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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. I often rebuild those joints that are a royal pain (case in point: the VF-1's bicep swivel). Sometimes it's just easier to do that than try to follow their plan and end up with either a joint that may as well be a revolving door, or one that is so frozen in place that freeing it would also free the limb in question from the body!
  2. Now you just need the "Disco" version of the Star Wars theme and a small disco mirror ball Death Star! lol Anywho, some progress on my VF-1S: I did some panel line work on the Battroid Nose/ cockpit so that it looked like the Fighter/ Gerwalk Version. A closer look here: I also found a spare pilot from my first build of the VF-1S and did some reworking on him. I didn't really care for the "I hope no one hurts me" near-fetal pose he was in (sorry about the blurriness, my camera doen't like it's own close-up mode): I also reworked the cockpit a bit; I plan on redoing the side panels in the "tub" with greeblies added for throttle and control sticks. I'll also see about a transparent HUD as I go: I also did some panel engraving on the topside of the fighter: after the VF-1J, it just looked a bit too plain to me. I may go back and redo the 1J at some pint with a blade and some darker paint to contrast the panels, but that's for another day when I feel brave: Battroid mode: I rounded the fronts of the thighs/ intakes a bit as the felt a bit boxy: I don't plan on going "overboard" on this one, but just touching up a few things that often bothered me about the Imai VF-1 Variable kit. I may also revise the tail and add a bit to the ailerons (they seem a bit skinny to me). Stay tuned...
  3. ROFL!! In all seriousness though: while I like the detail, the neck mechanics look a little too exposed, unless the armor for it is omitted in the sculpture for the sake of viewing. I know on the VF-1S, it has a series of "gussets' between the head and the neck.
  4. You can buy white or clear decal paper and print them on an inkjet printer. You just have to clearcoat them and then cut them out, as the carrier film is all over the backing paper. Only thing with it is that if you're printing on clear paper, "white" comes out as transparent (unless you have a printer that can actually print white ink such as ALPS), so you would have to either print that on white decal paper and have another color over it for contrast, put plain white decal film just underneath it, or place the decal over a white surface/ paint white on the model where you need it before putting the decal down.
  5. Really nice job there! I like th gold on the stand, it brings out the plaque and the wording on it.
  6. Thanks! I found it on Ebay; ended up paying 40 bucks including shipping (was 10 but someone decided to mess with me in a bidding war and i got tired of their crap). It was also missing the missiles, but I really didn't care so much about that.
  7. I've had this issue on my tomcat builds: after gluing the canopy in place, I scraped the plastic do match the level of the clear canopy. You probably don't want to try that, but I'm nuts anyways (just ask folks here! :P )
  8. Well, I'm back after a considerable hiatus (and a cross-country move that was the move from hell!) I recently found another valk (a Bandai reissue of Imai's original, 90's vintage)- Aside from missing the pilot (thankfully, the only thing), the kit is complete. I plan on printing actual decals in my printer to replace the old ones that came with this kit. They're pretty yellowed and I tested one that shattered when i did so. I think I'll attempt Roy's valk one more time. Stay tuned...
  9. On that note: has anyone ever considered that Voltron's main weakness is most likely a gigantic ball of YARN?
  10. That's the problem; initially. I wish they would have ran with it fully, as it would have allowed for a lot more, IMO.
  11. You have a good point here; those records would be pretty damning, not to mention long-lasting. So then by necessity, this would have to be a universe where Section 31's existence were not a well-kept secret. That would actually make a pretty good anthology series on TV I would think. And it would allow for actors to be replaced fairly easily as well as one-time and recurring roles by others.
  12. As long as the main bodies are in reasonable shape, the connectors aren't important. I'll probably rebuild them anyways to my specs.
  13. Now, have them do "YMCA"!
  14. I'm going to go with Seto Kaiba on this: I mean honestly: if Trek is big enough for multiple imaginations, then its' also big enough for multiple timelines/ universes. Trying to shoehorn Discovery into the Prime Timeline is just absurd (even in the face of my previous suggestion about Section 31). Debate is fun when done right; tempers and egos do not have to rule it.
  15. Actually, rather simple: submerge. People stop talking and forget once you stop showing up for some time. Then you pass into legend, legend becomes myth, and myth fades into obscurity.
  16. That's a neat idea, only I'm poor. As in: I'm so poor, I cannot even pay attention. So, unless someone's willing to buy it for me, finding an old junker at a yard sale or flea market is the best I can do.
  17. To be fair: maybe this is the reason they are so covert by the TNG era. They got lax after Enterprise and had to re-establish their "Secret Squirrel" status! lol
  18. Okay.... now i just need to fins a junker Vehicle Voltron combining set that I can kitbash and add insane articulation to. Y'know...to go along with my Lion Voltron.
  19. I noticed that as well; I'm wondering then if some type of latch could be worked into it that would be released when the motor started, and would be closed again when the ramp was drawn back up? Not sure how that would work, but just an idea.
  20. At this rate, they should just have Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer just tossing paper airplanes at each other.
  21. Lol no worries Thom! Parts: 1/48 Revell F-15E "Strike Eagle" model kit (plane parts, decals) M.A.R.S. Converters '57 Chevy "Valve Charger" (torso, legs, head) Transformers Universe Ultra-class Powerglide (arms) Transformers Classics Voyager-class Ultra Magnus (shoulder joints) Materials: Devcon Plastic Welder Hot Melt Glue (high temperature) 3M Masking Tape Apple Barrel Acrylics Testors Model Masters Enamel (silver) Krylon Crystal Coat (Clear) Sharpie Markers (assorted) And of course: sheet styrene and Testors Model Cement
  22. Sauce? Er.... jet fuel?
  23. Back from my hiatus. The following is a photo record of my latest project:
  24. Update: The Dougram project just skidded to a permanent halt; while working on it, my hand slipped off one of the parts as i was test-fitting the pieces for modification and collided with the main body of the mode. Upon impact, all the blue pieces disintegrated. Total Loss. Thanks for tuning in folks, but with the amount of fragments, I think this one is out of my hands. On that note: I'm taking a hiatus from MWF. Burned out, depressed and just hate life right now. Be back in roughly 6 months (more or less)
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