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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Most pointless figure of all time...
  2. *munches doritos and has a mello yellow*
  3. I agree: 1) All they succeeded in doing to Luke mas making him a dark parody of himself and undoing most everything he had done to save the galaxy in the OT. 2) They killed off all of the Rogue One protagonists. I don't see what was so "sacrificial" about Jyn and Andor being microwaved on a beach by the Death Star's blast. All it says to me is: "ha ha, you can't run fast enough, you suck!" They got out of the citadel, but were basically screwed by the fact they had no transport other than their feet. You may as well put on their memorial: "Here lies Andor Cassian and Jyn Erso (or the particles that used to be them); our car done run outta gas." Seriously... who says they couldn't have gotten away and the rest of the universe believed they had died? Anyways, sorry. Rant over folks. I'll hyperdrive back to my workbench now:
  4. So do I; they look terrible holding paint brushes. I prefer the pilots that are seated and look like they're flying the plane.
  5. Yeah...I was just wondering aloud about what did them in.
  6. That makes me wonder then what finally did in the remnants of the Protoculture, if the fold faults could keep out external attackers (unless the Protodevlin had a way to defeat that)?
  7. Bob Newhart, legendary comedian and sitcom star, dead at 94 From FoxNews: (more) https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/bob-newhart-legendary-comedian-sitcom-star-dead-94
  8. I feel the same; the Yammie VF-17 just feels wimpy up top. I'd love to see Bandai do another take on it!
  9. That's why I voted for a "happy ending" to Aliens; there's really no point in trying for a sequel after that. Same with T2: that should have been the end of the franchise.
  10. I was hoping more for something local; I don't know anyone doing orders right now.
  11. Well, you can make the valks full-transformable. But by the time you're done, you may as well get a 1/60 Yammie or a KitzConcept version. As for the "new" one; that depends upon availability and price (whether a place around here gets one in stock).
  12. OUCH. At that price, they can keep it.
  13. Thanks for that tip, Pontus!! I'll definitely be looking up Floyd Toole's stuff on Youtube later today! Some days, I'd rather deal with cassettes. I was very good at repairing ruined ones and splicing broken magnetic tape!
  14. That looks like it.... I'll investigate it!!
  15. Good point. Although if someone wanted to stop them dead in their tracks in the modern Macross era, I wonder if fold faults would work? After that, all I can suggest is everyone on earth arming themselves with rubber bands and firing them at the sky. O.o
  16. Same! I winder what the price point is for this (if not already mentioned in this thread!).
  17. That... actually looks pretty good!! I may actually want that for Christmas or something!
  18. The only thing I can think of then is if they had understood fold technology enough to devise a way to scatter the defold signature of the ASS-1 near earth, so they Zentraedi wouldn't have had a marker leading right to their front door step. (Don't mind me; I like trying to see how things would play out differently. It's a hobby, what can I say?)
  19. "Warmer" sound? They wouldn't know warmer sounds if someone stuck a flamethrower in their ear!!!!
  20. All that was left were arms and legs, MT. The head, main torso and nose are GONE; literally crumbs that weren't even recognizable. I'm not sure about the red plastic version, but the grey one has very soft plastic that reacts quite poorly with tube cement. I think liquid cement would be a disaster. I appreciate the encouragement bro... please don't get me wrong. But continuing is impossible at this point now.
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