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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. I miss the 1/4 Robocop that I had that talked (NECA); it was lost when my brother didn't pay the bill on storage years ago and the bin was sold. 😠 Jerk.
  2. Thanks Thom! Yeah, once we get settled and get some stuff paid down, October should look like a much better month. Will have to get the painting situation with my models squared away (apartment building and all), but I'll find a way. Some stuff that I'd really like to do (including that SDF-1 Bridge build with Gobal and Misa, and make the rest of the Bridge Bunnies!) coming up, and finally having the finances to do it right! That reminds me also: I have a pair of F-4 Phatoms in 1/72 (you know the ones ) that I was thinking of using as the base for a custom-design starfighter. We'll have to see how things go... Yup! *cue RotJ Main Title* Really liking the work on your F-5E cockpit! That harness just sells it! That control panel.... is that a 3D decal or is that painted? If the latter...your eyes must be hurting ya! lol Seriously...nice work! Your USS Texas looks like it was pulled straight from a photo shoot at General Dynamics Electric Boat Shipyards Groton, here in Connecticut!
  3. Reminds me of my Macross Factory!
  4. I wonder if Tron could be "upgraded", so that the character wouldn't be tied so much to BB. No offense to Mr. Boxleitner, but I think someone else could do the role justice. Not to mention that should he pass, we would have to lean upon deepfake if we were to use him extensively for Tron.
  5. I might be looking into buying some of those, now that I finally got stuff taken care of and my ship came in!!!
  6. UPDATE: We almost have the apartment situation taken care of: the good news is that it's in a much quieter neighborhood, and the rent is dropping by a LOT!! Which means: more money and better models!!! 😁(and not having to scrounge or ask for help!) So with that said: going to be rebuilding the Macross Launch Arm Diorama: I'd like to take this one a bit beyond the original seen here; I just have to rebuild the bay/ wall plaque, and was thinking of lights and perhaps doing the bay out in full somehow. Any ideas, folks? (don't be shy!) In other news: the move is at the end of August, so in a few weeks, I won't be on here for a bit but we should be fully moved in by the 2nd week of September. After that, this and several new projects will be coming (along with resurrecting my airbrush!) Stay tuned...
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. Well, considering that there are endless realities (earths), they can always change it again and get Mr. Keaton for another one.
  10. Nah, just try making the shins about 1/8 inch longer.
  11. if that's the case, I should be freakin' superman after playing with my cat the other day!
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