things. Hope the production release has that too.
  6. I have a VF-19S that has been transformed several times without incident. With my 19K I have only transformed it twice and have the broken shoulder along with a broken elbow. I'm sure it's just bad luck but still makes me go :/ every time I look at it.
  7. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Wholeheartedly. The end of the month can't get here fast enough.
  8. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't see how it could be any worse. I like the ET VF-2SS for what it is but it would be a MASSIVE fail on Bandai's part if they weren't able to improve on it.
  9. Mine also broke in almost the exact same place. The only difference was that it was the part in the shoulder where you have the pin inserted in your pic. I know the pain of trying to take that shoulder apart and put it back together. I was never able to get it fixed as any fix I would do (Plasti-Weld, pla plate reinforcement, etc...) would keep breaking. It's in perma-fighter mode now.
  10. I also got the preparation in progress email from NY on 10/19 and it shipped out with EMS early this morning. NY really needs to hire more warehouse staff, or at the very least prioritize shipping EMS over SAL. When people pay extra for EMS shipping they shouldn't have to wait a week for it to go out the door.
  11. Opened up the packet with the instructions and stickers. Looks like the serial number is on a piece of paper in there. Or at least I'm assuming that's what it is since I cant read anything else on it. They also included a strip of extra screw cover stickers cuz you know they're awesome and stuff
  12. There aren't any plugs in the arms, they just covered the screws with stickers. The screws aren't deep enough in the arms to be covered with plugs.
  13. I'm sure they were trying to recreate the red to match the surrounding area they were being inserted to. The part of the legs where they are being inserted is also white plastic painted red. Unfortunately they don't match exactly, most likely because the paint on the plug is too thin so it makes it a lighter shade of red than the surrounding area. The plugs in the upper thighs are unpainted red plastic so match perfectly with the surrounding unpainted red plastic. I didn't even realize they were there on first inspection. The stickers though...
  14. Looked all over but did not see a serial number.
  15. Got my Milia this past weekend. It was nice to have the tampo triangles back on the sides of the cockpit as well as the numbers on the tail and leg fins. I was surprised with how dark the red is. Not sure if that is consistent with the V2 though. Can't say I'm a fan of the screw covers. In the legs they appear to be painted plastic plugs. It's a close color match but not perfect. The arms though seem to just be a sticker placed over the screw. The color doesn't match as well for those. If they were going to use a sticker I would have preferred that they give them to us on a sheet for us to decide to apply them or not. In the end I'm pretty jazzed to have this in my collection. Next up Max!
  16. NY shipped mine late last night. Hopefully yours will go out soon. It really is a game with them though. They shipped out my Messer VF-1S 2 weeks after my prep in progress email even though I pre-ordered on the first day and they were shipping out other peoples orders right away.
  17. Who made them? Are they ones Hasbro made during Iron Man 2? Some of them look like ones I have from that line but if that's the case I didn't realize they made that many. In either case I would really like to get a Tony figure to add to my lineup so any info you could provide on that one would be appreciated.
  18. Also remember that part of the point of making it an event exclusive is to get people to come to the event. The more people at the event the more they can try to sell people on their other products. It's a captive audience for advertising that they otherwise may not have had access to. They may figure that it is better to lose a few VF-31J Kai sales to increase their overall sales across all of their product lines.
  19. May be easier for them but not for us consumers. The end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 is hitting the pocket book harder than in any past years. That's not even taking into account Xmas expenses. No way I am missing this but I really need a financial reprieve next year.
  20. AWWWWW YEEAAAAHH!!!! I was worried that they would never get around to this. I am soooo happy. No pre-order madness either. Just give me some super parts for this and Mirage and i'll be done with Delta except for maybe Roid's 262.
  21. Most of their items are already re-releases to begin with. Which item did you feel sold like crazy? I haven't had any issues getting anything from them. Most, if not all (except maybe a PF?) have been available months after the release. They did re-release their YF-19 but I'd say it's arguable whether that was necessary or not. Besides what Sanity is Optional stated, I think they would be running a big risk of having shelf warmers.
  22. PO one at BBTS. Their $4 flat shipping is hard to beat. If it ends up being cheaper with shipping from overseas they also have a great cancellation policy.
  23. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    got my preparation in progress email for Messer VF-1S from NY. They currently have them in stock in case anyone still wants one.
  24. Easy pass for me. No idea why they insist on going so gaudy with these anniversary color schemes. They are an ugly eye sore and don't match/contrast/highlight anything in my collection. I'm all for a custom anniversary scheme but they could do much better than the last two they have given us.
  25. PO at NY. No PO discount at HLJ made it an easy choice. NY price plus EMS shipping was only a little over HLJ price without shipping.
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