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This Confuses Gamlin

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Everything posted by This Confuses Gamlin

  1. It was a head-on zero-deflection shot, which is geometrically the next-easiest thing to being directly aft. The only lucky/skilled part was the single shot to the canopy.
  2. How many red foods can Messer have in the cockpit with him? Birthday Cake? from https://twitter.com/kinonenosiitake/status/740224354420559872
  3. Just a guess, but Chaos's garrison contract obligations to Ragna may preclude moving Elysion's core sections away from the planet unless there is a fleet-level direct threat to the planet itself.
  4. Nice conversation, the morbid humor was appreciated.
  5. I was thinking of the outside, particularly when Bogue flew right over it. It seems like a practical place to station a few Destroids when Windermere and Ragna are at war.
  6. The peg-and-hole pair has a very slight D-shape to it, so it only fit in at its one very specific angle. I had trouble doing it until I lifted the canopy and braced it with the fingertips of one hand on the inside surface while pushing the antenna in with the other.
  7. The Elysion was punching out AAA worthy of the SDF-1, the Blitz, or Night 1 of Desert Storm, but much like those examples, the stuff is useless until the plot demands it. It got silly with the battle over Vordor, since there was tons of background AAA going up for only a few Delta fighters. (Jamming?) But much like the rest of you, I remain curious about the city shell area not having any gun emplacements or Destroids around.
  8. It is:
  9. Glaug checking in. Bandai character figure Klan Klang for... not really for scaling, since the Glaug is hunched down in this image. This one is an "Up yours, Harmony Gold." I had to use the left arm instead of the right as is more traditional for the gesture; one of the joints on the left arm is very stiff and I didn't want to force it. The right arm articulation is fine though. That damn antenna: I'm less worried about losing it (though I do worry about it) than I am worried about accidentally snapping it off. If that happens, at least it would be easy to push the stub out through the other side of the canopy.
  10. I don't think I could handle my phone moving and talking on its own. Other speculation: Casim mentioned his family's orchards in Episode 8, and the character bios mention siblings, but there's no information yet about the Knights' personal domestic status. Given that Freyja's already late to marriage at 14, the Jussila brothers and Bogue might already be hitched. Keith might not be, due to feudal requirements. And so on. It's not any sort of actual plot point yet, but at least it would be interesting to know for world-building purposes. For example, perhaps Bogue finds the singing offensive because the Knights take an oath of celibacy and Walkure upsets his hormones?
  11. They're hardly ever on screen, the blame for which I would direct toward each episode wasting several seconds of air time on Keith and Messer calling each other out before going into a scissors duel offscreen for the entire rest of the dogfight, followed by a scene where Bogue ignores everything else so that he can try to kill Walkure. "What are we going to do tonight, Bogue?" "The same thing we do every night, Master! Try to kill Walkure!"
  12. Riffing off the most recent spoilercast, are there any directional arrows going from Hayate back to Freyja and Mirage? Clearly he appreciates them, but he doesn't seem to have... those feelings... iiiiinside.
  13. Party like it's 3025! I finally got the shipping notification from AmiAmi. Now begins the stage of pondering transcontinental air mail flight time plus a US holiday weekend.
  14. The breakneck pace of the series leaves me wondering questions like how large of an occupying force Windermere was holding Voldor with. Obviously they were relying on the Var to boost their numbers, but all we can confirm is the Knights, one ship in orbit (via an insignia sighting), and maybe a few actual ground troops. The stinger also implies that the Aether got away cleanly without much of a fight.
  15. D-C isn't doing Delta that quickly, they're only up to Episode 5. The extra time allows nice touches like karaoke song lyrics. Their subs don't employ quite as many "colorful metaphors" compared to gg's. The problem with being liberal with the subs or rushed is that a lot of time is being spent chasing rabbits down holes due to variations in turns of phrase, like this whole daddy issue.
  16. Episode 1 was not a good place to be in a 171. Meanwhile, found on Pixiv, it would be cute to see them dancing normally.
  17. The Podcast crew discusses Makina at 37:10, quoting Newtype. It is not mentioned where the magazine got that information from, though. (Or, I've answered nothing...)
  18. From Episode 8: Why would the Aether have a giant glass (or other similar transparent material)-enclosed viewing area? It's not the bridge, and I know that everything can be protected by a Pinpoint Barrier, but it's still a warship, not a cruise liner or a cityship.
  19. Regarding apparent Windermerean superpowers, remember that Bogue does that ten-meter standing jump when he tries to casually surprise Herman a few episodes ago. They're finally showing instead of just telling just how much better Windermerans are stronger than humans at cost to their lifespan.
  20. IIRC the camo swap was mentioned on the SpeakerPodcast. Now we've seen both the Draken and the Siegfried (and the shuttle) do it, so it's probably established tech from at least before the Windermere embargo, probably much older. But the Knights combined it with really strong jamming and perhaps some other electro-optical camo over Al-Shahal (because the defenders should have been able to take a normal photograph, but even those were fuzzed out) to effectively disguise themselves. Delta's probably just hoping to lower their visibility versus someone looking out a window, because most of the penetration is based on Reina's hacking the defense grid. More to the point, there's been little need for someone to do that in any series to date; Isamu might have appreciated it in Plus, but the Protodeviln and Vajra definitely wouldn't care about what colors were painted on their targets.
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