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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Discovery tanked because it sucks. How does it suck? Well... 1) It lacks the optimism of TOS, which is set ten years later than this series. I'm sorry, but a LOT of Star Trek's appeal is hope; underestimate its' importance and you lose most of what makes Star Trek what it is. I mean, who in their right mind would want to live in THAT kind of world? 2) For a prequel, it doesn't look like anything that TOS could have come from. Unless you're planning to rewrite TOS (in which case wouldn't this become the new "TOS" and TOS become it's "TNG"?), then this needs to hook into it. And having the ships look so much more advanced doesn't help matters. Where does this leave TOS then? And if it isn't the same universe as TOS, then what the hell is the point? Just make it its' own series and stop worrying about what it's supposed to lead to! 3) "Edgy" may work for a lot of sci-fi, but having the Federation as "edgy" just doesn't work. An organization dedicated to keeping the peace, peaceful exploration and research, and safe commerce for all it's members and allied constituents has no business being "edgy". That's akin to dressing the entire US Military all in black armor and balaclavas and standing guard on every street corner. 4) It tried being something else instead of Star Trek: while it has all the trappings of Star Trek, it feels more like "Got in space" (see point 3). It doesn't feel like it's own show really, but all the "best ideas" they could find from other genres and shows. Lastly: pointing an accusing finger at "old fans" and claiming "they are not accepting of anything" is really just unfair. No one has the right to tell anyone what they should and should not like. Can we state that we dislike something? Of course; that's our right and we use that every day here! But to say that fans "are not accepting of anything" just because they don't like Star Trek: Discovery? To try to put this politely: they have the right to dislike what they dislike. And think about it: if it were any good, there would be more new fans of it than there are now. The "old fans" do not owe it to anyone to "like a series" just so newer fans can be brought on board. We start getting into that mindset, and pretty soon, it becomes a game of "you need to do this for someone else", and thus one's likes and dislikes are held hostage for someone else. Instead, series need to stand on their ability to deliver a compelling story with an equally compelling cast and writing.
  2. I can just imagine all the "head jokes" coming down the line now...
  3. I'm really beginning to think Hollywood needs to hire HISHE to write and film their movies. rofl
  4. "hints of STD"? At this rate, the franchise is dying from EVERY STD imaginable!!!!
  5. It looks pregnant...
  6. the last thing we need is Patrick Stewart trying to channel his inner Samuel L. Jackson...
  7. If you buy the movie 3 pack of the refit-e, ktinga klingon cruiser and reliant, they refit e is a new tooling. i used that in my diorama for WOK
  8. That comment had me cleaning pepsi off my monitor...
  9. Yup, pretty much. I'm surprised that one of the crew hasn't whipped out a phaser and incurred some "23rd century workplace hostility" from out of nowhere already.
  10. Right? More like "RoBONGtech"...
  11. Because the Kyber Crystals call out to the Padawans in the Crystal Cave, which the Padawans enter in order to find the focusing crystal for their lightsaber. Apparently, the color indicated the nature of the Jedi. On that note: the Sith make the crystal "bleed" by forcing all their hate and anger into a crystal until it turns red.
  12. They blew up because someone fed the script for "The Rise of Skywalker" into their navacomputers, and they simply overloaded and exploded! BTW: if all of this happened "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (like, 1600's in the Andromeda Galaxy), then how about what's happening NOW? And for that matter... they bring it from their galaxy to HERE?
  13. I see only one thing wrong with this: it needs a lower half
  14. Meh. Gonna pass on these; they look like Joker chain-sawed them apart, then tried gluing them back together or something...
  15. I would consider trying to mask off parts of it and after main painting, using a small brush to get into the areas spray can't get to easily. It sounds like trying to disassemble the head would be a major pain and risky at best.
  16. Yeah, they may as well just put a neon sign that says "DANGEROUS END HERE, STAY CLEAR A-HOLES!!"
  17. Thanks guys; was going to do a destroid, but kind of low on just about everything right about now. Christmas is pretty bombed-out this year, seeing as I failed both of my exams for the A+ cert and we're pretty much in "survival mode" about now. All I can say is "FML"....
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