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Everything posted by Boobytrap

  1. Woo hoo just got mine delivered at home by DHL. They even called me to see if it was ok to leave on the porch when my wife missed them (our doorbell isn't very loud and has caused me to miss out on more than one delivery). I'll definitely be using them again if given the option. Super fast delivery and not having to camp out at the door to sign for it = sold.
  2. This is a topic that doesn't have an easy answer. On the one side there is out right theft going on. Not only have these KO not paid any licensing fees but they are using the exact same molds. They did not create their own product. They didn't even bother to change the scale or make any other changes/improvements that I can see. On the other hand I'm a consumer whore that has needs. Those needs aren't being met by Arcadia at the moment. Given the choice between an official product and a KO I would choose the official product 100% of the time. But when my only choice is KO or nothing... well all I can say is that I am weak. Should I purchase a KO and Arcadia subsequently releases an official version I would still buy the official version. So, at least for me, Arcadia wouldn't be losing any of my dollars. All I can hope is that by there being KO's out there that it opens Arcadia's eyes that they have a larger demand out there that they aren't fulfilling. I don't want them to go the way of Yamato by flooding the market but a couple more releases/re-issues a year with some more variety would be nice.
  3. So you're the one that got it . I was hoping it would last a little longer. March and April are already expensive months. At least it went to a member here.
  4. Went ahead and did the DHL shipping option with Ami. They shipped it last night and it is scheduled to be delivered on Thursday. Even got a text message from DHL confirming it. If that's how fast they usually ship I going that option every time.
  5. I'd still buy it. Fighter and Gerwalk are much better looking. Battroid also has an 'attack' mode that looks better.
  6. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Ooooooh yeah! That is looking pretty awesome. Can't wait to have a full destroid set... with a valk squadron flying overhead... rushing into battle against a full company of zentradi. Soon
  7. I had the exact same thing happen. I haven't paid for mine yet as I had an address change so have to wait for a new invoice. I was planning to switch it back to EMS since I know that I would get that quickly and I have no experience with DHL. I'l stick with DHL if others have had a good experience with them.
  8. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    I concur. I would think that if they had the intention of doing it as an add-on pack that they would have released them at the same time as the Regults to boost the sales of both.
  9. Thanks Arcadia for bringing that to my attention. I didn't know these were out there and now I do. I'll be sure to be on the look out for them. Normally I would not purchase bootlegs. I always get the official product when given the option. In fact the only bootleg I have ever purchased were the PG Gundam display stands. Bandai only made them once, in solid black, and charged an outrageous $80 for them. They were already out of print when I went to buy them so it was either bootleg or nothing. By getting the bootleg I was able to get the stands that some PG require (looking at you 00 Riser) and get them in clear. Arcadia has basically put me in the same spot. Whether their fault or not (due to licensing issues) they have yet to release a stand alone super/strike pack and what they do release comes out at a slow trickle. For people like me with a lot of gaps in my collection I'm left with either paying exorbitant after market prices (which limits my gap filling ability) or going the bootleg route if/when they come out.
  10. I wasn't able to get mine through HLJ and had to get mine through Ami. But even if I was able to get mine through HLJ there is no way I would wait a month to combine it with the 31F. The design, the colors, everything about this one is pure awesomeness. I haven't been this excited for a release in a long time. As for the question of Arcadia Ivonov SV-51 vs DX SV-262, the SV-262 would be the easy answer for me if I had to choose one. I already own a Yamato Ivonov SV-51 so plan on skipping Arcadia's anyway. I'll get a Nora and CF though if/when they release those. So my answer is 'both'... sorta.
  11. Oh man, I love the color schemes listed on those last 2 pages. So much better than the ones they chose to use for the show. I know the chances of them ever getting made are pretty much 0 but i'm going to hold out hope for a low vis Arad since it is at least a variation on a hero valk.
  12. That prototype fighter mode picture fills me with all kinds of bad feelings. The most infuriating part (out of many) of the Toynami/Aoshima version was that the arms didn't lock together, throwing off the entire visual flow of fighter mode. How any executive/QC looked at that during the planning stages and said 'well, that's just fine' is beyond me. I know its a prototype, more updates to come, blah, blah, blah... but seeing it like that just makes me think of my MPC version, and those aren't happy thoughts. I also don't recall there being many (if any) changes between ET's prototype VF-2SS and the final production piece even though there were several glaring issues we were thinking could be corrected. In the end I am highly skeptical that this will satisfy my Legioss itch. Wait and see I guess.
  13. Yeah, I guess I should have put a disclaimer on that. 'I bear no responsibility for the efficacy of this procedure.'
  14. I actually had a happy coincidence that fixed some valks that were getting sticky hands. I had a VF-1A TV Kakizaki with sticky hands that I quickly transported loose in a paper grocery bag. When I went to take it out the hands were no longer sticky. As a test I took the sticky hands from my Max VF-1A, put them in a paper bag, and shook them. When I took them out they too were no longer sticky. I have no explanation as to why this worked. It, of course, would not reverse the chemical break down of the plastic. Regardless of what this did that would still continue to happen. I am assuming that either the small fibers in the bag absorbed the more liquefied plastic and/or those same fibers stuck to the sticky plastic (I couldn't visually see any difference though) eliminating the tacky feel. Whatever the reason I now have hands that feel like new, even months later.
  15. I'll be OK with the look of the soldier mode as long as fighter mode isn't filled with gaps, looks close to anime accurate, and isn't a floppy mess. Tall order, especially for ET. I will certainly be waiting for reviews before I consider sending them any of my money.
  16. Never purchased a Riobot before. Are these usually released through the regular online retailers? Any pre-ordering madness issues?
  17. While I am sure it will be a good improvement over the Yamato I don't see me replacing my Ivonov. It works well enough for my collection. Can't wait for Nora's and the CF though as I never got those. Did the same mix and match of old (S and CF) and new (D and Shin) with the VF-0's and they look great together so no problem doing the same with the SV-51's.
  18. Undiluted with a brush. Just drop a little in, move the joint around to get full coverage, and let it fully dry. I give it about 24 hours to be safe. If it is still loose after that just repeat the process. For any additional coats try not to brush or move the piece too much as it will start to break down the first coat and you will be back to square one. Just drop and let dry.
  19. I used Future in all of the joints on mine. I got it used and almost everything was loose. Most of them didn't take very much, just one application. The neck joint was horrible and took a number of applications. In the end all of the joints are nice and tight and work very well.
  20. Thanks for that detailed response. I've got some measuring to do with my detolf but I'd really like to have 4 on top and 4 on the bottom (all in fighter mode) using a combination of arms and elbows. My space is limited so I'm trying to make the most of what I have. I know that might be a little much, space wise, but I'm hoping to have at least 3 and 3.
  21. Yeti, Any update on getting a vendor to get the alpha stands back in stock? I'd also like to get the detolf mount but want the XL arms to go with it. I'm assuming those are staying out of stock due to the same issue with the alpha stands? With the detolf mount, has anyone tried using dual arms to have multiple valks displayed above and below the shelf? Would that have too much undistributed weight that might break the shelf?
  22. A good alternative that I use is standard cosmetic cotton swabs that you can get from any drug store. They are the same size as other cotton swabs but have the fine point and a denser cotton like the hobby ones. I haven't used the Tamiya swabs so I can't fully compare them but I like the others because they are cheap, can be purchased in large quantities, and can be obtained locally.
  23. Yes, the blue base gives you the option of displaying different nameplates. One for Golion and one for Voltron. I really appreciate that they were thinking of us westerners and gave us that option.
  24. Just got my SOC Voltron yesterday. I absolutely love it! I knew it would have a good amount of metal in it but the heft it has when fully assembled was still unexpected. I thought for sure that I would always have it displayed assembled. But I have been having so much fun posing all of the lions in different ways that I don't know when I would ever get around to putting it together again. If only I could afford to have two of them. First world problems I guess.
  25. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    For me, not worth running the risk as my other two pre-orders with Ami are for the DX SV-262 and DX VF-31F. Worth paying the few extra bucks for the Spartan to not rock the boat.
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