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Everything posted by Boobytrap

  1. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    I like! Looks a lot more tan than the previous pictures we have seen.
  2. Are you sure about that? I'm certainly no expert on international law, but isn't the limitation on Macross items being sold limited to the parent company that owns the rights (Big West) and those they lease the license to (Bandai, Arcadia, etc...)? Those companies are required to sell to retailers in Japan. But once the product is sold those retailers are free to sell to wherever they please, right? If they were violating HG's rights I would have thought that they would have been all too happy to sue them and enforce a cease/desist of the practice.
  3. I'm not aware of any officially licensed Macross items that are not sold second hand outside of Japan. Do you have any examples? All of the Macross products that I have purchased have come from retailers in Japan or from the second hand market.
  4. Thanks for the info everyone. At least I know it wasn't an issue with me. Time to bust out the blu tack.
  5. Sorry if this has already been discussed but I couldn't figure out how to search for something within a particular thread. So I just got some renewal VF-25F super parts and was really disappointed with how they fit on the legs. The hip armors like to fall off at the slightest touch (which anymoon.com does make mention of). The calve armors, especially the left, don't peg together very well and keep popping apart from each other, even when they aren't on the valk. I shaved a little bit off of one of the pegs which helped a little but I don't want to do any more for fear that I might then make them too loose. It's very frustrating. It took me forever to get it displayed without something falling off. I don't have any of these issues with my VF-25A super parts, which fit perfectly. When comparing the fit of the two it was like comparing a legit product to a KO or resin kit. So I was wondering if anyone else had this same issue with the 25F? If so, was it only an issue with that model or do others also have the same issue?
  6. That looks fantastic! A lot of great detail work there.
  7. Thanks for the link. You're right, not much to look at yet. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it though. I never understood why Bandai didn't make this one. Even if interest was fading from all the YF-29's they made I'm sure they could have still sold enough to make some money on it.
  8. I'm right there with you. I have really been enjoying this discussion and seeing all of the different viewpoints. Probably my favorite part of this thread is that it demonstrates what a great community we have here. All of us have different opinions from one extreme to another and all of the varying shades in between. Yet this has been quite a civil discourse with people treating others with respect even though they may not agree on the topic. That is quite rare today in any form of communication, especially anonymous internet boards. Interest piqued. Got a link by any chance?
  9. I get where you are coming from for the most part. When it comes to a companies viability they always have a delicate balancing act they need to perform. Release just enough of a product to satisfy demand but leave them wanting more. Innovate enough to give us the next step in the evolution (the next 'great thing') but not so much that there isn't any room left to improve or that they are bankrupted by R&D. A company also needs to do both of those things regularly enough to keep the customers loyal and not look elsewhere to get their fix. A company that releases too little or too much of a product isn't going to last long. A company that has one great innovation but never improves upon it in regular intervals will soon be surpassed by other companies. I wouldn't mind if other industries were a little like the pharmaceutical industry. When a new drug is put on the market the original manufacturer has sole domain over it for a number of years (10 I think). After that it becomes open to everyone to produce and the 'generics' (i.e. knock offs) flood the market. People then have the choice of paying for the higher priced original or paying less for a potentially lower quality/effective product. In order for the pharmaceutical company to remain in business they either need to improve their formula or come out with something even better. So yes, Arcadia could have done a better job to prevent this from happening. Over the years the only VF-1's they have released are reissues of Hikaru or Roy valks without a single improvement over the previous releases. They have also released them at a pretty slow pace. They were overly cautious not to fall like Yamato and now others are taking advantage of it. I don't know if them doing the premium versions or finally releasing M&M all in the same year is a way to stop the bleeding before it gets out of hand but, if it is, I hope it's not too little too late.
  10. While not an innovator myself my uncle is. He is an electrical engineer and has designed a multitude of things. He often complains about the level of security he has to work under due to the issue of corporate espionage, with other companies trying to steal their designs. They do the research and development and pay all of the costs that go into it only to have some company steal it from them and sell it at a lower price since they don't have to offset those costs. As a result of that he refuses to ever engage in anything other than legitimate acquisition of someone else's hard work. He has never downloaded a copy of a song or movie. He has always paid for software and their related upgrades. Even for freeware or shareware he will donate or purchase the full version. In the end, this is theft. No matter how you justify it to yourself "it's just business", "It's how the market works", "I need my fix", etc... it is theft. As I have said there are some instances that I am willing to engage in it. I'm not proud of it but at least I can admit what it is.
  11. When I search I keep it pretty simple. I'm sure I miss out on some things but the results seem to be pretty comprehensive. For Yamarcadia "1/60 VF" and "1/60 YF" For Bandai "DX VF" and "DX YF"
  12. For me, I do recognize that there is theft going on but if it allows me to get something off of a secondary market that I couldn't otherwise afford/have access to I would probably be OK with doing it. I will always buy a product from Bandai/Arcadia should it ever be available. If the Bandai/Arcadia products are available at retailers I wouldn't buy a KO just to get it cheaper. Doing so hurts the companies that are doing the real development and paying for the licenses to produce these products. If I can't afford to buy a product at retail price then maybe this hobby isn't for me and I need to find something cheaper. In addition, if Bandaia/Arcadia stop making Macross products due to profit loss then who are the KO companies going to steal from to keep making the KO's? But if my choice for a long sold out item (with very little to no hope of re-release) is either KO or individual re-seller I'm going to go with the cheaper option. That really isn't taking any money from Bandai/Arcadia. They already sold their product and made all the money they are going to from the item. The only people I'm really taking money from is the re-seller. So if KO's ever offer a VE-1 or VT-1 I'll probably pass. I'm pretty sure Arcadia will get around to those... eventually. I can wait. But with the VF-25 armored parts I can see myself getting those as the chance for Bandai ever re-releasing those is pretty much nil. I'd be faced with a quandary if the KO's ever released something new, whether a completely new design (like a VF-5000) or a new paint scheme that I don't see officially being released (like a VF-1 Alaska base or FB2012 VF-4).
  13. Wow, that is a pretty high fail rate. I'd say to not give up on them. Maybe my experience is different than others but I have had pretty good luck with them, and walked away with some very nice deals. I haven't made a single purchase from Mandarake, Jungle, or eBay since finding YJA. Their prices and availability have made just about every other place obsolete.
  14. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine were a little tight but nothing too bad. Just a little tug and twist and they came off without issue.
  15. The super pack actually looks really nice in your pictures. Just the right amount of bulk while still looking lean and mean. I wasn't a fan of them at first (and still don't like the way the large boosters look/attach in fighter mode) but seeing those pictures has me excited to get Messer's.
  16. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my Spartan last night. Had a lot of fun posing it. I like that even the nose sensor can pivot. It's those little touches that really make this line excel. I wish the legs could get into some more dynamic positions but its a minor nit. Bandai did they best they could with extending joints in the hips and feet, the mech design itself is just limiting. I'd rather have somewhat limited articulation to keep it closer to the proper visual representation. I lost track of how many batter up poses I put it into last night knocking a Regult all around the park. What happened to your rear cannons? Hopefully they are just folded back out of sight and not broken/missing.
  17. Looks like you have got all of my favorites in that case. I've been slowly building up my collection of blue valks. Goal 2 is to have the corresponding milia valk where applicable. Congrats to you sir.
  18. Yeah it should have had a better design but it doesn't impact me either way. I don't ever plan on attaching the lil ones anyway. Looks much better with them as ghost drones flying in formation with the 262.
  19. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Amiami shipped my Spartan out yesterday and it should arrive tomorrow (DHL). I really love the DHL option. It's super fast (2 days to CA), no delays in customs, and get text updates from them. They also call on the day of delivery to see if someone is home or if I will authorize it to be left. I use them every chance I get now.
  20. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Same. Nothing from Amiami yet. Hopefully they send out something today.
  21. Can't help but hear Monty Python "Run away!" when I look at this.
  22. Fine Fine. I was counting them as toys as when I first got them I wasn't buying the toys. They were too expensive for me and I figured these were a good toy alternative, much like I view their Gundam models as a good toy alternative. I was wrong. But I will play by the rules. #3 least favorite - Revoltech VF-1. At the time I got these I thought it would be fun to have a posable battroid, even if it didn't transform. All it did was provide me with further validation that I don't like the revoltech joint. The joints are large and bulky ruining the visual aesthetics of the toys. The pegs slide out and/or rotate too easily. The joints are too tight and require more force to move than a light plastic toy needs. I got bored/frustrated with the one I got and it quickly ended up in storage never to be seen from again. I learned my lesson and stayed far away when they tried their transforming version.
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