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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. You mean like this?
  2. (oops, forgot to read post thoroughly)
  3. The gun seems to be the entire back of the leg, like on the 1/3000 toy.
  4. I can imagine other fleets being quite jealous of them in some ways.
  5. Thanks MT! Right now, working on decals for the 1J; had to use what little decal paper and injet ink to reprint the "UN SPACY" in black for the legs/ engine nacelles. The print was a little grainy (due to the ink nearly being out), but it should suffice; I'll just use a spotter brush to tighten it up once the Microsol is done and the decal is pretty well welded down. I still need to get back to the Tomcat; that one's going to require more than a bit of explaining when all's said and done. That's a pretty interesting trick!! Next time I need to do a hinged flap, I think I'll look this trick up! Man, the day you finish this, people's jaws are gonna fall right off their noggins! O.o
  6. Doesn't look that difficult... although I don't have a 3D printer, I could probably scratch that up by hand.
  7. ROTB Wheeljack= hard pass. Supposed to be same continuity, but that thing isn't Wheeljack. Not even a close resemblance.
  8. UPDATE: The VF-1J lives again. Stay tuned, more to come...
  9. I always thought it was "Measure with a micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with an axe.'
  10. Where did you store the can before you used it?
  11. I think that part was to make a not so subtle point: his wine became bitter because he had become bitter. Seto, I was pretty depressed all day today. Thanks for posting that; I laughed so hard, I nearly split my side! Especially "Snore"!
  12. UPDATE: Just waiting for the paint to cure fully before I try any sort of touchups or final assembly; I already had to scrape the top back of the right leg (intake and thigh) doe to an accidental smear from an errant thumb while trying to reposition the part during painting. Once this is set, then I'll use Aileen's Tacky Glue® to attach the canopy (too many times I used model cement, only to need to get it open later), and get to touchups and detail painting. I also need to put the 4 clear wing lights in the wings (joy), and then on to decals. Stay tuned...
  13. That's why I've gotten to hate "the Chosen One" trope in movies and shows: for one thing, it takes away the agency of a character. It denies them the ability and motivation to want to do the right thing because it is the right thing. Instead, their fate is "preprogrammed" and they have no choice. I find heroes far more interesting if no one "ordained" them, and instead, they did it because it needed to be done and they were there. BTW: the folks who "reamed you" need to learn that you don't need "fate choosing you" to become a hero. People have it within themselves to live up to their beliefs and moral stance without some ancient sect or omen "prophesying" that they would do so. If they aren't strong enough to do so without one, then getting one isn't going to do much for them either. Right? Audiences nowadays seem to be having more and more trouble separating reality from fantasy, and it's causing a lot of harm. While I'm no fan of Patrick Stewart's interpretation of Picard in the current series of the same name, I'm not about to damn him to the bowels of Hades for it and seek to spite him for eternity. What audiences need to learn: it's just a show/ movie. Deal with it.
  14. To Dumbly Go Where No One Has Dumbed Before...
  15. that would have made a good name for a ship for them: the U.S.S. Arsepull...
  16. We could try asking him very nicely....
  17. I'll settle for: "Computer, stand-by auto-destruct sequence Omega. Recognize voice pattern Jean-Luc Picard, authorization Alpha-Alpha 3-0-5"
  18. Now you just need one with the secondary hull.
  19. And on occasion: odd hair color (although nowadays IRL, that would mean much of the under-25 crowd are Zentraedi ).
  20. Brilliant idea! Hey derex!....
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