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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. lol Sorry...late night and I was replying on two different forums. Guess someone on another site is wondering what "UN Air Force" is. O.o
  2. Given the ship that they found, you'd think they would have had someone there who would have foreseen that possibility. And that brings up a point that continues from the first one in this post: space capability almost seems to be an afterthought with this fighter. One would think that with the intakes on the front, it would be able to pull reactants from the atmosphere in some manner. But in space, it would all depend upon whatever the mech had in its' tanks to run on. Now add in the Destroids being specifically ground-based, and that leads me to think that US Spacy believed the war to be one that would have been fought on Earth terrain and not in space with 5 million ships versus a planet, one battlefortress and whatever allies it could get via music.
  3. But it never occurred to them that the craft the Zentraedi would be piloting would be bigger than their infantry (as we see when comparing a VF-1 Valk to a Regult). I wonder though if the later VF-1 engine upgrades eventually relieved the need for FAST packs? Admittedly, I never liked the VF-0; it never really grew on me for some reason.
  4. The new cast may as well be rejects from BSG Reboot: gritty, but no direction. Much like dirt in a windstorm. AllIi can say is:
  5. I'd like to see them do some more of the capital ships, like perhaps the New Macross class carriers? I'd also like to see some Zentraedi vessels as well.
  6. So we're all doomed with the doominess of doom, eh? Well... at least the next 2 billion years won't be boring...
  7. "Yeet"? (Sigh)...this world is doomed. No wonder Boldoza sent five million ships to glass it from space...
  8. I wouldn't call it Masters Saga; perhaps something similar starting with "B".....
  9. Thank you Thom; hey, you already did me a HUGE favor a few years ago bro!
  10. That's just it Gabe: with the family finances in tatters, the new job falling through at the last second and my birthday a bust, there are no kits to set aside, and no money to buy any. The certification and job were going to put us back on solid ground; now I'm back to square one, and we have gas and electric bills backed up from over the winter coming due in April that will just about break us. And a family friend that had been helping us has turned their back on us due to a dumb misunderstanding. Anyways, I've gone on long enough on this. I'll leave this up for a day, then pull my p0osts off so as not to derail this thread any further. I appreciate the advice, but it won't help, sad to say. Bye.
  11. ROFL! Captain Ramsey: "Ensign! What the F*** do you think you're doing!! This Beef Wellington is BLOODY RAW!!' Ensign Crusher: "Sir, Respectfully, I have to protest! You're just disregarding me because of my age--" Captain Ramsey: "Here, take this com-badge.... NOW GIVE IT BACK TO ME AND F**** OFF!!"
  12. Thanks, but with everything going on now.... it isn't going to be working out for some time to come. Family finances just fell through, as did a job offer that was contingent upon my getting my IT certification (testing centers are closed until further notice). Add to that a royal reaming out I got that I did nothing to deserve, and I'm about ready to find a cave and just hide in it. Be back on sometime when I'm not so pessimistic.
  13. Taking some time off folks. My b-day (last friday, of all things) turned into an epic disaster that screwed me out of a b-day gift, lost a friend due to a misunderstanding, and didn't even get a b-day cake (this was even before any of the COVID-19 stuff wreaking havoc). So no projects or anything else, and frankly I'm disgusted. I'll pop in when I can...
  14. all they would have to do is make molds of the parts, cast masters and then use those masters as like any production would when commissioning steel molds.
  15. Well, admittedly it's only a quick sketch that I just as quickly colored in Photoshop, but it gets the point across (I REALLY don't like drawing Dana Sterling) : Yes, Skull One indeed drop-kicked Dana. Hopefully, the landing gives her a merciful end...
  16. Working on that cartoon as we speak... Desperation does that: it's the mother of many foul-ups, assumptions and half-assery. Wow...it's bad when a crap company drops a crap company for making crap. As for "further tarring Robotech", you means Palladium actually managed to one-up HG? At the rate they're going, the should be hitting folks using Bic pens and notebook paper for comic pages and home inkjet printers to publish it very soon...
  17. On a side note: with the f-bombs that Admiral keeps dropping, can anyone imagine what it must have been like serving on a ship she captained? Helmsman: "Captain, we've dropped out of warp." Captain Foulmouth: "About f***ing time!"
  18. I wonder if this is all just some sort of expensive parody or something...
  19. Yeah...I probably didn't make mention of it, but I knew it wasn't "all at once". That would put increasing pressure to find a better fold method, rather than a "Project: Supernova" type of race for the next fold system. Why is it now I'm imagining ARMD space platforms all painted in UPS and FEDEX colors? rofl Seriously though: at the risk of sounding "out of the loop", does the quality of the fold carbon determine the speed of the fold process here? Is that overtly stated or just implied? Since the Super Parts are on the arms and legs, I don't know if that would matter, unless the transform would cause those to collide with the main body somehow. (In that regard, I imagine the transform for the Super Valkyrie had to be tweaked, as the Super Packs for the legs required the leg to be bent rather than straight in fighter mode). I think someone would have to get the super parts for the VF-17 and see if the could fit on a VF-171 of the same scale and what the transform would involve. On that note: I recall something stating that the Super Parts for the 17 had to be dropped when converting to Soldier mode (I really need to find where that is referenced). I noted that as well; in fact, I always thought the gun pod would have taken space away, as it seems a stretch to cram it in with an engine.
  20. I need to do a sketch showing Skull-One yanking her out of it's own cockpit and drop-kicking her rather unceremoniously across the flight deck....
  21. Makes sense; especially when the Unity Government decentralized (Per Macross Delta), being able to reach all colonies, fleets and member planets without hindrance from fold limitations becomes a big priority. And seeing that Bilra invested so much big cash into it, him not wanting to lose that to the Government or NUNS becomes critical. It definitely was! Yeah, missile ordnance reeked heavily, but it had fast packs that attached to it: (About 1/3 down the page are the pics of the fast packs) I wonder if the fast packs would be compatible with the VF-171? It doesn't look like where they would mount has changed... Right? Silly thought: trying to defeat the SDF-1's main gun using thousands of ships/ mechs armed with reflector packs. :P Not so silly thought: UN Spacy developing that and arming the Grand Cannon with it, so instead of the Zentran Armada pulverizing Earth in Space War One, all they managed to do was power up the gun! o.o
  22. I think I was a few years out of high school by then, to be honest. It was about 1998 or so (if my memory serves correctly but don't hold em to that!) that my GM came across the stats. It's that "uncomfortable direction" that I was getting at; borrowing from Star Trek Again for a moment, I think some of those "heroic companies'" research hit dead ends that could not be surmounted without extraordinary means (ala Dr. David Marcus' use of Protomatter in the Genesis Device). I loved the Nightmare: it had more beam weaponry than most other mechs (no need to worry about running out of ammo), could not have its' stealth depleted by MDC damage (unlike the other fighters that would lose it when 50 percent of their MDC was lost), and the bonus to spaceflight was a nice boost. Ah yes: the VF-2SS SAP. When we first began our Macross campaign, it was set in the Macross II modules; later we would work in the colony fleet from Macross 7 and "take the show on the road" (there was a conspiracy on Earth and after uncovering it, my character became unpopular there!). That railgun was certainly a show stopper, although half the time in a fight against the Gilgameshes, they would rip mine off the armor!!! Our GM had enemies for us that were smart and pretty cunning, to the point that if you did somethign really stupid in front of them, you were pretty much assured of needing to draw up a new character that session! Gotcha. Thinking about it: if UN Spacy could think of that, the enemies would definitely have it as well.
  23. Yeah...seems like a thousand years ago that went up, doesn't it? lol Right? lol My, how time flies... I recall reading somewhere about them being used for "starship engines"; seeing as the Unity Government wouldn't openly do that, i suspect private ventures and "fringe-edgers" would consider it. Fold materials would certainly work into that equation. And yeah: pretty high-end for a bunch of poachers. Makes me wonder if they were "privateers" of some type who were contracted "under the table" by a planetary government or corporation in some manner. Yeah...the RPG I used to play in, my character flew a VF-17 and I used the Beam Adaptor. The specs were indeed a "one and done", at least according to the RPG stats, as it was a one-charge capacitor powering it. you essentially traded an entire magazine of ammo for the opportunity to get a "one shot kill" on something (stats indicated it could be used on small starships! lol ). We called it "The One-Shot Deal" in the game as a joke. I'd have to agree, given the raw power that one shot we saw delivered. Makes me wonder if they had a "siphon" that allowed beam weapon shots to the Valk to be absorbed and directed to internal capacitors in the module? At any rate, my vote is definitely valk-reactor basedtrickle charge. That, or a really long extention cord ("Hey Shinji! Plug me in!!")
  24. I like the fact that Kawamori isn't concerned so much by "canon"; it makes for far more possibilities in Macross and allows things like Macross II to exist and impart their own take on the franchise. Although sometimes I'd like to know a little more on the histories of characters after their story arcs, I understand that unless a specific "chapter" (how I see each story fitting into Macross overall) has a purpose in coming around again later on (such as Max and Millia aboard the 7th fleet), then it's done and set.
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