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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Megatron's younger, anorexic brother? O.o
  2. A nice oil wash might work wonders for it.
  3. MT's work is nothing else if not absolutely remarkable! And your works is amazing as well: I really like the idea you have for the magnetic missile mounts! Ont he note of updates: decided to redo the body work and paint job of my "Alien Starship One" kitbash/ scratchbuild. I tried rounding the edges off a bit more, and doing the hull in "burned green/grey" colors more in keeping with how it would look during entry into Earth's atmosphere: These are a bit sharper, but also wash the color out too much:
  4. Agreed; the fact it persists now is because it keeps being pursued by HG. And to be honest, I'll admit that I'm among those fans of Macross to be irked by their ironclad deathgrip on the franchise. Although I'll also admit that even if they lost the rights, it probably wouldn't be the "magical gate-opening to Macross-Eutopia" that many are hoping for from Tatsunoko/Big West. Many of us fans (and I'll include myself in the roster, in all frankness) are probably more emotionally invested in the franchise than the companies that produce(d) and distribute(d) it. I think I need to explain my comment here a bit, since I may not have spelled out my entire line of thinking. The reason I say HG will finish itself once RT goes under isn't that I think RT is their "bread and butter', but that once they run that into the ground, they'll finish doing the same to the rest of their crudball empire. It was once said " The Way a Person Does One Thing Is the Way They Do Everything ", and I think there's some truth to that. If their property management dealings are just as shoddy as their handling of intellectual properties, then they aren't doing very well in any arena, IMO. So really, I don't think HG will sink because RT drops off, but I do believe that the same mentality that caused them to handle it poorly persists into all their dealings and ultimately will finish them in the end. on that note: That's why I said "mostly" out of trouble; they did some stuff that pretty much guaranteed that the law would start having an issue. But so far, nothing seems to have really impacted them insofar as actual penalties (at least as far as I know Seito; I haven't heard or read anything on that one, so my apologies if I'm in error on that). As for the difference between HG's and the Agrama family's finances, I'm not too sure they are so separate, seeing as HG provides the Agrama family with their income (AFAIK). That said: it is good that the Italian courts are on them about it, and hopefully will continue to keep an eye on them in the foreseeable future.
  5. I would love to find these again, especially the Macross-based ones. Too bad these couldn't be reissued in the US, but I'm sure there's a plethora of legal/ safety and financial/business reasons why that I'm not aware of.
  6. Thanks! It was a good project to build. Next up, thinking about doing a Destroid in 1/72 scale from scratch. That should be interesting...
  7. No serious money is more the term here. As this slips further and further, hopefully HG will finish themselves and file for bankruptcy. I for one would like to see a serious investigation into HG's overall financial dealings, but aside from the ones already done, I'm pretty sure no one in that "company" would ever do any serious answering for their antics. Not to mention their behavior probably skirts just inside of "legal" enough to keep them (mostly) out of trouble.
  8. Same; I got into a lot of arguments over stupid stuff on more than a few TF boards, and eventually just had to walk away from them (for my blood pressure's sake). I like the laid-back atmosphere and general camaraderie here at MWF much better. While I like MP-10 overall and like the way MP-44 advanced the tech used for the transformation, admittedly, I have issues with both. I agree about the arms on MP-10 being too long, while MP-44 just looks a bit "broken up" in a parts-wise way (too "panely"). Also, cost for me is prohibitive on many levels, and just like GX-71 Voltron/GoLion, the price point for MP-44 is about half my rent!!! So, I did the only thing I could, having an MP-01 that I bought (back when MP's were not that expensive): I rebuilt it. While it may not look 100 percent like MP-44, at least it's a lot closer than it's original configuration, and it still transforms. I've had to do this for a lot of stuff (like Voltron), where I couldn't simply buy the newest version. But rebuilding the older ones certainly teaches you about the methods they use in developing these collectibles (and the pain of developing the new transforms!).
  9. Why five million? Because the other five million were at the drive thru for Zentraedi Burger king and were waiting for their orders, so ten million wasn't going to be happening that day. :D
  10. Just google "rubber dog poop" on the internet and we'll get the idea.
  11. Paint job is looking very sharp there, Nyankodevice! :)
  12. At this rate, I'd expect "South Park" level of dialogue, to be frank.
  13. Same; although for me, it opens up possibilities. How about multiple John and Sarah Connors in one timeline (coming in from alternate ones)? I envision that there could be a "running battle" where both Skynet and the Resistance's time-meddling has destabilized the whole time contimuum, and time itself begins to collapse.
  14. In other words: charging max prices for max profit while using minimal cost materials and work to be purchased by fans who hope against hope for a "RT revival" that will never come.
  15. ROFL!!! Nice job!!
  16. If HG wanted to make money, they should make a documentary (with a digital camcorder that doesn't require film) of how they tried to resurrect RT all those times. Then just label it "The Making of Robotech". Then they could promote it as a comedy; I think at least a few people would see it just out of boredom.
  17. Indeed: on my 1/5000 kit, I had to install a set of elbows so the ship could bring them up like in the series. Same here; without glasses, everything looks fuzzy and indistinct... ....except my cat. he always looks that way.
  18. Recently redid the face on Voltron; it was too narrow and the eyes were too small.
  19. Minus the actual big budget, of course...
  20. I know, right? The bottom one was supposed to be a derivative of the gunpod for the YF-19, and the larger one was based on the smaller. Instead, I got "Mass Effect", but I think I'm just gonna go with it.
  21. I was just thinking about that: that the "Joker" isn't one person, but a type. much like "the Unicron effect" is described in various Transformers universes where even without a link to the multiversal Unicron, one can arise due to the fact that "Unicron" is woven into the fabric of reality. In that vein, it's plausible that "Joker" is a force of nature woven into the various worlds of DCU and expresses itself in various individuals at a time. Almost like a "spirit of insanity" that is impersonal and "infects" susceptible people who then become these "Jokers".
  22. Sorry, didn't mean to bury your post. But from now on, I'll quote your post when I post so it won't get buried.
  23. That started I think in Macross 7. Speaking of guns, I have the new gunpod (with the "official" designation of GU-49 "Gilead") painted up and sealed In comparison with the smaller original gunpod; I'm planning on using both for this mech as "combat options", with the smaller one being for close-in combat/ melee and the larger one for anti-ship/ fleet ops: Rockin' the Gilead: Yeah...ya really don't want to be on the wrong end of this one!
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