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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. As soon as I'm done with this: Guess what I'm doing now with this?
  2. lol Yeah, if I had been rebuilding the SDF-1 for UN Spacy, I would have had it done about 6 weeks after the crash.
  3. Little bit of an update: Started some of the gantries/ walkways on the wall, and also added a bit more detail.I diverged from the original a little bit here, wanting to add my own details. I may also add another wall to one side or something; we'll see. I also put a bucket on the end of the boom truck that is jointed (more pics of that when the paint dries). Stay tuned folks...
  4. I'm pretty sure that what HG thinks is "protoculture" is actually SPAM.
  5. Thanks! I'm doing my best with this.
  6. UPDATE: some more paint and detail work- While it's still not finished (still want to add my own details in addition to the walkways, crane and other regular detailing), I wanted to show the paintwork I got done so far: And yeah: the lettering was a royal PITA to do freehand, especially curving around one of the turntables (no printer ink right now, so this is my only option): More to come; stay tuned...
  7. Yeah; I like the actual motorcycle itself. As for the anime, when it was tacked on to Robotech, it was the depressing end to what started out with Macross. But on its' own, it takes on a whole different light. (On another note: I thought I had posted something like this already in this thread, but it vanished. And I keep noticing that happening with several of my posts. O.o )
  8. Really looking forward to seeing this painted up, derex! BTW folks:,I recently saw a kit in 1/144 scale on Etsy for about 50 bucks: https://www.etsy.com/listing/668836899/vintage-robotech-macross-queadluun-rau?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=robotech+toys&ref=sr_gallery-1-19&organic_search_click=1 That's my "PSA" for today. In other news: some progress on my project- Stay tuned folks.
  9. Thanks for the pics, tekering; I'll see if I can use some of the details in this! Thanks Bolt. Just wanted to post a bit of an update here: The truck was actually a knock-off g1 Constructicon that was dirt cheap: Mixmaster. I simply did some mods and rebuilt it (was busted anyways) into the boom truck for the factory section: Stay tuned folks...
  10. Oh well, here goes; I can always delete it if needbe... I did this as a concept piece of what it would look like if a Transformers commercial from the 1980's had been done with Photoshop available. Since I can't animate anything to save my life, it became more of a "back-of-the-box-art" type of thing.
  11. No, at least not at this point.
  12. For a while now, I've seen the Macross Armored Factory kits online, and while I like the idea, the scale is too small for me. Additionally, my valkyries are all in 1/72 scale. So what is a pengbuzz to do? Build the factory in 1/72, as a diorama/base/backdrop. So first, the wall and door get traced and cut: A tad smaller than I wanted, but whatever. I only have so much mattboard and not a lot of money. Door has been cut and placed, along with the beginnings of the wall: Starting the "lock holes" for the moving gantry/walkway" Not as bad on the scale as I feared, but still a little smaller than I originally wanted: Next up: the floor with turntables; I plan on deepening this with a thicker base and wells or the turntables: Added a "human-sized" door for forklifts and the like: And last night, added the moving crane arm well, glued into position for this setup. Moving parts for me usually break, so I don't do much with them: Stay tuned folks, more to come as I progress...
  13. Yeah...when Robotech came out, all I really cared about was the first part (which i later found out was Macross). After finding out Macross was a separate series originally, I made the jump and ditched Southern Confusion--er, I mean Cross, and Mospeada.
  14. NP Thom; just happy to see someone else using it. :) UPDATE: I work fast sometimes- I'm hoping to have the bottom on a more stable base in a bit. Stay tuned...
  15. I think WEP managed to do a better job of securing the rights for both GoLion and Dairugger XV than HG's bungled hashing for Macross and such. WEP also didn't go out and try to butcher fans of either series, as I think you're referencing here. And frankly, i think WEP at least improved GoLion with a better intro theme!
  16. Well, hello and greeting then to another Inkscape user!
  17. Thanks! I'm planning a few touches of my own to distinguish this from the 1/100 kit. Factory, you guessed it! I figure that anything in 1/100 can be replicated in 1/72, and building it out of matt board should be a bit easier than plastic (I had a bunch of it lying around from an artwork project that needed matting).
  18. Looking sweet and sharp, Thom! Meantime folks, another of my infamous "projects" begins... What I began with tonight: And what I have so far: I think folks here may pick up on what I'm building in 1/72 scale. Stay Tuned...
  19. Gives new meaning to the term "prepare for fold".
  20. Yes...but not anytime soon. Not to mention that HG is an insult to primates everywhere...
  21. Wait...they actually pay people to work for them? From the sounds of it, I thought they simply caught them unawares out in public and chained them to a desk in their dungeon of an office with only some stale bread and rancid soup to sustain them.
  22. Gotcha...I kind of guessed that when you were mentioned in the third person in the acknowledgments. Still impressive how many folks from here are involved there. Ah, legalzoom. Providing quality legal advice since 1999. ROFL
  23. Preferably, an Itano Circus, right?
  24. You're the webmaster for the Macross Mecha Manual? Wow...I had no clue! On that note: I just read the acknowledgments there. I hang my head in shame at not knowing how many folks from here contributed there. O.o In HG's case, they'd hvae to be external. If they were anything like HG, their 3-piece suit would be made of paper and their law degree would probably be courtesy of Kellog' s Corn Flakes
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