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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Well, it is GoLion's (Voltron's) sword (Ten Kings' / Blazing Sword), but it's neither kit: It's Matchbox/ Trendmasters (originally Popy) Deluxe Voltron III: With 12 inch ruler and can of Pepsi for scale: The base (with handmade logo based on the font used in the 1984 title screen) and custom Lion Key: Sword in holder on base (based off of holder for sword on Soul of Chogokin Golion GX-71) : It's nice to have this project back together; the sword was on hold for two years while trying to figure out how to rebuild it. I needed to use foil tape on it, but all the blades kept flexing, wrinkling the foil and ruining the effect. It was only when I went back to the original blade, cut a slot down 3/4 of it in the center groove and added a hardened steel rod/bar that the sword became inflexible and steady enough for the foil: The hardened rod goes from almost the tip of the blade all the way down to the pommel in the handle! I wanted to make sure this thing was STRONG. On that note: this is what I started with and where it ended up(original work finished in 2019 up until I needed to redo the blade on the sword): (Yeah, this one took a lot of work!!! O.o ) Now, all I need to do is finish detailing the hilt, and this one is done! Thanks for looking folks! Next up: Goodyear!!
  2. Pete Rose, MLB’s polarizing all-time hits leader, dead at 83, agent says From FoxNews: (more): https://www.foxnews.com/sports/pete-rose-mlbs-polarizing-all-time-hits-leader-dead-83-agent-says
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  3. I'll bet!!!
  4. Any plans for the rest?
  5. Been busy...
  6. Kris Kristofferson, country music legend, dead at 88 From FoxNews: (more) https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/kris-kristofferson-country-music-legend-dead-88
  7. Linky no worky?
  8. Then there's:
  9. I was thinking perhaps a jeweler's saw?
  10. Hoping you feel better Seto; I suffer migraines as well and know exactly what you mean. And that's very interesting about the lasers: I hadn't considered that fiber optics could be used in lasers, let alone without a final collimating lens. O.o Something for me to consider in the design of my transforming fighter.
  11. Well, the Jedi is running so I'm not sure it would fall on top of him, but that's an interesting point. I just want to make sure the physics are on point!
  12. UPDATE: Final on my diorama- Finally got the water right, even if it is a slight bit murky! Still can't make my mind up on the cockpit /"head" position though: Oh well. Thanks for watching!
  13. That, or overcoating Molotow Chrome Marker. On that note: long time no see, Rock!! You have any projects going right now?
  14. AT-ST vs Jedi:
  15. With all respect, the Zeta would hand most valks a butt-whooping unequalled in mech combat.
  16. I use it straight, and it works wonders!! I like it better than easy-off oven cleaner; it smells a lot better, will strip chrome off chromed model parts, and is super-cheap at Dollar Tree! Thanks; I wonder if this was "meant to be" as Big s said?
  17. Right? The "super enhancement" on those mechs are the ones in the pilot's seat.
  18. Whatever you do, take it in small sections a bit at a time WM.
  19. Right; I'm hoping the 70 can remove the top coats for wm chang without doing the decals or paint any harm. That's why I recommended starting with the 70 and testing it on a small area.
  20. I've had something similar happen to a kit before, WM! Try wiping it down carefully with 91 alcohol; it seems the two coats wrinkled due to interaction, but if they could be removed safely, you may have a shot at saving this one. Try it on a small area, and you might want to start with 70 first in case 91 might be too strong. If that doesn't work, I can always see what I can do with it (if you're willing) and if I can, send it back to you so you can pick up where you left off.
  21. UPDATE: My diorama fell off the shelf it was on (I knocked it over by accident), and the walker separated from the base. That's the bad news... The good news: it landed on top of something I had been trying to find, but was missing- (it had fallen between my shelf and the bookcase next to it, to where you couldn't see it unless you were right on top of it!) Anyways, seeing as the model was separated from it's base now (and rather cleanly, I have to confess!), I decided that the base was too small anyways and... ...well... See for yourselves: Just waiting for the "water" to cure (it takes 24 hours and I just did this last night, so it'll look a little cloudy until then). If it doesn't, I'll paint it with a bit of transparent blue, watered down. Stay tuned...
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