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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Well, they could always use insults to Southern Cross as a method of resisting extremely high heat at Mach speeds. After all, those are pretty cold... 😛
  2. Sorry I haven't posted much in the way of thanks folks; been a bit busy for me as of late! So, let's take care of that now: Thanks! It's been a dream for some time to do this one, and it finally came true! The diorama was just the icing on the cake, but it really helped to "sell" the figure! Thanks derex! I wanted to make this a "slice of the movie" and get that gritty "Old Detroit" feel to the scene! Yup! And you have to name the ship "U.S.S. Murphy"!! Thanks! It definitely was a blast to work on! Thank you! It became a game of "what else can I put in there to sell this scene?" Thank you sir; that's high praise coming from you!! Yeah, and I tend to go a hundred times harder on myself than anything else. ROFL!! Thanks MT!! I was worried that it wasn't looking like Mr. Weller compared to his photos in and out of makeup. But in comparison to the original face (that I literally made a mold of to cast the unhelmeted version), it looked a lot better. I ended up pressing detail into the cooled hot glue with a burnishing stylus, sandpaper (to simulate skin tone by pressing it into the glue and sand rough spots), and trying to counter-shade the recessed areas as seen onscreen. All that said: if you folks want to know what the papers said (I accidentally blurred some of the print with water while gluing them down ), it readsas follows: Front of page: LOCAL NEWS OCP INVESTIGATED FOR FRAUD, BRIBERY OLD DETROIT ARENA CLOSED REBELS BURN DOWN RESORT OF ACAPULCO MAJOR STORM TO HIT DETROIT AREA THIS WEEKEND THOM BUILDS A STAR TREK MODEL MECHTECH INC. FINALLY FINISHES REPLICA BOAT Back: CAR-TASTIC SALES EVENT!!! (Some crappy sketches of cars, including the 6000 SUX taking up 1/3 of the bottom of the page). 6000 SUX: AN AMERICAN TRADITION Thanks everyone!!! See you all next build!!
  3. You could try a silver colored pencil for that; it's worked for me in the past.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=909009517508316&set=a.566214738454464
  5. Okay...had to do some rework on the helmeted head, and the helmet popped off. While I was warming the glue gun up to conduct repairs, I thought it might be nice to take some rare (in this case) comparison pics: Apparently, I did a better job on Peter's face than I first thought!
  6. Not to mention that given the current state of the human race at this point, communications and info-sharing within a fleet as well as communicating with other fleets and governments would be vital. On that note Seto: one question I have is that aside from the dedicated military comms, say a colony fleet ran into a branch fleet of Zentraedi. How far off would I be in assuming that the network between fleets would be used to communicate position, size and composition of said fleet to warn other fleets of their presence and threat capacity? And would the local network allow for a military sub-network that would allow for connections to sensor probes that would presumably be ahead of the fleet?
  7. Thanks; I didn't realize you already had experience with the stuff!
  8. In all fairness: Voltron was an improvement on King of Beasts GoLion. The original's music stank, the story was way too dark and violent, and it never achieved much popularity over in Japan. A jump across the ocean, some name changes and story tweaks, and a much better soundtrack and it took off. (just my opinion; your mileage may vary)
  9. A build like this is never late, my friend! On that note, let me introduce you to a material that has been invaluable to me in my kitbashing and customizing efforts: https://www.amazon.com/Devcon-22045-Plastic-Welder-Dev-Tube/dp/B003NUGL9S?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A1VXXWE5IFXYV3 Unlike the plastic weld solvent adhesive you're using, this is a two-part adhesive that sets in 4 minutes, cures in 15 and reaches full strength in 24 hours. It holds 3500 pounds, can bond metal, plastic and just about anything else, and is strong enough and durable enough to make parts from (I have done this with countless projects). It can be sanded, shaped, filed, ground down, drilled, tapped, primed and painted with no issues and can fill in imperfections and repair cracks/ broken/ shattered parts. I can personally vouch for this material and have used it on the following projects: And these are just the highlights! If you get a chance, try it out for your project: I don't think you'll be disappointed!
  10. Not to mention he's being turned into guacamole by the excessive g-forces (not a limit so much on the craft as it is the pilot).
  11. UPDATE: Nearing the end of this build- I managed to get Bixby Snyder into the diorama; he had to go on the side though: And of course, another newspaper; f you read it closely, Thom and MechTech are mentioned!! I built in a brace to hold Murphy so he doesn't fall over on display: New pistons on ball-joints; the old ones kept snapping off their mounts (got the idea from the Hot Toys version): Alternate head for Murphy; not 100 percent convinced it looks like Peter Weller, but I'm not going to keep fighting with this. It is what it is: And of course, the Robocop logo; this was a pain to hand-draw and ink, but it seemed worth it: So, some issues (like the shininess and such) will be solved down the road. But overall, I'm satisfied with the project. Thanks for watching folks! See you next time!!!
  12. So this was basically a last-ditch "botch job" done out of desperation? No wonder it went bad...
  13. Thank my wife for that: she ended up finding the head behind her computer (I literally couldn't find it after throwing it across the room!). It doesn't look all that much like Peter Weller, but I did my best. *I HATE Robert Burke and Richard Eden's versions; they look plain weird!*
  14. @derex3592Thom's right, derex; those wheels are going to darken anyways due to road grime and other stuff. The darker color will actually work for you on this!!
  15. I wonder what Viper and Jester are doing these days; shuffleboard at the Lake Miramar Retirement Airstrip?
  16. That's coming up: I'm getting ready to use 0000 grade steel wool to buff the armor, them clearcoat, then the transparent colors for the subtle effects. BTW: I finally managed to get a functioning unhelmeted head (second pic).
  17. I'd like to see a model of the Macross Cannon myself.
  18. "Madame Web". Yup...her damn web is stuck all over my shoe. EEEECCCHHHH!!!!
  19. Yup! for taking out the trash. With that in mind, he needs something to put it in:
  20. Thinking about it, I agree that I wouldn't trust floor polish alone. Let me look to see if I can find an acrylic version. UPDATE: I wonder if this would work: https://www.jerrysartarama.com/liquitex-professional-acrylic-ink-30ml-iridescent-bright-gold-83645?srsltid=AfmBOorupxvk64KMFflr5SIj63SRh73HpbJBIeSO5bSk3pXI6TS_5qkOafw
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