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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. No, it can't; the model lost structural cohesion when I was cutting the opening for the message sign and realized I had forgotten to install the mechanism for moving it. As it was, this one was masking tape and cardboard; I'm not at all skilled in paper modeling; my hands just won't tolerate it (cannot get fine enough dexterity to do it, tried in the past and failed miserably several times) and my perception goes wonky when doing it. Really wish I could get the plastic model... not gonna happen.
  2. Thom and wm cheng: thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate it. Let me explain a bit further: The first was a scratchbuild I was doing of the Goodyear blimp (can't afford the actual Revell one!); here's what I was trying to make my own version of: I wasted 2 rolls of masking tape trying to make it, only to realize after finishing sealing it up (several layers of tape that cannot be cut without the model falling apart) that I FORGOT TO PUT THE MECHANISM IN TO MAKE THE MESSAGES TURN!!! Now, it's impossible without tearing it to pieces and ruining any sort of smooth finish on it (I'd have to start over). The second was my conversion of a Hasbro X-wing fuselage (LONG one) into a full studio-scale x-wing. On the x-wing, I was mounting the wing block back into the body after doing some repairs (I found it at a thrift store, but some kid had damaged the s-foil mechanism and I discovered the damage recently during the build), when the wing block slipped out of my hands and it shattered. Both builds now are unrecoverable as it stands; one took too much materials and left me in dire straits, while the other lies in ruins and I have no way to repair it. Wow, that stinks, WMC!! O.o I know all too well the PITA decals can present! If you need, I may have some spare decals for your kit; let me know what you may need! The problem I'm having is: the last five out of six builds I've attempted have met with disaster. I have enough "greeblies" to start my own greeblie farm! O.o Appreciated Thom; I just don't want folks here seeing me as a "sad sack" or Eeyore who is constantly moping and needing help with stuff. I've vented on here several times, just to delete what I posted (much of the "..." posts you see me do). And what makes all of it worse is that the savings we gained on expenses by moving to a different apartment got eaten up by inflation and we're right back to square one! >:(. So much for begin able to afford materials... and I wanted to be able to help other people in need out!! Just been heavy amounts of sheer frustration and incredible depression as of late, and any waste now simply hurts.
  3. Not really, but that's pretty much become business as usual for me now; just sick of complaining all the time. What's behind the "dots": had a couple of projects I was working on that I wanted to post here self-destruct on me. It's getting to where more projects blow up than I get accomplished.
  4. Tractor-emitters for the automated landing system.
  5. Send it to me; I'll need just a week to set it right.
  6. Poor thing... it could use some rescuing.
  7. For Diaclone X Transformers: if it were my call, I would do the Diaclone figures as human-researched copies of Cybertronians that were built to fight the "alien invasion" (Autobot/ Decepticon forces). It would have to be like Marvel G1, where the Autobots were mostly in hiding while the Decepticons did what they wanted, and the government studied them clandestinely with surveillance during their skirmishes. Once enough intel was gathered ( and perhaps some captured specimens to work from ), they then start buildign their own forces to counter them.
  8. Looked for one and couldn't find it. Try PM'ing Shawn here at MWF: he might have an idea on how to get ahold of them, as he's interviewed them.
  9. going offline.
  10. Right? And since most of the Destroids used the same lower frame, it would save Hasegawa on making individual molds for them. They'd only have to make different upper chassis' for the Defender, Phalanx and Tomahawk models.
  11. Well, if they need me to, I could take over as Batman:
  12. He's a disgusting human being, his acting reeks and he has all the performance range of a can of rotted tuna.
  13. *checks vs current info* Dammit!!! *punts news source, hangs head in shame and hides under coffee table* *still hates Jared Leto*
  14. Well, I don't like Jared Leto to begin with, so there's that.
  15. ROFL!! I loved the WC franchise (up until Prophecy messed up everything). And yeah: while the movie wasn't stellar (yuk yuk), the soundtrack had a couple of songs I liked and there was some good capital ship and starfighter battles. The creator, Chris Roberts, actually directed the film! Onto Kraven: both that movie and Morbius have one issue:
  16. I liked Down Periscope (minus all the sexual innuendo and cursing).
  17. Well, decided to put up my avatar after some time of not having it up (I felt it wasn't fair to comment in here without one!); the full pic of it is this: It's the Pengbuzz in a TOS BSG Colonial Warrior's outfit (complete with helmet). Now for the million dollar question: what exactly is a "pengbuzz"?
  18. That's just cray-zy.
  19. Lobsters?
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