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Everything posted by Boobytrap

  1. Very intrigued by this item. Would love to hear a more in depth review from you about it when you get a chance. Paint apps, joint tightness, build quality, that sort of thing. Do you own any Metal Builds that you would be able to use as a basis of comparison?
  2. You've sold me. Now you just need to pitch that line of thinking to Mr K and get them to make it.
  3. Such a pretty pretty bird. I highly doubt that we will ever see it in toy form, but one can hope.
  4. I just don't see why Arcadia doesn't capitalize on the easy money of making the CF VF-0A. They would have to do very little work to produce it. Sure, Shin's sat around for awhile but I think that had more to do with the leg issue than anything else. It seemed to me, that once word got around that they had fixed the issue, the VF-0S sold much more quickly. I'm sure that if they released the VF-0A with the leg issue fixed that it would sell fairly well. Especially if they timed the release to coincide with the same time frame as the RA. Add me to that list!
  5. Oops. Forget I said anything then.
  6. 2 it is then. Ordered and on the way soon hopefully. Thank you both for the quick replies. Sucks that the shipping was more than the actual pieces but in the end paying less than $10 total to fix these will be more than worth it. It will be so nice to have these back in one piece.
  7. YES!!! That's the one. Thank you. You da man. Guess I should have searched for Messiah or directly under your profile instead of VF-25. Quick question though Yeti ... I see that it is in beta. Should I just get one and try it out first or has it already been tested by others so I should be OK with getting two?
  8. I'm hoping that someone here can help me out. I need to get a replacement part that has broken on 2 of my VF-25's. It is the piece that connects the leg/hips to the back. For the life of me I cant seem to figure out how to post a picture (can't use image hosting) to show the piece I am referring to so I put it as my profile picture. Hope you don't mind Jenius that I modified a picture from Anymoon. If anyone could help to get a 3D print made of this piece I would be very grateful. I tried looking on Shapeways but couldn't find anything. I was hoping that if it broke on two of mine that it would be a common enough of an issue that others may have already made it.
  9. If it wasn't for the other high priced items I collect I would love to get these. Unfortunately my wallet does have a bottom and I would have to sacrifice too many other cool things. It is the best of times, it is the worst of times to be a toy collector.
  10. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Just got my HLJ payment request.
  11. Oh man, that is the second time today you got me envious of what you have. The VF-1D VR is my number one desired valk. Congrats on your acquisition.
  12. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone get any payment requests from HLJ yet for the VF-1A? That soon? I missed out on the pre-order and expected new pre-orders to open up like with all of he other HMR products but it never happened. I hope I don't miss out on this one.
  13. Very nice. Like spanner said, it's great seeing them all together and in such a creative position. I'm quite envious of several of your pieces.
  14. Boobytrap

    Macross figures

    Let's not forget SHF MII. C'mon you know you want 'em.
  15. Oh man, I love those colors. I especially like how the red pops in contrast to the blue. Fingers crossed that the production pieces are the same.
  16. Boobytrap

    Macross figures

    Yeah, definitely will be articulated. S.H.Figuarts are for their articulated figures. Description from the tamashii site "A new standard in action figures representing the state of the art of Bandai's design technology. Designed to perfectly mimic the range of motion of the human body, the series name is a contraction of the concepts of "Simple Style" and "Heroic Action." Standing roughly 14cm tall, the highly posable SHFiguarts figures are designed to feel like little treasures." Super sold for me. I hope this opens the possibility of them producing other S.H.Figuarts macross figures.
  17. I have several of them (although not any of the iron man figures) and love every one. I have not regretted any of the purchases or the money I spent on them. They come with a good assortment of accessories, great articulation, they include a stand to help get the most out of the articulation, durable (haven't had anything, including the accessories, break on mine), hold their poses well (haven't had any issues with loose joints or degradation of joint friction over time), and have very clean paint applications. I would highly recommend them. Those iron man figures look like they have some fabulous paint work.
  18. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    I would think that it would indicate that the line is doing well. Otherwise, why make the investment to expand it into other anime. Whatever the case, as long as they keep making HMR Macross products, I'm all for it.
  19. That's my thoughts exactly. I've got so many holes to fill as well as other things that I collect that re-issues work great for me. I'm also all for a 'slow and steady' pace as well, the key word being steady. Certainly a better model than Yamato's.
  20. A little Future is great for fixing loose joints. Depending on where you are it may have different names. I'm in the western US and it is Pledge with Future. A drop on each side of the joint, let it fully dry, and no more loose joints. Sometimes multiple applications are required depending on the size and how loose the joint is. My SV-51 was probably about the worst offender for loose joints. While most of them took application after application (especially the neck) I eventually got it to where they all hold their positions very well. The hook, being a small joint with a fairly tight fit, would probably only take one application.
  21. I'm rolling the dice and hoping for a re-issue of some kind. Going off of the top of my head, everything Macross related that Arcadia released this year was a re-issue. Other than the RA they haven't announced anything new for next year either. I'm guessing that they will be filling more release slots next year with re-issues and the RA will be the perfect excuse to re-issue a VF-0.
  22. Agreed. I'm mostly in the same boat. Pretty much all of my figures have either armor or loose enough clothing to hide the joints. The only ones I have that I think could benefit from it would be Ep IV Leia and I just got Rey. Both of those have visible knee joints (depending on how they are posed) that I would like to do away with.
  23. Do you happen to have any Phicen bodies? I really like the seamless appearance of them but am wary of the 'skin' tearing or breaking down over time, especially if they are in more extreme poses. I'd like to hear more first hand knowledge before investing in upgrading any of my figure bodies.
  24. Here's a link to a fairly inexpensive knock off of a Hot Toys body. True Hot Toys bodies can be pricey ($80 - $120). http://www.ebay.com/itm/161977455680?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT There are many different body styles besides this one. Doing a search for 'Hot Toys TTM' (for male) or 'Hot Toys TTF' (for female) will show you more of the range of body types that they have produced. Also armored figures (ex. Stormtroopers, Boba Fett, Phasma. etc...) will greatly increase the proportions of the figure in the area where the stand needs to go.
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