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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. It's also bad luck to rename a ship. One point they left though: Kirk's body is still in storage. So with that: I'm departing this topic permanently. As far as I'm concerned, TNG ended with All Good Things.
  2. Understood; my brother used to destroy my models all the time (he's no longer in my life now after a 10 year jail sentence for something else). I ended up having to constantly try to repair/ rebuild my stuff...which is how I ended up with the skills I have now.
  3. This looks interesting...
  4. One thing I would like to point out IRL is that robotics are heavily used in modern shipbuilding: https://www.ship-technology.com/features/feature-the-digital-shipyard-robotics-shipbuilding/ So, even if not using androids or semi-sentient drones, much actual shipbuilding can be done by computer-automated robots. This would explain how Starfleet was able to recover as they did from the Battle of Wolf 359, though it takes time to crew any new ship especially when you lose a lot of experienced crew and commanders. All of that said though: it would still be one major heck of a note for Geordi to clandestinely rebuild the E-D: 1) Saucer/ Primary Hull: Even though they probably had the integrity and inertial damping fields "turned up to 11" when they crashed on Veridian III, the fact that the entire bridge center-section slid forward shows it must have failed near the last part of the "slideout". The TNG Tech Manual states that the damage would be expected to make the ship "irrecoverable" for any return to duty, so Geordi would have had to do a lot of replacement of hull trusses and panels (the hull itself is multilayered with the external ablative layer, actual hull, crystal attenuation layer, and internal environmental layer), as well as shorted out/ crushed/ shattered corridor piping/ wiring/ EPS taps, etc. 2) Stardrive/ Secondary Hull: With the engines and nacelles coming from the USS Syracuse (I assume they meant "secondary hull and nacelles"), 30+ years of service would still take their toll. The TNG Tech Manual states that the spaceframe is rated for a duty life of "100 years"; that is presuming that constant upgrades and maintenance are performed. With this in mind, the fact that these components were available about 1/3 of the way into the ship's expected service life means that something catastrophic happened to render the Syracuse inoperable and no longer viable for refit to return it to service. This would be more work for Geordi, as it would most likely include damage similar to the E-D's Saucer Section, as well as possible massive hull breaches and spaceframe member issues. The Warp Core alone would be of extensive concern, as any weakness or fault in it could spiral dangerously out of control in moments. Antimatter containment would be a tremendous issue, especially if the Stardrive Section were relegated for scrap rather than simply given a new saucer; that fact would state that the damage to the section disqualified it from any further service. That kind of damage would almost certainly influence multiple systems, including Antimatter storage. 3) Ship's Computers: There's also the issue of the computer cores in both the Saucer and the Stardrive: Saucer: with the damage from the crash-landing on Veridian III, the computer cores would have had at least some damage to them, to be certain. The FTL Nanoprocessors would each need to be checked and replaced (most economical would be total replacement with non-crash cores) before being trusted with any use. Stardrive: similar issues would be at play here, considering the damage that would take a Galaxy-class stardrive out of commission permanently would have at least some effect on the Engineering Computer core. Since this core directly controls all the aspects of starflight for the Secondary Hull and warp ops for the entire ship combined, its' function would be even more critical and thus be of primary concern. Combined ship: Being that two of the three cores would be from one ship (E-D) and the other from another ship (Syracuse), at least one of the computer cores would have to undergo some reprogramming in order to work with the other cores. Additionally, the cores would then have to run together for some time so the ship's combined computer system would learn to function as a whole ("burn-in time"). 4) Other Shipboard Systems: Considering the damage to both hulls (as well as the fact that even after 20 years, Geordi states that "the hull still needs work"), it's certain that much of the ship may not be in habitable condition, particularly in external areas near the outside of the ship. Add to that damage to the shield waveguides in the hull, damage to sections of the phaser array strips and/or photorp launch systems, as well as overall life support systems to boot. Overall: even with Geordi's expertise and his daughters assisting him, it would still be a massive undertaking to attempt anything like this. Without either a staff of people who were willing to keep LaForge's project in the strictest of confidence or a series of highly automated assembly robots and drones, a twenty year stretch would probably not be long enough to make much more progress than to get some of the systems nominally operational. EXTRA: I have a prediction to make for the last episode-
  5. On that note gentlemen: something I'd like to point out and ask both of you (and please forgive my naivete on this): The Enterprise-D is capable of being operated by one person only, if necessary (as established in the show); this would mean that nearly all of the ship's systems would have to be automated. Additionally, the ship presumably has a prefix code that would be most likely still be in the Starfleet Archives (having been in Starfleet's care should the ship fall into a situation like Reliant did in STII:WoK. Since the Fleet Formation Systemâ„¢ seems to tap into the ship's computer to remotely control the vessel using the ship's own command and control system... ...what's to stop the Borg from simply hacking the E-D's computer, bypassing its' safeguards and taking it over anyways?
  6. That's what I've been trying to tell them over at RPF, but folks won't listen (they make up all sorts of excuses!) Still, all things considered, it is a pretty good job overall. I'll grant you that; Geordi going to Enterprise crewmen Anonymous
  7. Now we need one of Misa Hayase.
  8. On that (and this is just from my own perspective😞 1) Having dealt with trauma (CPTSD), it can last for a lifetime; I still deal with stuff from 40 years ago that caused me tremendous harm emotionally. 2) While we haven't "seen" dialogue to that effect yet, I have seen in counseling groups where someone can seem "well adjusted", but be hiding some pretty deep scars down in their heart and soul. It's not that they cannot function, but there is stuff that is there which doesn't "go away" and is a daily challenge for them. Not trying to be picky and argumentative here; on the bright side, them bringing back the E-D gave me an excuse over the weekend to snap up 1 1/4000 AMT E-D at a flea market for 10 bucks (I'll post it in the Workbench thread in just a bit. ) !
  9. They probably also had sections of the ship painted with primer, and one door painted a completely different color (got it from a junkyard or something).
  10. Now to you Seto: I also consider you a good friend and respect your opinion on this matter. I may disagree here and there, but I see where you're coming from on this too- Sounds like they're trying (futiley) to undo a couple of decades of villain decay. Maybe the previous writers should have let the Borg win and actually assimilate part of the Federation, Klingon and Romulan Empires, forcing the other 3 to have to work together to defeat them. To the other point: Assimilation is downright scary when you think how fast they can do it. Not sure how well salvaged/ surplus parts would hold up (like anything, depends upon use and condition), but I wonder if Geordi has made any changes since rebuilding the ship? Like I said to Thom: Geordi said there were still issues with the hull and stuff. All good points, though I wonder (as aforementioned) just how much Geordi had to be away if he was using automation? As for the rest: much of it seems like the TNG characters forgot who they were and had a near-inversion of their personalities. That's the one thing that gets me the most about the series: it is devoid of the joy that TNG had. How would the series be different if they had that level from TNG in it? I would have to wonder since Geordi said "drones are loading photon torpedoes as we speak" if he utilized a number of automated drones in his rebuild of the E-D? I can almost certainly guarantee it's not the original bridge; in Generations, the entire center section of the bridge broke free of the deck and slid forward right into the main viewer (see 2:08 in following video): Agreed; I imagine by the end of this, everyone's eyes will be bad because of all the dim light reading. O.o
  11. Let's start with you, Thom. And before we continue bro: I want to come out and say that I respect your opinion, and understand where you're coming from on these things. I may see it a bit differently, but you're a good friend and I think well of your opinion no matter where I stand on this issue. So, my take on this in reply to your comments: I wonder if that means he could regain his old body if they remove the Borg "seed" in it? If that's the case, then which one is Picard? I do think this is a rather cheap way to assimilate people, but then again, the Borg are know for being a bit cheap. That depends on a few things, though the E-D has taken a bit of a beating and is cobbled together (albeit by Geordi). Also, Geordi does say her "hull needs a lot more work" amongst other things, so she's not in prime condition. But I suspect that blazing into battle wouldn't be the first thing they would do; even in her prime, she was not exactly a match for a Borg cube and won by subterfuge and strategy. Even the E-E was not a match alone against a Borg cube (per First Contact); she needed a fleet for assist. None of this is to say a Galaxy class isn't tough: it's just that in the subsequent 30+ years since her launch, the rest of Starfleet and everyone else got a whole lot tougher. While his relationship with his family may have been good, men do compartmentalize things. And Georgi probably compartmentalized the destruction of the E-D, blaming himself for the wreckage/ destruction of it. I'll agree to an extent about restoring the E-D, but the thing is: his "welcome" to Picard and gang wasn't all that warm. The Geordi we knew wouldn't have hesitated, as he knew if Picard came to him in trouble, it was going to be for one hell of a reason. As an addendum: the salvaged ship's computer cores would have had record of the battle, and how the incoming shots from the Duras sisters' KBoP bypassed the shields. That plus an examination of Geordi's VISOR would have determined how that happened. Even though Geordi wasn't at fault he should have had a better examination post-release), I can see how he would have felt responsible. That depends upon how personally involved he was in rebuilding the ship: much of it would have been automated I assume. I did! And it's off by six inches!! SIX WHOLE INCHES!!! That's like 2 milimeters on a 1/32 scale model bro!! I'd get my kitbasher's license pulled if I let that go!! This is an OUTRAGE! THIS IS A TRAVESTY!!! THIS IS... ..erm... uh... really bad Klingon Drama? Anyone buying any of this? In all seriousness though (I hope it's clear I was only clwoing around a moment ago!) : I pointed out about the plaque because folks had been making bones about "how exact the bridge was", when Picard looked like he shrank by nearly a foot! It should be burgundy. (runs) I agree, but how in the world does anyone see anything?! You mean like SNW?
  12. One thing to note: Picard shouldn't be able to hear from them anymore, given his Borg-nanites are back with his old, dead, wrinkly body.
  13. One nitpick I have (though it most likely has nothing to do with anything): The Enterprise Bridge is wrong: I know people shrink a little as they get older, but unless it's scoliosis of the spine, it's not by THAT MUCH: https://uamshealth.com/medical-myths/do-people-shrink-as-they-age/ What I mean is: they made the "ramp" from the rear of the ship to the front way too steep,which puts the con and ops consoles far lower than the rest of the bridge. It also throws everything else off a pic, as I show in the picture. Additionally, Levar Burton himself confirmed the ramp being "too steep": "We went back to our bridge, and it wasn’t exactly, the ramp was a little steep, but the feeling it evoked in us, that sense of coming home was real. It was like being in a time machine, we were trasnported back to the 19, to the late 80’s." Source:- ttps://trekcentral.net/yes-the-enterprise-d-is-back-for-picard-season-3/ Not to mention: why is Picard giving Data helm orders when it's Geordi who's at the helm console?
  14. Let me recommend a book to you: https://www.scribd.com/doc/297100094/Painting-and-Finishing-Scale-Models# Painting and Finishing Scale Models by Paul Boyer (former editor of Finescale modeler). This link is a preview for you,
  15. Wow... that was such an a$$pull that they must have reached clear up to their brains trying to find something to grab!!!
  16. I sense a Borg civil war coming up with Jurati trying to hack the other Borg's "network" on Picard's behalf. >_>
  17. Which is par for the course in any endeavor; I cannot count how many times I've done a custom only for someone to issue it as a kit just after I finished the blasted thing! O.o
  18. It's a gas!! Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash!!!
  19. Speaking strictly "in universe": Soong probably used a copy of Data's mind from before the 20 years in that simulation. I figure if he could "clone him" from his positronic "cells" once (or whatever BS they came up with), he could do it again. There's that; and thinking on it, the reasons I mentioned would be ancillary at best. Admittedly, it is kinda nice to see them together again on screen, but that's the effect they were going for, isn't it? Banking on "memberberries" (nostalgia) and going completely countermand to their original claim of "no TNG reuinions" once they saw how badly S1 and 2 tanked. But with all of that said: what really sticks with me most is how pathetic Picard sounded when he whined "Will..." when the Shrike nailed them with their own photorps. TNG Picard would never have acted like that; in that moment, he sounded like a little kid who just knocked over the family's flat-screen TV after running around the living room.
  20. I guess time and trends have a way of changing people's minds. In Spiner's case, they also let Data have more emotional range (and some sarcasm to boot).
  21. Wow! O.o Never seen that before MT!! UPDATE: Just did the "sludge wash" on the VF-1J; a little worn-looking even after removing most of it, but some white chalk pastel and a bit of drybrushing should fix that: Stay tuned folks... two out of three is almost done (and ain't bad!)...
  22. Partially; the base layers are Rustoleum while the colors are acrylic. The Imai models build nicely enough as long as you follow 6 simple rules: 1) Build and paint everything as modules before building other components around them (thighs, forearm sliders, etc); 2) Replace the tail backpack hinge with a metal one (bend and file it out of coat hanger wire); 3) Test fit, test fit, test fit; you never know when a spur that you didn't see or a glue seam will throw things off. 4) Careful of the joints during construction: some can be fairly easy to snap if you try to force pieces together too hard. Some you may want to drill out and use ABS or metal rod to reinforce. 5) Scrape seams and paint: a part may fit nicely when you first build it, but that one thin layer of paint or line of glue from a glued seam can make things an issue ( PARTICULARLY the slots on the interchangeable nose modules towards the rear ). 6) WATCH THAT CANOPY!!! It isn't all that thick and trying to mold your own after ruining the original is a freaking nightmare!!! Trust me: they Imai 1/72's are sturdier than Bandai's over-engineered later 1/72 offerings.
  23. I wonder if the man who built is will be named ....Lincoln...
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