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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Question for the gang here: How would you folks go about lightening a paintjob on a model kit that already has decals on it, without stripping the old set/ paintjob? The paintjob is just a little dark on the model (darkened when clearcoat was applied), and I wanted to fade it a little bit. Suggestions welcome (kind ones, please! :p)
  2. Right? I would probably buff most of the silver on the body with #0000 steel wool to give it a bit of a "brushed metal" look. That would let the face stand out a bit better, especially if the face were done in a different shade of metallic and black were added around the eyes:
  3. It's akin to the reason why an archer unstrings the bowstring on their hunting bow when not in use: constant tension will remove any ability to respond and the string will lose all resilience, resulting inevitably in snapping. Not to mention it's not realistic al all; the world isn't in constant danger 24/7 forever. Even after the end of the world, the fragments of the planet float peacefully in space.
  4. Right? Looks like a lot of folks out there really want to see MII!!
  5. I think we all do bro; it's part of being an artist and modelbuilder.
  6. Not to mention that a beam weapon's pulse would travel far faster in space than a solid projectile (given that it would travel fairly close if not at c ), making it much more difficult to dodge in a dogfight.
  7. Yeah; they didn't think that the Battlepods were the foot infantry (as so to speak). And they assumed it would be a ground war, not a space-based assault. Ah... so that's where the Ford Pinto came from!!! O.o
  8. What happened? O.O
  9. This is still a thing? I thought they fired the cast and crew quietly, and Michael Burnham was on the street holding a sign that read "Will Dramatize for Food".
  10. Not to mention: in the case of the VF-1, its' operating time in space was limited due to the size of its' fuel stores (and maneuvering propellant as well), getting into position to use a bayonet or knife would have wasted operational time in space when missiles/ gunpod fire could do the same job. Later fighters such as the VF-4 could maneuver longer, but I cannot imagine it getting into melee (hand to hand) combat configured as it was in Battroid mode.
  11. So it wasn't exactly Dick Dastardly up thee, right?
  12. 1) He looks kinda angry/ constipated (facewise) 2) Did he let a gigantic fart rip at the end or something? O.o
  13. Just went to TVTropes (per your link) to look up the Bolivian Army Ending. BTW: Is it normal to lose track of time and end up reading on on other stuff related to what you were looking up on TVTropes?
  14. I see it: the nose stripes are misaligned (circled): sc_planet: don't worry about it so much! In real life, the military fouls up paint jobs all the time! Here's a link to a topic that might help you out: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234966177-modelling-mistakes-on-real-aircraft/ Personally, I think your plane looks great! And to be honest: during the Global Civil War, the militaries of the world probably didn't have all that much time to make sure every stripe was right! SO, it's all good! You have a winner here; relax, take a victory lap, and get yourself a Petite Cola!
  15. Basically: suicide ego runs?
  16. Sorry, but when I read the title, all I could think was:
  17. Which means they're practically immortal...unlike poor Messer. What a dip.
  18. Hopefully they discover that pineapples are extinct by that time...
  19. And perhaps discovers a regenerated Earth, and the remains of the human race there.
  20. You might want to see the spoiler for what I just thought might occur if they did combine them. You mean like this one:
  21. Would love to do a Hasegawa VF-1S Battroid model someday.... If you think about it, the leg is only attached by one joint, and that's at the hip.
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