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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Thanks for posting this Seto!! Saving a copy for my personal files...
  2. My apologies. Dialed down, and previous snarkiness removed (as far as I know) from my previous post. To try to move this into a more positive light: @Seto Kaiba: would there be a situation/ situations where destroids would be more useful in combat than a Valkyrie? An example I can think of is perhaps Southern Cross or maybe Mospeada, where it looks like much of the fighting was ground based (admit it's been a while since I've seen either series, so this is by very shaky recollection). Or would those be poor venues for that?
  3. On my workbench now: Keeping a promise to some lost friends; first up is the F-14A Tomcat (VF-1 Wolfpack September 1974, CV(A)N-65 U.S.S. Enterprise). The next two will be the F-14A (Top Gun, Maverick/Goose's plane, 1986), then the F-14D (VF-213 Black Lions, 2005). These represent the birth, zenith and end of the F-14's career over a span of 31+ years. Cockpit's pretty much done; just need to clean up around the frame. once that's done, masking and initial priming commences. Stay tuned...
  4. Why pay for that feature? Just plug in an electric vacuum to the car and duct tape it to the rear bumper. You'd get about the same effect.
  5. Not to mention time; animators, especially those in Asia, are often very overworked (I've heard of them sleeping on the studio floors during projects). Anything that can save them time and effort is a bonus.
  6. A little undecided on this one, since funds are scarce for me. At the same time, I loved the setting and mecha for MII (albeit I don't read Japanese very well).
  7. Ideon = tragic and brutal mass slayings via infinite power, conveniently contained in one mech. Seriously.... it sliced a planet in half:
  8. Not to mention that all of this is happening during what is pretty much the end of the world as we know it. That's going to make people a bit more clouded in their relationships I would think.
  9. My apologies. Sometimes kind of hard for me to tell when my online tone is off; no disrespect intended. Dial turned down to 2.3.
  10. Most productions has more design work than the production staff can use. Just look at McQuarrie's work for Star Wars or Probert and Sternbach's work for Star Trek. You can't really integrate something into a military that has no place for them to integrate into. 1) As Seto mentioned: in M+, they're used as targets. 2) Evangelion plays by a different set of rules, where the "Angels" are committing themselves largely to land-based attacks, designed to inflict harm upon humanity. Evangelion is not Macross. 3) Again mentioned by Seto: this is before SW1, when the Unity Government is still thinking the coming conflict will be a land war. 4) The Cheyenne turned out to be about as effective as one would expect in a situation where much of the attacks were aerial. As for the Koenig: it's a big slow valkyrie. In Armored Core, the piloting is very much ground based with "flight" time in the air being limited to how long the AC can last before its' boosters overheat and it enters "cooldown mode". In those scenarios, the destroid is still a sitting target on the ground for space-based forces . Destroids are, by default, playing in a 2 1/2 D playign field, limited by the fact that while they can shoot up, they cannot move up. Their opponents however are moving and fighting in 3D, and have those benefits to assist them. And if they really want to be sadistic (and have the time), they can simply run the pilot out of ammo. Sooner or later, gunpods run out of ammo but a Valkyrie can still maneuver and fly. But with Destroids: once their ammo is used up, they are slow and plodding with limited hand to hand ability. Also: eventually, armor, shields and structures taking a heavy beating will fail. Even overtechnology materials has its' limits, especially when pounded on by multiple beams of energy weapons and salvos of high-explosive warheads. "Newer computers, actuators, tech upgrades, etc." can only do so much in a combat environment where the enemy is airborne, has a space navy with starship-grade weaponry, and the forces they're fighting are largely landlocked. Which is exactly what any trained Valkyrie pilot worth their salt is going to stay in for the fight as long as they have to maneuver. As for the "jump jets": the operative word here is "jump", not flight. At best, that will get them into the air for about 15-30 seconds, maybe a minute at most. Meantime, the standard Regult can stay airborne much longer than that.
  11. And be careful; Revel's version of the instructions has an error when it comes to the polycap for the hips inside the Battloid nose/ cockpit section: Imai/ Bandai (in red circle; shows polycap in the correct position): Revell (in red circle; note it shows the nub on the polycap turned to one side, which will cause the nose to separate and break) : (Note: instructions are for Axoid, but they are the same for all of Revell's Vf-1 Valkyrie 1/72 transforming kits) As for the delicacy of the transforms, a few things: 1) as much as possible, scrape paint/ do not paint where the "sliders" for the arms meet the body. Otherwise they will stick and can cause breakage. 2) if possible, the "slide" parts that allow for the chest section to slide down should have their posts reinforced/ replace with brass wire. 3) replace the plastic hinge for the "backpack" with one made from steel or aluminum wire bent and filed to shape. the plastic one simply will not hold up. 4) heavy brass rod (hobby lobby or hobby supply store) can be used to replace the styrene nubs that serve as the hip joints in battroid mode (cockpit/ nose ) 5) scrape the paint from the slot in the two noses where they connect with the main body; otherwise, they can stick and possibly break if you try to separate them. I've done this with mine and it's still standing up! Still transformable as well!
  12. I've run into that when conducting repairs on mine (G1 Jetfire). Also, the super armors can be different, with one set not fitting another and even causing breakage if you're not careful.
  13. Revisited this. Stay tuned.
  14. Agreed: I think a lot of the characterization in Macross got murdered by Carl Macek on the behest of HG, in order to "americanize" the series and make it palatable for this side of the Pacific.
  15. Given how thin the parts appear in the first pic, I would say they aren't missiles (not enough room to contain them). In the third pic, they could be some kind of communications/ projection array or something, seeing as they have no barrels on them.
  16. Would these be of any help? https://cs.finescale.com/fsm/modeling_subjects/f/2/t/174708.aspx I know you probably don't want to go so extreme as the video, but maybe there's some info in the vid or the first link that may be of use to you? I currently have 3 F-14's that I'm needing to build (to replace the ones lost when my neighbor's tub overflowed and leaked into our computer room); I thought the stuff I found might help you in some way .
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