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Everything posted by Boobytrap

  1. True, but if that's all someone wants it's a lot cheaper than buying an entire yf-29 to get it. For me, I'm all good with it being upside down. It's so small I can't tell one way or the other with it in my display.
  2. The winning bidder put in a high max bid so it automatically outbid the person right before. The winner probably put in an even higher max bid than what he/she ended up paying. If you select to see all automatic bids you can see that the winner only bid once on 4/30. After that each time someone else put in a bid amount they were automatically outbid by the winner. The second to last person put in a $500 bid with only 13 seconds left to go, probably hoping that a last second high bid would win it. They were wrong.
  3. I wish I did too. Google translate does an OK job of it Listing title: DX super alloy YF - 29 Durandal Valkyrie alto machine modified parts replacement part Description: Thank you for seeing. Bandai made DX super alloy YF-29 Durandal Valkyrie Alto Type shoulder of modification is an unopened new parts. April 23, 2016 It is a shoulder part for correction of trouble of resale quantity (the direction of English letters on the left shoulder part (front side) is reversed) . (Application for parts exchange is completed in July 2016 is a .) In the only parts the body is not included.
  4. Wow, do they not even know about the search function on ebay. There are multiple brand new ones on sale for about $100 less. I can only assume that they were willing to pay a premium price to get it from a US seller.
  5. Are you sure the feet are pushed all of the way into the legs? While I can't get the feet to come together completely (I have always had a small hairline gap, even when I took it out of the box) I have never had an issue getting the clips together. Those have always been pretty easy. If you are still having issues pics would help. It would make it easier to see what could be out of position that is causing it to not line up properly.
  6. You can buy just the fixed shoulder on YJA. Currently at 4000y with a buyout price of 4500y. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h260913426
  7. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    'pink nipples' Our valks are too cool for a description like that.
  8. For some reason I didn't realize that the heat shield was a darker shade of red than on the rest of the valk. I was wondering if it was something that Arcadia decided to do and saw that the Yamato's also had the darker red heat shield. My HMR though has a more consistent red color. Until today I always thought it was the same color but focusing on it I can see an ever so slight difference. Although that may just be my mind trying to apply a confirmation bias. I tried finding a screen grab to see which is the more accurate color but surprisingly I couldn't really find one. The best I could find was Hikaru's VF-1A which appeared to have the reds matching. I know that there was a discussion earlier in this thread about the heat shield color but I thought that was more about red vs black. So just out of curiosity which should it be? Did Yamarcadia get it right with the darker red? Or should it be almost/completely identical like the HMR? And what about Max and Kakizaki? The pictures I found of theirs appeared to have matching heat shield colors.
  9. I also had the same issue on the right side. I kept folding/unfolding it thinking I must be doing something wrong but it is always a little off. I was planning to take a closer look at it this weekend to see if there is anything I can do about it.
  10. Well to be honest they are doing better this year with that goal. My main issue was the slow trickle of re-releases and them sticking to only Roy and Hikaru for the VF-1's. The end of this year is at least seeing a little bit more variety coming our way and I can only hope that they keep it up into next year.
  11. That link goes to a DX VF-31J but I believe you . Other than maybe trying to get a VF-22 Milia some day to pair with my Max I've given up hope of adding the YF-21 or VF-22 Gamlin to my collection for a (relatively) reasonable price. I can only hope that Arcadia one day takes a stab at a V2 or Bandai does a DX version.
  12. Got a nice box from YJ/Buyee yesterday Yamato 1/60 Super/Strike Parts Yamato 1/60 DYRL Hikaru VF-1A Yamato 1/60 VF-1D Virgin Road DX YF-29 Isamu DX YF-29 30th Metal Build Exia It was a fun night. Sorry, no pics
  13. My Hikaru is out for delivery today. I may not like/understand all of their product decisions but I am so happy that Arcadia is around to help me fill my collection gaps.
  14. Favorites are pretty easy for me to pick 1. Yamarcadia V2 VF-1 - No need to really go into this. We all love them and know why. 2. Yamato VF-4G - There really is no finer example of an outstanding looking plane that has the ability to transform. Smooth sleek lines, almost completely without gaps. I still have moments of awe from the engineering when I look at it. While i'm sure most people would have prefered the FB 2012 scheme I like the low-viz version they were forced to go with. Of course that won't stop me from picking up any other scheme they may release for this in the future. 3. Arcadia VF0's - I liked (and still do) Yamato's version but this really was a fantastic upgrade. better proportions, nice heft, stiff joints even after many transformations. I'm sure my opinion is colored by the fact that I didn't have any leg issues with mine, but I didn't so I love 'em. My least favorites are harder for me to choose. I like pretty much everything I have, warts and all. 1. Yamato 1/60 VF-17S - It's not bad but definitely my least favorite. While it feels and looks like a quality product I get frustrated every time I try to do anything with it. The legs never stay in place in fighter mode, they always drop down due to the weight of them and the weak attachment points. I'm not much of a fan of the transformation either, especially with the hips. The swivel there is too tight so I feel like I am on the verge of breaking it. In contracts the hip expansion is too loose and never stays in place. All in all I much prefer the DX VF-171. 2. Yamato 1/60 VF-19K - I don't really want to put this here as overall I like my VF-19's but my 19K has been a disappointment. The attachment point of the shoulders to the legs in fighter mode is way too tight. So tight in fact that when I tried to detach it I had to apply so much force that it broke when it finally did release. I also had an issue with it cracking at the elbow requiring surgery to re-attach it. It just sits in fighter mode now for fear of something else breaking. My other VF-19's look better in battroid mode anyway. 3. Bandai VF-25/27 1/72 model kits - Not sure if these count as a toy, but what the heck it's an opinion piece so here they are. I've been into Gundam for many years and am a big fan of Bandai's model kits. The only issue I have had is with their transforming kits, like Zeta, and these kits fall into that same category of failure. Overall they have pretty good engineering but the tolerances are so tight that even a thin coat of paint makes it impossible to properly assemble it. And forget trying to transform it and not scratch it or snap something. After trying to do a proper paint job on my VF-27 and finding that I could no longer re-assemble it without lots of gaps I had to give up on doing a good job with the VF-25's I got. I just painted the small stripes where I knew that they would't impact transformation or rub off and applied the decals and left the bare plastic with a top coat for everything else. When done I was just happy to move on from them rather than having my normal sense of satisfaction.
  15. Does anyone know the actual release date of the regular release? I tried looking through the thread and didn't see it. I'm going on vacation for a week with little to no internet and I want to make sure I don't miss the payment window.
  16. For some people, yes I'm sure it is. It can quickly add up to thousands of dollars a year. Not everyone has that much disposable income. For me, a better way to phrase it than what I did is that I'm at the limit for what I want (not ability) to spend on hobbies, and Macross isn't the only thing I collect. Available display and storage space is actually more of an issue for me than the financial part. And i'm just going to plug my ears, close my eyes, and pretend you didn't say anything about the existence of any other hobbies in the world. I like being married to my wife
  17. Not all hobbies are affordable. I'd love to collect high end Italian sports cars and floor them up and down the Autobahn. Unfortunately I'm not a millionaire so that's not going to work for me. As it is collecting Macross, 1/6 figures, and Gundam is about all I can afford. If you want to collect high end toys you have to expect to pay high end prices. You also have to accept that not a single one, no matter how well it is designed and how much we pay, will be 100% without flaws (paint chipping, parts breaking, proportions off, etc...). Of course some issues can be worse than others, like Arcadia VF-0A/D, and should not be tolerated in any toy. Anyone is perfectly, and understandably, within their right to not pay high end prices for a toy that may break. Perhaps a better route is to pick one that doesn't cost as much so you aren't as upset should something bad happen. Maybe HMR would be a better route. Or going even cheaper, Toynami's. Of course the cheaper you go the lower the quality goes. In the end it is a subjective decision as to whether what you want to buy fits into your budget and expectations. If you can't find something you can afford that also meets your standards then maybe it's time to move on to another hobby.
  18. Done and done. PO from NY. Why can't Bandai be this easy? Do they really make more money with their PO restrictions?
  19. yes it was
  20. Same. The first week I was on it was very overwhelming to me and my wallet. I was like 'oooh they have that', 'they have that too', 'oh wow they also have that'. Bid bid bid.
  21. All of the deals I have received are from those items you indicated with low prices but multiple days left to bid. I usually put them on a watch list and keep an eye on how many bids have been placed and what the price is. If on the last day it's still at a low price with only a few people bidding I'll put in a single max bid and hope for the best. If i'm lucky I come in the next day with a nice surprise. If I don't win I just move on and wait for the next opportunity. The great thing with YJA is that they have a pretty good selection of items. You are pretty much guaranteed to get another shot at what you are looking for without waiting too long. Recently got a YF-29 30th, 1/60 super/strike parts, YF-29 isamu, and DYRL hikaru VF-1A for prices that were far less than anything I could find them for through other channels, even with the additional fees.
  22. You'd think it would be captain obvious type knowledge but all too often I see people get caught up in the bidding and not follow that formula. All I can do is shake my head and hope that the dopamine high they got off of being the winner was worth the sledge hammer to the wallet.
  23. I've only just recently started using YJA with Buyee as the proxy and I am kicking myself for not doing it sooner. It's super easy to use. The little extra you pay in fees and shipping to the proxy is nothing compared to the savings that can be had compared to any other retailer I have used (mandarake, jungle, ebay, etc...). If you are patient and keep your bids low you can walk away with some great deals.
  24. Great purchase! Where'd you happen to find it? I was looking for a while and they were nowhere to be found (unless you wanted to drop over 1k). This last week though there have been several popping up.
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