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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Yeah, they could digitally clean those up and even use AI (with permission of course) to rework some wonky dialogue.
  2. Right? Imagine if they used that kind of art to completely redo the opening into for SDFM?
  3. Now he just needs a surfboard!
  4. Yeah... The armor on that figure looks pretty good.
  5. Looks like it "stepped" right out of the OVA.
  6. I avoid Jungle like the plague; had a friend who got rooked by them and their bank couldn't help him.
  7. Where did you find that?
  8. Right? One would think...
  9. Much appreciated MT!! I really like that MT!!! Looking forward to your next progress report!
  10. @MechTechMuch appreciated MT!! Still working on Street Hawk (just need a good day to paint Jesse Mach's eyes in and stuff). As for the Gobots model: here is the "cleaner" of the two arms, but both are in pretty bad shape: I know it doesn't look that bad on the camera, but IRL the camera isn't picking up the caked/ melty glue (model cement). It's bad when even plastic welder isn't working right! O.o It's the parts for both arms MT: upper shoulder pieces and the lower pieces for the forearms (including ailerons and that stupid "block" wedge thingie. The instructions they included (as with Revell's "Robotech" models) are pure garbage. If I'm able to redo them with new parts, I'm going to be taking much more time and strongly testing EVERYTHING before committing in glue!! As for that Cy-Kill kit: I wouldn't even assemble the figure fully if I got that (I KNOW things). I would buy a pre-made multiposeable figure, make a cloth outfit for it and attach the armor parts separately. Much appreciated MT!! Here is the "cleaner" of the two arms, but both are in pretty bad shape: It doesn't look that bad on the camera, but IRL the camera isn't picking up the glue caked on (model cement. It's bad when even plastic welder isn't working right! O.o It's the parts for both arms MT: upper shoulder pieces and the lower pieces for the forearms (including ailerons and that stupid "block" wedge thingie. The instructions they included (as with Revell's "Robotech" models) are pure garbage. If I'm able to redo them with new parts, I'm going to be taking much more time and strongly testing EVERYTHING before committing in glue!! As for that Cy-Kill kit: I wouldn't even assemble the figure fully if I got that (I KNOW things). I would buy a pre-made multiposeable figure, make a cloth outfit for it and attach the armor parts separately. Nice save on the speakers, man!! I'll keep this in mind!! @MechTech and @Thom : I'll have to check this out (especially the clear version!!). Makes me wonder if it could be "painted" onto a wooden mold that's had mold release applied to it and then cured into a canopy? O.o As for the chains: got plenty of those from my wife's old jewelry.
  11. It was everything of the actual arm; the shoulder (chest section) with the metal joint (yeah, sliding shoulder metal type) is fine, but everything from the block with the flip up missile hatch to the forearm is rooked (thankfully, the fists are fine). As I said: I tried fixing the situation and only made it much worse to where the parts are gooey at this point. OUCH!! Yeah, that's gotta kill the ol' wallet!!! Yeah... this one really hurt. And the problem is even non-trans, the elbow is sloppy lose and won't hold a pose. Doing my best to keep cool; my wife gets cold easily, and she often puts on the AC when just about to pass out. (and she wonders why I hate summer? O.o )
  12. 1/72 transformable Alpha/ Leigoss by Imai would. But this last model wiped us out... next month we need to re-register the car, then take care of the electric bill (heat dome in the Northeast right now means constant AC). The rest of the model is okay, the arms are cooked.
  13. Both arms on it are fouled up from melting (glue) and in trying to sand the damaged parts, the tolerances no longer match. I tried shimming it with plastic, but that only made it worse.
  14. I'm stuck. Not a case of "surrender", but of "wagon wheel broke and can go no further." And I paid 50 bucks for this kit... I'll see everyone later.
  15. Must've missed that line (had to run to the bathroom, stomach issues).
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