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Everything posted by Boobytrap

  1. Watched the movie on my 126" projection screen this past weekend. It was awesome seeing it as more of a movie rather than reduced on a computer screen. The animation moved very smoothly and I really liked how the colors popped. Sound was terrific as well. My only real issue were the parts that were blurry. It can be really hard on the eyes when they are trying to adjust for part of the screen being crisp and sharp and part seeming out of focus. More so when magnified on a giant screen. It doesn't help that the blurry portion will change positions depending on the camera angle in the scene. I'm still over the moon to have this in my collection with English subs.
  2. Gundamit has put the Glaug, Recon Pod, and Khyron up for pre-order. Not sure how the final price will work out as it isn't listed yet. https://gundamit.com/c/kitzconcept_0397 Based on the previous KC items they have carried there is a markup vs the KC MSRP of ~10%. Unless KC's shipping is outrageous I'm sure KC will have the better end price since they heavily discount the pre-order price. The benefit would be minimal deposit which is refundable up until they request payment (which isn't until a couple of weeks before they receive the product), penalty free cancellations, and free shipping. Seeing all of the stories in here of undelivered product the peace of mind that you can put down a small deposit and cancel with no penalty might be worth it for some. I have yet to buy anything from KC other than Dana (thank you BBTS for not catching the increased price . Matter of fact, I just looked and they still have it for sale at that price). I figured that I would get the Glaug and Khyron though since I don't see anyone else doing them in this scale or larger any time soon. I will be pre-ordering from Gundamit so I don't have to deal with any of the KC shenanigans. If some other reliable shop, with easy cancellations, ends up carrying them at a lower price I can always jump over to that.
  3. Up on Gundamit: https://gundamit.com/sentinel-toys-1-48-ab-01h-riobot-mecha-genesis-tread_p6662.html $7.99 deposit and free shipping.
  4. I'm surprised that Gundamit/ShowZ has this with free shipping (at least to the US). While they have free shipping on most items they won't usually do that on something this large. That's a pretty massive savings for anyone considering this.
  5. That would be freakin' awesome of you! I'll get two sets please. Whenever they are good to go just let me know where to send the check.
  6. Deep down I knew this was the case but sometimes hope overrides logic. The fact their figures are basically oversized articulated copies of the miniatures pretty much proves your point.
  7. Well that... that is gorgeous 🤩! The fur, the paint, it really is a work of art. I have been hoping that JoyToy tackles that figure. They already have Horus with Sanguinius on the way. Need the big man himself to complete the final battle. As far as the MKVI the Ultramarines have one other thing going for them. They have an extra head sculpt for no extra charge. Since the beak is my favorite I can swap the extra onto another figure. Right now the scrub brush sculpt is on an honor guard and it looks so much nicer than the one it came with. I hope this trend continues.
  8. All good, I saw it. That's why I put the smile in there. It was more of a second poke to Cap that if he does make any improved parts that I would really like to be able to buy them.
  9. I wasn't trying to be greedy . I'd more than happily pay for it. I just don't have the skills and resources that Cap and Ted do. No machine workshop, no 3D printer, no CAD skills, etc... I get super envious over here seeing people having those things and taking a stellar product to yet another level. Just throwing it out there that I would love to have an opportunity to purchase those upgrades if they are ever done. And hopefully be able to purchase it individually without having to buy a reissue. But it's all a good natured request. I know the hard work, on multiple levels, that goes into producing these. I also know the passion that Cap has for his work and his desire to give us the best product possible. If there is some reason that he can't offer it individually it is a good one and I completely accept it.
  10. And you will make it available to all of us other Spartas owners right ?
  11. Since it is acrylic another option is to use a butane torch. I've done it many times. It is great for eliminating rough cut edges, bubbles, or small scratches. Crystal clear every time. Just start at a low flame and work your way up being sure that it is just off the surface and not in direct contact. I use about a medium flame but I've done it enough that I know the sweet spot for me. The goal is to melt it just enough that gravity fills in all the blemishes but not so much that it turns to goo (this would be hard to do with the low temps these torches get to). It may sound scary for the first time but it is an easy process and the material is pretty forgiving (especially since these are thick) so you don't have to be perfect. If you're still feeling hesitant you can always try it out first on a cheap piece from Home Depot or wherever. Tap some divots make some scratches and you'll figure it out real quick.
  12. Yup, that's the exact set I was referring to. Got it at a book store like Crown or something. Such a fantastic set, especially when you see what they charge now.
  13. I'm right there with you. Sure I'm old and I do have a soft spot for that very first boxset of space marine models I got decades ago. Putting that aside though the MKVI is the BEST of all the WH power armors. That beak is the perfect representation for the Imperium considering their use of the Aquila. It is also unique and easily recognizable. There is no mistaking that it is a WH power armor when you see that helmet. And best of all - it looks bad ass. While the MKIII and MKIV have some redeeming visual qualities the MKVII and above are pretty meh. The MKX seems especially uninspired. All those years GW had to develop a new power armor for the next chapter in the story and that's the best they could come up with? A modular MKVII with a MKIV helmet? I've already told myself - If JoyToy releases a MKVI for one of the chapters I am collecting it is an instant purchase.
  14. I think I love these figures. I have always liked the designs going back to my younger days when I built the miniatures in the 90's. The last thing I wanted to do though was start a new line. I had to resign myself to admiring them from afar. Long story short, I ended up getting Roboute (on a less than sober whim *PSA don't do this guys) for a deep discount. I haven't been able to stop since. I don't even like the Ultramarines. You can't get any more generic than them. OK at all, master of none. Blech, boring, dull as dishwater. And yet I had to have a troop of them (gotta get someone(s) for the Primarch to command right? Right?). And the Sons of Horus. And the Thousand Sons. And the Dark Angels. And the Space Wolves. And toy gods willing eventually the Death Guard. They don't refer to the products in this hobby as plastic crack for nothing. I swear I'm stopping at six chapters, I just need another trooper to get by. As far as the figures they are super durable, have great articulation, hold their poses, have nice paint (including washes and highlights), and on and on. I haven't had this much fun with a purchase in a long long time. My collection has been focused on fiddley semi-fragile high end products for so long that I forgot what it was like to just pick something up and play with it. These hit all of the right notes for me. It's also neat that all of the hand held weapons are interchangeable (at least the ones I own). All of my Primarchs, Terminators, and Space Marines can wield each others weapons. It's interesting how it is possible as they all have different hand sizes. I would assume it is due to the flexibility of the materials. Or maybe the hands are different sizes but the openings for the weapons in each hand are the same size. Whatever the magic being used it adds yet another layer of playability. Want to have a simple grunt smash waves of enemies with Horus's massive mace in one hand and cleave them with Roboute's flaming sword in the other? No problem (yes, I have done this 🙂). Brought one of my more recent acquisitions on a trip and took some pictures. I really liked how the paint for the lenses popped in natural light. Enjoy! -Our intrepid Marine has arrived at the latest planet in need of a good cleansing.- -Move out soldier!- -Time to join the fray!- *Photographer's note - No trick photography here. The figure is actually in a running pose, on one leg, in sand, with a breeze. Did I mention I love these things? -No better way to spend the day than to take pot shots from a good vantage point- -I claim this moss in the name of the Emperor- -Regardless of whether the environment is too... wet... dry... rough... or inhospitable... victory always comes to those that persevere.- -One problem though... no matter where you go in this galaxy HUMANS ALWAYS SUCK.- -Mission complete. Off to pound the next world into compliance.-
  15. There is a reason behind it but it is left as a mystery for the gamer to partially piece together bit by bit. Those that don't do much exploring or reading of texts/computers left behind won't get much of an explanation. Those that do will be able to come to their own reasonable assumption and go "ah, that's probably why" even though it is not explicitly explained. I feel the show does touch on enough of that for the watcher to make some assumptions of why culture didn't progress. While we don't see much, if any, of it in modern society it's not like it's without precedent in human history. Not much cultural growth occurred during the dark ages. I don't think it's much of a spoiler to say it was a form of control for bad people doing bad things.
  16. Throw in some fusion core batteries, WMD's, and crt green screens and it's dead on 😄
  17. Just to clarify, the bombs did drop in 2077. It's just that the country's culture was frozen/stagnated in the 1950's. So while technology continued to progress everything else (from clothing styles, automobile and building aesthetics, tv, music, values good and bad, etc...) remained unchanged.
  18. It's not necessary at all. I've only played Fallout 4 which takes place on the other side of the country so I didn't have any background information with this particular location. There might be a few easter eggs or inside jokes you miss but overall it's pretty easy to follow along. Have fun watching it. It's a 'blast'.
  19. Oh you're no fun If you are still getting 4 kits then what else are you going to do with the all those extras in your parts bin. May as well have a laugh at some of the ridiculousness in this show.
  20. Looking at the picture from Ted I kinda (ok, more than kinda) want the one with bunny ears :D. Pretty sure I'll modify one of the extra heads as a swap out to do just that.
  21. I've claimed 2 spots. It'll be a chunk of change with everything else that seems to be hitting my account at the moment but there's no way I am missing this!
  22. A little but not much. Life and illness have slowed me down. I'm hoping to pick it back up in the next week or so.
  23. Received the MEPToys Invid scout over the weekend. I was very pleasantly surprised. It does have some loose fit joints as MEP indicated but they were no where as loose as I was expecting. Just use a little of your favorite joint filler (kiki, glue, nail polish, etc...) and they are good to go. Such a fun piece, and great price, I immediately went out and ordered another so I can have one in each mode.
  24. Thanks! Yeah I figured a ride/space armor should have more of a leather/rubber rather than fabric suit. This one I am pretty sure is vinyl with fabric backing. It fits perfectly on the base body (if I didn't know better I would think it was made for it) and I am pleasantly surprised by how thin and flexible it is. I thought it would hinder articulation and was willing to make the sacrifice for the appearance but no sacrifice needed. I have no idea what the longevity of the material will be but I doubt replacements will be hard to come by. Link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/294917757024
  25. Finally got the body suit in. I'm still waiting on some upgrade parts so I'm in a bit of a holding pattern. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long as I have been having a lot of fun on this project.
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