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This Confuses Gamlin

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Everything posted by This Confuses Gamlin

  1. Argh, I was just looking at pictures of this the other day, including a discussion of how to cram the Koenig Monster into the Quarter's carrier, and I can't remember how I got to them. Google isn't giving any familiar hits. Help?
  2. According to the subs, Johnson states that their contract with the cluster government is still intact. It would be seen as a problem that the cluster government is not entirely intact (this reminds me rather much of several Hammer's Slammers plots), but it could be logically assumed or argued that at least one portion of the cluster's government is intact if at least some of Ragna's government took the sensible step of leaving aboard the Ragna Island Ship. Johnson's description of the new arrangement doesn't explicitly state that the mining corporations are now their new employers, just that the corps are sponsoring them, and that their job is to reclaim the cluster. It would make sense that the cluster government would also support the idea of reclaiming the cluster. Of course, some concessions may have been made, but if the mining corporations were already active in the cluster, their personnel and equipment would be lost to Windermere as well, so there's still a chance that it's a mutual benefit. Sidebar: I'm calling the depiction of the Ragna fleet's travels in the prologue "dramatic license" as it would be silly to send one fleet by itself way the hell out in a different direction than apparently all of the other fleets. The vastness of the Macross realm works both ways; it would make sense for there to be a central authority that keeps tabs on all of the mercenary outfits operating out there, but it's a big galaxy and easy to disappear into. But on the other hand, unless an outlaw unit makes particular efforts to secure supplies, they'd have a rough time operating as rogues, since Fold communication seems to be good enough that they'd be shut out of support from most places within a few months or however long it takes alerts about them to propagate.
  3. Instead of my trying to feed the moonrunes into the machine, can anyone translate the captions for the image of the Sigur Valens's bridge? I'm still wondering what those egg-shaped things are.
  4. Single-biome planets are so annoying. They could also be New Zealand, Tunisia, and Norway. Or Geonosis, Tatooine, and Hoth.
  5. The following animation appeared on reddit. Perhaps NSFW if you're into giant robots. Moving right along...
  6. On a related topic, this just appeared at their site: "Seems like most of our staff are coming back from AX, so everything should be done by tomorrow."
  7. Not on the top: And yes, this topic is a bit juvenile, and you can blame me for some of that. But the entire scenario was played off as super, super goofy, topped off by the Elysion doing... what it did.
  8. There's always Grace and Leon's version of the song from the Frontier Drama CDs. I'm probably going to hell for some of the other things that I've made with Episode 14 anyway, so...
  9. It exists in that Uncanny-Valleyish world between MMD and Love Live!:
  10. Doesn't that get Jossed by the alternate video version of the Sayonara no Tsubasa end credits sequence, where everyone's dandy?
  11. This blog entry has been working on that here and there: http://karice67.livejournal.com/195157.html Bonus question: If Freyja's accent was US-localized, what would it be? Midwestern? Appalachian? Is it especially weird-sounding Japanese?
  12. Perhaps it was destroyed during the Windermere war, and the cluster is so far out in the sticks that NUNS never got around to replacing it. I'll also present the off-the-wall improbable idea that the Dimension Eater was aboard the Battle-class when it went off.
  13. Nice conversation during the Episode 13 podcast. I may have excessively chuckled during the Things Johnson Does part. Fanwank for how Hayate can easily borrow Messer's VF-31 while still using his personal settings: Macros! Really... All of the pilots can have user presets stored locally and the flight crew just sets them up at launch. It's a reasonable development of all of the controls being on touchscreens.
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