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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Well, in war you sometimes have to do strange things that aren't advised. I can envisage a VF-1 Super having to make planetfall but not be able to jettison the packs for whatever reason. That, or a tech crew found them and fitted them onto a VF-1 to get it spaceborn to reach the Macross.
  2. pengbuzz

    Macross figures

    BAD DOG!!!
  3. LOL!
  4. I've had to repair Jetfires from that era, and sometimes it's so bad, you're better off replacing parts than trying to glue them.
  5. Well, ya gotta admit: when Roy's valk is standing out like a sore thumb and the enemy still can't hit him for a hill of beans, that's gotta bee the most embarrassing thing ever! lol
  6. Ah; I thought Furman wrote both. Thanks for the clarification, JohnMc.
  7. For some reason, I didn't flash on Simon Furman being the writer behind RT and Remix; that explains a LOT. Furman did the same thing to Transformers, including the mythos of Primus he himself had created in the Marvel series. He ended Regeneration One by essentially destroying all the Transformers and Cybertron, and his work in the 2009 IDW series I didn't care for either.Furman seems to like tearing stuff down, even if he's the one who built it up. In Max's case in Remix, it's like Furman to take that character and utterly deconstruct him to the point where he's now essentially destroyed/ worthless. He's also trashed the Max/ Miriya romance to the point where only a continuity correction/ reset could ever repair it. One last note: in RT, they took the SDF-1, rebuilt it with parts into the SDF-3 and sent that back into time to be rebuilt into the SDF-1. Has it occurred to anybody that should that be the new "timeline", the SDF-1 would repeatedly be sent back through time until the frame was too battered by going through the timeline and being sent back to hold, and the whole damned ship breaks apart on reentry into Earth's atmosphere? That ship is in an infinite loop, but it's not infinitely durable!!!
  8. UPDATE- Well, nearly there: Now I just need to convert the head lasers from dual to quad (already sanded the head into a VF-1S config) and button up a few lose ends. Then we can attach the ordnance and mount this onto the launch arm. Stay tuned...
  9. You know, it really sounds to me like much of the "Remix" fanfic here was written by a man who despised Max in the original RT and felt compelled to take a collective dump on him. Keep in mind: a "favorite" can be someone's favorite punching bag...
  10. Okay, I just took a look at their "newest superheroes"... is it just me, or does the girl with the backpack look like she's wearing a phalanx? Yup. This pretty much sums the case up.
  11. UPDATE- Molded a new canopy: Instead of trying to use the kit canopy, I simply carved a wooden plug and heat-molded a new one out of plastic from an old soda bottle. Stay tuned...
  12. The entire entertainment industry is innovation-adverse, and it's going to take a major crash for them to realize that a lack of innovation is fatal. Frankly, they need to crash and burn hard in order to see what happens when they try to "capture lightning in a bottle again" by repeating tired old formulae.
  13. You look like you're off to an excellent start there, joscasle!
  14. "On this date in 1999, we ****ed up and doomed Mankind. Have a Nice Day."
  15. Thanks MT; and yeah, the nonsense about the Alcohol is ridiculous! I imagine after the pandemic is over, you're going to have a lot of folks trying to sell TP and isopropyl dirt cheap (or explain to their families why they have no food but enough toilet paper to make a valkyrie!) Looking forward to seeing the cannon built and working! Meantime, paintwork progressing on the 1/100 Strike Valk: Still needs detailing, a canopy, decals and such. But so far, so good...
  16. If they want to survive, some dead weight's gotta be tossed. And nothing is deader than a comic based on a half-assed attempt to revive an 80's pastiche of anime trying to tell the Macross story without using Macross. It's kind of like Pizza hut trying to stay in business without serving pizza.
  17. Well, as for myself: my 1/72 VF-1S Hasegawa is on hold until I can find some more alcohol to clean off overly heavy paint (not to mention more primer and white!). meanwhile, I recently revisited my 1/72 scale Launch Diorama (DYRL) that I did a while back, and after some measurements and comparisons... ...it's not 1/72; it's 1/100! Thankfully, I recently received a 1/100 VF-1 kit that is part of the "15th Anniversary" Macross series; it has the updated Strike Pack (including Mauser Dual Beam Cannon). I had to do some slight mods on the square missile launchers to make them the DYRL version, but nothing too exotic. Most of the work has gone into making the model non-transformable (a first for me, right?), as to save much unneeded weight and to properly accurize it. Right now, I am going to be making a new canopy for it, as the old one is waaaaaaaay too thick and visually distorts the living heck out of the interior (probably use plastic from a soda bottle for that small of a scale). I plan on adding panel lines based off of the Hasegawa VF-1S with a pencil (at this scale, carved lines are overkill). I really thought that I had built this dio on scale, but since I have a smaller, lighter replacement valk that scales perfectly with it, I'm not about to complain! Stay tuned.
  18. Heck, ST:P makes Nemesis look downright cheery.
  19. Graves 180% Proof...would that do?
  20. Isn't Smirnoff what one would need to drink to get through a marathon of Southern Cross?
  21. Bioroids... not very strong but a pain in the a**. Just like Hemorrhoids...
  22. Someone already did it; all they did was to cut a plastic piece out to fit the dish and the trench, glued it to the dish and glued the combined part into place: https://www.trekbbs.com/threads/1-2500-enterprises.284682/
  23. Old weird creepy people' kind of like the "Starfleet Retirement Home for Aging Cliches".
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