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Everything posted by Boobytrap

  1. Depending on how much the price increases I would be OK with a price hike. I still plan on getting multiple sets but having multiple canister carriers would be cool to add to the display.
  2. This is exactly how I feel about it as well. They also aren't doing us or them any favors by releasing the exact same item a few months apart for a standard vs premium edition. It fills up factory slots that could be used for an entirely different item and splits their customers purchases between them as I doubt very few people are buying both versions. While I much prefer to purchase the standard over the PF (since that fits in better with my mix of Yamato and Arcadia valks) in the end I would probably prefer that they just release the PF versions and give us more variety over the course of the year. As long as they are the only 1/60 game in town for what they are offering I'll keep buying from them, even if it costs more than an improved Bandai version in a different scale. If they keep dragging their heels though out of fear of doing too much too soon like Yamato then someone else (most likely Bandai) is going to fill the need for us and force them under anyway.
  3. Actually I won't be getting it. I have invested far too much into 1/60 and 1/100 scales. I have no desire to enter into yet another scale no matter how nice it is in price and design. If Bandai ever decides to do these in 1/60 scale then I would consider them. My only hope is that this doesn't stop Arcadia from doing their VF-1 re-releases or limiting them to PF only. I'm still trying to gap fill my V2's and prefer to not have to pay the after market prices those are going for.
  4. I sent out a ticket yesterday and received the same response. No shipping notification yet but I ordered on 10/27. If sending a polite email moves me up the list though I'll take it.
  5. I'm definitely down for two sets. Not providing these (especially the weapons) was a major miss on Sentinels part. This may be too early of a question but if Sentinel releases Yellow or Fuke (and doesn't include these weapons/accessories again) would you do another run? Trying to think through if I would need to get more than two sets of this initial release to have the weapons variety I want.
  6. Yeah you're right. I saw the description and didn't even bother to look too closely at the picture. The picture is of the RG Sinanju though so I would think that the picture is wrong rather than the description. Wouldn't hurt to reach out to them to verify the listing VHD if you don't want to use a proxy. I've dealt with them a number of times and found them to be reliable. They were the first shop I used for P-Bandai Gundam items years ago before I found cheaper avenues like NY.
  7. Is this the one you are looking for? https://genteikits.com/kits/mg-1-100-sazabi-ver-ka-special-coating/
  8. You hush your mouth mister . No need to give Bandai ideas (although I'm sure they already had this idea without your help).
  9. That might be a reasonable excuse for a 100% new figure. In this case though, other than the VF-0S (which I don't think they made any adjustments to for the PF), all of the PF they have released so far are 8+ year old items. How many more VF-1's do they need to re-re-re-release so that they can get enough customer feed back for proper "adjusting, refurbishing, etc"? Now admittedly, maybe there is something being lost in the translation. The only fixes I am aware of happened with M&M and those were made with the standard as well as PF releases. Maybe the adjustments they are referencing have nothing to do with defect corrections. What they may have been talking about is that after the general releases customers were asking for tampo printings so they are now accommodating that?
  10. This was the most interesting part to me and honestly I'm not quite sure how to take it. Sure it's great that they listen to customer feed back and tweak things for the PF release. On the other hand the standard release isn't exactly cheap and it kind of sucks knowing that I am the guinea pig for a future release.
  11. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    So I wasn't able to go online the last couple of days. Sign on today to a pleasant surprise that Nexx was still available at NY. I figured I was going to be stressed out finding it somewhere. I'm glad for the easy pickup but hopefully the slow sales don't mean we won't get a yellow, green, or acrobatic team colors (I'll gladly take TWE). Even worse, I hope that it doesn't mean Bandai won't invest anything further into Macross II.
  12. Kairos. Although the fact I am still waiting for NY to come through for me might be causing me to have a bias of desire. I think I'd still go with the Kairos if I had both in front of me. I really like the more standard military colors. As for your pictures they are both equally beautiful.
  13. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Feff's Gigamesh without question. It's design would be perfect for HMR Don't forget the VF-XX Zentran Valkyrie And yes, DX's, DX's for them all!!!
  14. The problem with that figure is that it is an SDCC exclusive. It can only be picked up at SDCC and must be picked up by the person that placed the order (ID verification) so you can't have a friend pick it up for you unless they also created an account at Sideshow and purchased it for you. On top of that there is a limit of 1 per person so you can't have one person buy a batch to pick up for a group of people. Now it is likely that Sideshow will have extras after SDCC that they will sell normally but no guarantees.
  15. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Like most others I would have liked the next release to be something 'new' but Nexx is welcome news. While I figured it would be released at some point I didn't think it would be so soon. Maybe early next year. So no complaints here. I'll definitely be staying up late to pre-order this. I hope that the VF-2SS isn't all they eventually release from MII. I've already waited decades so I can wait longer but it would be a shame to not have any of the other designs from that show. Next up is hopefully something for SDFM like a destroid or regult scout.
  16. Good advice for all businesses (well most anyway)
  17. Received both my Stick and Ray from BBTS late last week. Got a chance to take them out this weekend and I am pretty pleased with them. My Stick actually seems to have better tolerances with things not popping off as much. I've only transformed Stick so far and for the most part it was pretty easy. Unfortunately the peg that is supposed to attach the bike to the back of the figure snapped off. I tried to place it back into its stored position so I wouldn't lose it but it didn't even want to go back in. I'm assuming there must be something in the way that caused it to break when I tried pulling it out that now won't allow it to go back in. Thankfully it's not a necessary part and it still holds together pretty well without it. I tried removing the paint from the inside of Ray's helmet with mixed results. I used rubbing alcohol which took quite a while but eventually removed all of the paint. Afterwards though it wasn't crystal clear in all places like I have seen in other peoples pictures. The middle of the face shield is still kind of cloudy as if the plastic had some marring. At first I thought it might be some residual paint that was being extra stubborn but none of my paint removers did anything to it. I'm hoping to use some plastic polish or Future to fix it. In the end I still really like them. They are nice and solid with just enough heft to them. They also scale well with a lot of other figures I have. I will definitely buy any other version of them that Sentinel offers.
  18. I got my pre-order arrival notice for both Stick and Ray today from BBTS. They were only 3 minutes apart with Ray coming first. So excited now that the long wait is over.
  19. I wonder if these re-releases will ship out before my slow boat BBTS orders do.
  20. Well this rumor leaves me in a bit of a quandary. I passed on the VF-0S the first time as I already had the Yamato and was fine with it. When the premium was announced I was going to pass on that as well but eventually gave in and pre-ordered it. Now with the booster bundle I would probably prefer that over the premium and I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually cheaper. If this rumor ends up being true I hope they officially announce it before payment is due on the premium so that I can cancel it. Knowing my luck Arcadia will probably wait to announce it to avoid people doing exactly that.
  21. I was fine just getting the armor in 1/100 scale. The booster, however, is something that I would buy in multiple scales. I'm ready and waiting for pre-order day.
  22. Hand painting with Tamiya clears is a very tricky process. You have to thin it a lot more than you would for other colors and apply multiple layers. Even then it can easily go south. Each new layer has the potential to mess up the layer underneath. When that happens there is no choice but to start over. If you don't have an airbrush I would recommend purchasing the rattle cans before trying to hand paint the clears. They go on nice and easy. Unfortunately they don't have as wide of an array of colors like clear green or yellow.
  23. Thanks for the heads up. I went ahead and got one there. They do have free shipping but I have to pay CA tax. In the end it will definitely cost me more but at least I have one secured. They are pretty good with cancellations in case one pops up somewhere else for less.
  24. Already sold out at BBTS. Well maybe Entertainment Earth will get it and come through for me like they have in the past.
  25. tekering indicated in the Mospeada thread that he removed the silver paint on the underside of the face shield. It will probably be the first thing I do once I receive mine.
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