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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Too bad we couldn't get some Logans in as patrol craft for the cities in the next Macross series as cannon-fodder to get blown up.
  2. Nice weathering job on both; I couldn't hep notice though a couple of nitpicks here (minor ones) that jarred my eyes while looking at these wonderfully done models (second video): 1) The odd offset placement of "U.N. SPACY" on the black wing stripes and "001" with black stripe on the engine nacelles/ legs (1:02)? 1) Anyone notice the huge gap between the canopy and the rest of the nose on the Strike Valk (11:52)? I wonder if the canopy was somewhat warped during manufacture?
  3. Finally got my Missing Link Convoy/ Optimus Prime C-01 yesterday:
  4. that's just sad looking!!
  5. Yeah...Gundam may as well be the mech mascott of Japan and of all mech anime as a whole.
  6. While they're at it, how about a 1/300 Daedalus and a 1/300 Macross to go with it?
  7. I seriously wish I had the money for all those, Shawn! Right now, I can't even afford modeling supplies!
  8. UPDATE: thanks, but I ended up with some trouble: 1) The internal support for the sponsons tore out on me while I was doing final adjustments for the non-weapon sponson covers. It took with them the entire support structure for the wheels, wheel wells and cracked the bottom hull plate of the model, requiring a rebuild of the lower hull plate. Anyways, a friend on another forum is sending materiel support, so in a few days, I should have this back on track. Stay tuned...
  9. Doesn't look all that bad to me; I think we all got spoiled on "anime magic"....
  10. UPDATE: chain guns revised- I know the 40mm cannon still looks a little big, but it's probably because it's light colored in contrast to the rest of the craft. We'll see how it looks painted, but comparing it sizewise, it seems spot on to the specs. Also; I got my idea for the stand going: Stay tuned...Archangel and Marella want a word with me about something...
  11. You could try using #0000 steel wool lightly, then some ground up black pastel to add the color differentiation. It would allow you to do so without adding a lot of layers to the paint job, and as a bonus, be subtle about it.
  12. It would be funny if in the next Macross series, they had a one shot of her and she's still upset all these years after Gamlin wrecked her VF-1!
  13. Yeah, the 50 cal. barrels look a little big in particular on her, especially in comparison to the photos of her actual guns: Thankfully, nothing is glued in yet, just taped on. I sized them directly from the parts layout on the Aoshima kit instructions, but I think they look a little big as well. I don't have any thin metal tubing per se (and money is tight right now after some unexpected expenses), but even if I have to use stretched sprue and cut off the old barrels to fit them in, I'll get it taken care of.
  14. Hawke: "DOM!! I NEED CHAIN GUNS!!!" Santini: "YOU GOT"EM STRING!!!"
  15. Here ya go then, Thom: https://www.airwolf-online.com/openingintro Was considering that, but I have another idea I want to try....
  16. UPDATE: New sponson/ weapon end doors made and undergoing final fitting. Also started on a stand for this one: Stay tuned...
  17. I feel that's being uncharitable to Ford Pintos. 🤣
  18. Okay... Rick looks mad that his perm came out like crap.
  19. I can see your point; that said:
  20. Just got my notice from BBTS tonight that Missing Link Prime would be in soon!
  21. So basically:
  22. You could try using a mechanical pencil to do the panel lining, followed by a very light buffing with a cotton bud (swab) and some clearcoat.
  23. UPDATE: Next, on Airwolf:
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