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Everything posted by Boobytrap

  1. I'm not sure what you mean by it not being seated correctly. The peg is inserted all the way in the picture. There is no further space for it to be pushed in and no wiggle room for it to be adjusted. I have tried many times to get it to level. I have removed the parts and put them back together again and again but it still wont stay the way I want it. I'm glad to see that others don't seem to be having the same issues. I'm thinking that one of these parts may have a little extra plastic somewhere. My next step is to put it together without the valk attached and see if it still has the issue. If no issue there then I know that it is most likely an issue with how the part attaches to the backpack. If there is still the issue then it is most likely the pegs. Maybe removing a hairline amount of plastic will do the trick.
  2. Here's a picture of the bowing. The one on the left side of the picture isn't too bad (although it doesn't always stay like that). The one on the right I can't seem to do anything with though. Another thing you can see with that picture that I forgot to mention is that the dish leans a little to the right. Not sure how to take a picture of something being loose. did you want a picture of the areas I was talking about?
  3. Received my VE-1 yesterday (thanks DHL!). It looks fantastic. I was surprised though by some of the fit and looseness. The backpack boosters are ever so slightly bowed out. I've checked the alignment and part placement multiple times but nothing I do seems to keep them in the proper position. The backpack itself slides up and down (battroid)/ forward and back (fighter) too easily and doesn't lock into place. I have to adjust it every time I do something with the valk. The shoulder hinges are loose enough to almost be floppy. The heat shield is looser than any other valk I own and came off of the track a couple of times. The hip bar hinge is also looser than any other valk I own and was pretty floppy during transformation. All in all these are just minor annoyances but they were unexpected when compared to any other Yamacadia I own, especially with this one fresh out of the box. I don't own any of the original Yamato VE-1's so I'm not sure if any of these issues are just carry over from those versions. edit - also forgot to mention the wrist hinges, both the one that flips out and the one on the DYRL hands, are pretty loose. Thankfully this valk doesn't need to hold anything.
  4. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Execute order 66
  5. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Amazon.jp wouldn't be delayed by golden week would they? I would think they are too big of a machine to put everything on hold for that long of a time but I could certainly be wrong on that.
  6. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    MK finally sent me the preparation in progress email. If they were charging me for it on the 16th it sure would have been nice if they sent it out a little sooner. At least there are some nice pictures in here to tide me over.
  7. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Received and paid for my invoice from MK yesterday. Super pumped to be getting this in hand soon.
  8. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah seems odd but that's what they sent me. the release date of your product HI-METAL R VF-4 Lightning III Macross Flash Back 2012 BANDAI SPIRITS has changed. The new release date is : 17-03-2019.
  9. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    I received an email from MyKombini that the release date for the VF-4G has been updated to 3/17. I'm really excited for this release. It will be nice to get something new rather than another repaint.
  10. Yes they do, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think they did a pretty good job with those sculpts. A little better leg articulation, some tighter joints, and non-crumbly plastic is all the upscale would really need.
  11. Thanks for all of the info. It looks like I'll have to wait to see features and price. I'd like to get some 1/6 Guyver figures but I'm hesitant if they only offer I and III. The last thing I want is an incomplete yet expensive set. I'm still waiting for them to finish the Figma lineup but that seems like a lost cause.
  12. Do you have a link to any further information on these? I tried doing a Google search but didn't come up with anything.
  13. Dang it, that will be too soon for me. I guess I will have to live vicariously through others.
  14. If you get enough people interested what would be the time frame? I would definitely be in for this but wouldn't be able to swing it financially until March.
  15. Wow, this was out of left field. With no announcement of a standard release to go with it I wonder if everything is just going to be premium finish for all future re-releases. It's better than nothing so I'm still getting it but I would have preferred to get a standard version to keep it consistent with the rest of my collection. This announcement is really a sigh of relief. There has been so little news of any re-release (actually Macross in general) from Arcadia that I thought that they had abandoned them. While the Bandai DX may be the new standard for VF toys my entire collection is 1/60 or 1/100 so I have no desire to jump into another scale.
  16. Hmmm, while for my own selfish reasons I would say to go for it so that I have options to choose from it may be better for you to take a wait and see approach. While I know for sure what you would produce would put MAAS' efforts to shame I would assume their price point and the fact that it is a completed product would make theirs more desirable to many. Because of that people may pass on yours to hold out on the MAAS version making it difficult for you to get a good ROI. Of course who knows if MAAS will even make theirs and you have a pretty quick concept to production timeline so... Yeah I probably didn't help much there did I. For my personal preferences it really comes down to items being compatible with each other. If all you make is the bioroid with no properly scaled hovertank to go with it I wouldn't be as interested and would probably go with MAAS, as imperfect as it may be. But if you make other 1/48 scaled SC items to pair with them then I would definitely prefer what you produce.
  17. Ugh, that's horrible. I know it's just a rendered version of the wire frame from the OP so I guess I should have been complaining then but seeing it fleshed out just highlights all of the issues with it. The sad thing is that I am so starved for a toy version of the hovertank that I will still probably break down and get it if it ever gets made. I just probably wouldn't ever display it in tank mode which in the end doesn't make it much better than the Matchbox version.
  18. Nice! Other than the arms it reminds me a lot of the Kampfer which was always a favorite of mine.
  19. Thanks for the update. Entertainment Earth cancelled my pre-order (eventually... ) as they were not able to get enough stock. I've been looking for an aftermarket one since. I was able to apply a 10% off coupon for being a new customer so that brought the price down. Certainly not as low as the original MSRP but it saved me some money from what I have been able to see online. They do require you to pay upfront but if they get them in January as stated then I'm OK with that.
  20. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Well that was easy. 7767y shipped from amazon.jp. I'll definitely be using them as my go to shop in the future.
  21. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Here's my attempt
  22. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    OK, I seriously LOL'd at that.
  23. If this is indeed the case I wonder if mold degradation is part of the reason for Arcadia to have not announced any further re-releases yet other than the 35th anniversary (which they may have been obligated to do). They have been rather consistent with the re-releases and I've been concerned that there aren't any more in the pipeline. I would hate for them to stop before they get to the VF-1D/VE-1/VT-1/Max TV VF-1A.
  24. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    And now no longer available. Hopefully someone else besides me from here was able to get one.
  25. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Pre-orders open again at MK https://mykombini.com/en/march-2019/12991-hi-metal-r-vf-4-lightning-iii-macross-flash-back-2012-bandai-spirits-4573102553812.html 12890y
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