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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. You may be right, but I really hope it doesn't go that way. As to the topic at hand: while it's tempting to go for a cheaper valk, I just would not be able to bring myself to do it (had I the funds).
  2. I got some of the detailing for the Launch Arm in place today:
  3. No worries man! It took me almost a year to get my 1/72 together, and that included some nasty disasters. Looking forward to some pics.
  4. Thom, that looks just awesome! Really liking the weathering and paint-chipping effect ya got going there!
  5. lol If I had the money, I might!
  6. I'm sure folks here would love to get a few spares NZEOD.
  7. I had to make my own (along with the RMS') when I decided to mount them to my valk. But that's a good question about where they come from.
  8. Light Arm is pretty much done and set in place:
  9. You know, you've got an excellent point there, NZEOD! I hadn't thought of that. Thanks! Sorry if I sounded a little defensive there; just want to make sure I'm not going outside the norms for this. Thanks Thom! And that SDF is looking really awesome Derex! I remember building the Revell "Attack Fortress" version, which I'd love to get again someday. A bit more progress on this (the plastic-coated foam blind slats I harvested really help in making this zip along):
  10. NP MT! And thanks; the artwork I wasn't sure about until this morning when I could get a good look at it. It still needs a few more things. That said, I started the "Light Arm" for the launch dio: Generally, I'm following the basic plans for the Launch Arm and Light Arm, but I'm taking a few liberties on both. i figure while it's important to have all the major details on them, that I can get a little creative and vary slightly.
  11. Every time I see your progress on this MT, my jaw just drops in sheer amazement!
  12. Got some of the launch bay artwork done; a little crude, but I'm working in layers to achieve a desired effect. It'll sharpen and improve as I go:
  13. That's definitely going to be a project for you to post!
  14. I just watched it and thought it was a good end to the Maul/ Kenobi feud. BTW: Does anyone else think that just maybe, they may segue way after Rebels into the adventures of the Original Trilogy? I was thinking the parts between the movies.
  15. LOL! Well, my secret is... MASKING TAPE. I found that when it is lightly sanded with 400-grit paper and then treated with Krylon Crystal Clear, the clearcoat seeps into it and hardens, making it far more resilient and durable. It also adheres it to the surface for pretty much eternity! That allows me to work a lot more quickly on projects that need detailing. But as far as "lunch time sunday"...it's Sunday 6pm where I am now. Admittedly, i do have a Tardis, but it's only a wooden one and about 6 inches tall.
  16. Looks like the valkyrie plant's been working overtime! Looking good so far!
  17. I'm going to have to try that stuff sometime! Looks like it did a fantastic job on the panel work for your models, Derex!
  18. lol Actually, these are some of the pics I'm working from! Since the entire thing is going to hang flat against the wall, I cannot do an entire launch bay dio; what I am doing though is a kind of "bas relief" type thing where the detail is being put into a recessed area in the bay. Current progress: But yeah; those are some good ideas you and the rest of the gang have, Thom! If I change my mind about this and do a regular standing dio, I may just cut the center out and do a "full-up" hangar bay. And some 1/100 valks in forced perspective would also be a nifty add-on at some point.
  19. Yeah...even that's really tight about now bro. On that note: more progress:
  20. Thanks for the suggestion, NZEOD; I appreciate it. However, I'm trying to keep this at the cost of materials that I have on-hand (my better half is already worried about funds and whatnot). Maybe I still have some magnets, I'll have to check. otherwise, going to investigate the other method.
  21. UPDATE: Launch Arm and diorama progress: The setup is pretty basic at the moment; the launch arm needs detailing and more parts (clamps for the valk, wires, etc), and the magic marker on the base are there to denote the panel lines until I can paint them in and detail the "hull" of the ARMD section. They won't be staying. As for the black square, that will be replaced with artwork of the interior of the launch bay; the idea with this is to hang it on the wall as to conserve space and give that look of being "in space" as it were. I may have some additional ideas; we'll just have to see. I want to attach the Strike Valk to the arm by means of a detachable system (strap or something) that will hold it securely, but will allow removal when needed or desired. I'll have to see what will work. Stay tuned...
  22. Meantime... Still rudimentary and needs detailing and work (inluding a system to hook up and remove valkyrie). Magic marker is temporary until I can detail paint the panel lines in, and a matte painting of the interior of the launch bay will replace the black.
  23. Those sound like two really neat ones! Is this the one you mean for the Yukikaze? http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/yamato/images/c/cd/Vlcsnap-2013-04-28-23h34m05s175.png/revision/latest?cb=20140810062445 Meantime, starting the launch arm:
  24. Thanks Thom! I'm thinking of letting the other VF-1 have the first diorama (the carrier), and building an ARMD launch dio with launch arm for the Strike. Although I need to find figures for the dio's (lost both recently )
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