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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. I feel for ya bro: it reminds me of when I was doing the big refit's aztec decals: THOSE. WERE. A. PAIN. Starting to wonder if maybe on your nacelles, you should have molded them and resin cast them in clear blue! O.o
  2. Awesome, MT!! I'll have to give it a try, as Walmart is phasing out Krylon for some stupid reason. >:( Meantime, liking the progress you have here! Looking forward to seeing this part done!
  3. Right? With that in mind, that the whale poachers in Dynamite 7 actually managed to get their hands on one is a bit surprising. Any info on it I know is either from the RPG stats (admittedly arbitrary) posted online years ago at steelfalcon.com or the very concise work at macross2.net https://web.archive.org/web/20120705001022/http://www.steelfalcon.com/macrossmecha.html (had to go hunt for that one) on that note: I just realized that the pack Gamlin puts into his gunpod is the gun pod beam adaptor (the steel falcon specs called it a "Heavy Laser Module".) At any rate: the module the YF-19 had certainly seemed like overkill; I wonder what power source it had (like a pre-charged one time use capacitor that had to be recharged/ refurbished at base)?
  4. Update: if anyone is still looking for this stuff, i found it on thw Wayback machine site: https://web.archive.org/web/20120705001022/http://www.steelfalcon.com/macrossmecha.html
  5. What, did they take notes from Star Trek: Picard?
  6. Ah... yeah, aside from it's brief cameo in M+ and what we know from M7, I haven't really run into much concerning the VF-17 info-wise.
  7. Interesting...last I checked, Rustoleum couldn't be used on plastic as it would craze and melt it. Now they have a version that can?
  8. They never seem to get past the beginning, and I'm not really interested in seeing the umpteenth beginning. That's one major reason I'm passing.
  9. I'm going to pass on all of this; didn't like much of anything after the 1989 movie, and I think each version is just trying to "reinvent the wheel" here. Kind of tired of origin story after origin story as well. I wish they would do a "Batman Casefile" series on TV or something, where they don't have to try to compress everything into 2 hours (or less).
  10. I used to be an RT fan back in the 80's, but it was only the first part (Macross) that had any attraction for me. The rest was way too depressing: how many times does earth get wasted and everything set back to "2 weeks after the stone age" (exaggeration)level? After getting a computer and going online, I discovered Macross and its' sequel series' (Macross Plus still holds a special place in my heart, as does Macross II, admittedly), and found that for one thing, it had a far brighter future for mankind than RT!!! Also, the Valkyrie designs made more sense (seriously, who in their right minds would ever want to fly the friggin' LOGAN?!!), and it was good to see that mankind actually took advantage of their second chance after nearly being extinguished by Bodolza's fleet. So, at this point RT is dead to me and while the opening theme song to it still elicits memories of Saturday mornings, I'll still take Diamond Calling over My Time To Be A Royal Pain in the A** Star anyday. Just my two cents worth.
  11. Predecessor of the Heavy Laser Module Gamlin uses in Macross 7, perhaps (the red pack he would put into his gunpod and wreck whatever mech that the Protodevil known as Gavil was using at that point.)?
  12. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what is known as a museum quality display. Incredible work, Arbit!!!
  13. AKA Game of Phasers. Yeah...you have a point.
  14. His explanation comes under the heading of "stunningly and embarrassingly full of s***". Honestly, this series is so bleak and dystopian, I'm expecting the season finale to be all the main characters pulling out phasers/ disruptors/ swords/ knives/ shillelaghs/ etc. and committing suicide. Think The Happening meets Star Trek.
  15. It would probably be worth it to find a suitable large-scale Transformer toy and cannibalize the entire thigh/knee/shin unit from it. Scratching up such a structure would probably be a nightmare at that scale!
  16. Some creators can get that way with their creations; they become a retreat for them from the world in general, and as such, end up being shaped a bit differently in their minds each time they "visit". I suspect Gene was very much that way, and it required his "vision" being filtered through those who were not as connected to that vision being shaped on a whim. Hence, it took those under Gene to keep Star Trek any sort of consistent, and when Gene was allowed carte blanche, that's when stuff would get weird. (I see much of that now in Star Wars, but that's another discussion) I like how Starfleet was portrayed in WOK (at least what we saw of it): just enough military and exploration. That's kinda like saying "We're a peacekeeping force" or "it's a civil war" (both of which are non-sequiturs). Way to go, Pike! His absence was increasingly noticeable as TNG progressed from Season 1. Sometimes I wonder what he would have made of the TNG movies past Generations (probably would have had a stroke over them!). I didn't like TUD because I felt it got a little too away from the exploration (just my opinion). In all fairness though, since Starfleet's purpose seemed to vary even from TOS' episode to episode (and movie to movie), pinning it down in my mind may be a bit off. Ah; I thought you had said the "last couple". My mistake.
  17. Unless CBS puts money down (fat chance); At the rate things are going, ST:D is bound for a dose of antibiotics. You means Star Trek V and VI?
  18. I wonder if there's a market for really bad sci-fi comedy? Aside from that, i wonder if the reason the androids on Mars went berserk is that they was all the episodes of Picard in advance and just couldn't take it??!!
  19. Same here; I would have loved a crack at that one.
  20. It's just like rotten fruit: I don't need to taste it to tell it's going to royally suck. On that note: there's a major difference between folks "who think they're some kind of authority on what 'real Trek' should be", and those just giving their opinions based on experience. But to be fair, there's a lot of fans who have been betrayed at several turns by TPTB with "visions" of what those powers perceive to be Star Trek, only to find out that it is instead either a bland pastiche of sci-fi leftovers or inane ideas all smashed together with a barely-cohesive plot (if any). So with all due respect, I don't listen to "fans" who just want people to be silent because their opinions offend them. And with that, I'm done on that point.
  21. Okay... so Picard is a French artist/pirate, another guy is some futuristic metrosexual zoot-suiter, and we have (for all intents and purposes) a human booger. Is CBS hiring the same writers now as Harmony Gold? O.o
  22. Well.... maybe they can travel back to the early 1980's and nuke HG before they ever got the rights to Macross. Seriously though: I cannot understand Rick's obsession with Minmay here, especially since he has Lisa. Are they trying to pander to the "Minmay" fan club or something?
  23. Glad to help a fellow modeler in need! They helped me out tremendously when my AMT 1/72 F-14 needed a new canopy, windshield and decals, and they set the old girl back to rights!
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