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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
  2. All the luck in the world, man! I know your pain, albeit is was with the Monogram TOS Galactica!!! O.o
  3. Honestly: if I cannot afford any models or collectibles from a series, my interest tends to wane considerably (I tend to be fairly tactile). And right now, funds are at a premium for me.
  4. Originally, I had grave reservations about them doing any sort of continuation of B5, let alone animated. ...well, I just got proven wrong. I actually want to see how they do with this one! If the story is good (and it looks like they're using the same animation studios ala WB's DC Universe), there may be a market for a series of movies after this one!
  5. You forgot the fourth version: submarine. 😛
  6. With all the times this has popped back up then gone away, would it be fair to say that "the RT movie" now qualifies more as zombie apocalypse horror than it would sci-fi/ anime?
  7. This is what I use for mine; I just refinished a canopy for my F-14 Tomcat: https://www.hobbylobby.com/Crafts-Hobbies/Model-Kits/Paint-Brushes/Ultra-Fine-Waterproof-Finishing-Kit/p/917 If you use these with water to speed the cutting action in order of coarsest to finest, this should return your diecast car's windshield to crystal-clear. After use, just buff with a cotton cloth and that should do it!
  8. My general epoxy I prefer is this one: It's called "plastic welder", but it's a more akin to an epoxy. It's not as brittle as regular epoxy, sets in 5 minutes, and cures hard enough to hold weight in 1 hour. I prefer the black version, as it's easier to paint over in my opinion. When cured, it's pretty much like the plastic around it and is very stable. I'm not sure where you live so availability may be an issue. But auto parts shops like autozone, hardware stores like Ace hardware and Amazon online have it last I checked. I use it for construction and modifications constantly: it's strong enough to hold the warp pylons on my 1/537 refit Enterprise easily (after both were snapped off clean at the joint).
  9. Admittedly; not a fan of clear styrene kits. Too brittle and fragile for my style of building.
  10. This is why I'll use an epoxy (or plastic welder) rather than filler putty on big seams; those tend to to be weaker, and if they need that much filling, become a structural issue. I'm not above shaving down parts or even scratchbuilding new ones it they're missing or out of scale.
  11. UPDATE: Got some work done (finally!) on the 1/72 VF-1 Wolfpack F-14: I need to buff the entire thing down with steel wool for the next coat (particularly on the bottom); then get the framing on the canopy done. The color is a little lighter than normal, but this is deliberate, so when I do the washes and pre-shading, it doesn't darken beyond the normal color. I still need to do missiles, missile rails, tail hook fuel tanks and detail painting/ decalling. Speaking of 1/72, a friend recently sent me this kit as a surprise (which was truly appreciated, as I was depressed as all git-out😞 There's only one of the two planes in there, but since I wasn't expecting this, I'm not complaining! lol In all seriousness though: since this is fighter mode only, and I still have the catapult dio from my Roy VF-1, I have a concept in mind: Idea part 1: Axoid Fighter Paint up the fighter as "Axoid", only the name would be the callsign of a UN SPACY pilot, and the fighter's unique paint scheme was intended as a stealth coat for Mars. Added to the paint job would be the usual UN SPACY livery (roundels, signage, squadron MODEX, etc.) Idea Pt. 2: Diorama- Permanently glue the Axoid fighter w/ landing gear to this diorama, and add whatever launch crew I can. Stay tuned...
  12. PM sent and appreciated. And I have news we got toady concerning that bro! As for Kronos-1: couldn't that simply be an add-on kit for the K'tinga? On that note: since the KBoP is now 1/350 scale, would they ever make one in 1/537 scale? I wonder how big that would be compared to the Enterprise?
  13. Hey!! Good to hear from ya!! How are you, my friend?
  14. *checks pocket lint*
  15. Aw... NOW they re-release the E-D Aztec decals!!! 😠 GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
  16. Agreed on all counts: even MII seems more "Macross" than the later permutations. Maybe they should just spend some time redoing the original series so the animation doesn't look like aged milk compared to the later ones.
  17. That's the Fairchild/ Loral 4 Transport (FL/4-T).
  18. A plausible explanation: Klingons possess adaptive evolution as part of their genetic makeup, designed to adapt to adverse conditions so they can fight in any environment. Takes a generation to show up, but guarantees they can hold wherever they invade.
  19. In this poster, Chapel is black and white with no color at all; makes me wonder if the character/ actor is departing....
  20. 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲
  21. You know, I've been thinking about your problem here. Could you try perhaps using some #0000 grade steel wool to remove the crud from the wash without ruining the rest of the paint job. At the very least, you'd have an even surface in case you need to repaint.
  22. I actually like that design! That should have been the E-G!
  23. If I may make a recommendation: find a white paint marker with a very fine tip (perhaps a Gundam Paint Marker) and use that to refine the edges where the wash didn't exactly behave for you. I've had to do this on a number of models that went "sideways" and it works fine. Then just use a very light overspray of the base color to kill down whatever sharp edges may pop out.
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