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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Same here about 7; I'd love to see what became of Fire Bomber! Yeah; while I think Minmay and Hikaru wouldn't have worked out (amongst other things), that doesn't mean that she woulnd't ever find someone.
  2. He was also in the movie "FX" with Bryan Brown, as well as "FX2". A remarkable actor who conveyed a sense of presence in any role he did. His daughter, Elizabeth Dennehey, played Lt. Cdr. Shelby in Star Trek:TNG ("Best of Both Worlds" Pts. 1 and 2). RIP Brian.
  3. Right? Hopefully at that point, I'd be able to buy it!
  4. Agree with you both; whenever I have to use my rotary tool, I constantly have to shift back and forth. Royal pain in the...ahem.
  5. Actually, you're doing fine. You just need to keep going and build the color; I would recomment two more layers where you focus on the venters of the panels themselves and deliberately leave the edges, then do a covering layer all over of thinned-out base color to bring it all together.
  6. That depends on what point in the series you're asking Lisa Hayes about him. If early on, she's liable to use the Daedalus Maneuver on you when you're not looking.
  7. A story is only "concluded" as long as those who wrote it deem it so; specifically speaking, a person's "story" continues as long as they are alive. As far as the story being "finished", I remember a certain Sci-Fi series that ended and then began again with a series of movies a decade later. I think it was called... "Star Trek". Folks may disagree; that is their right. But ti is my right to disagree with their disagreement. And I say... "This is Megaroad-1; Captain Misa Ichijo calling.... thank heaven we were finally able to get through! We have a priority message for the Unity Government."
  8. Let's face it: as soon as they were sure they were out of earth range, Misa strangled Minmay.
  9. I don't know if this will help, but I found this:
  10. A shame they didn't re-do the whole series like this...unless I'm missing something here.
  11. Yeah, I've had that kind of thing happen as well! lol Really though, I tend to replace pegs on older models anyway as a force of habit: the way they are molded (half the pin is often unsupported), even reinforcing it doesn't seem to help. For these kinds of joints, it's probably best to try ABS rod instead of styrene, as it can take the pressure and force better IMO.
  12. I would try gluing in a piece of sprue that's the same size; that way, you can extend the sprue into the bicep and use epoxy or plastic welder to hold the end in place.
  13. A lot of times, I'll just paint lines or other decals in myself. Complicated stuff requires me to use decals at times, but for most things, hand painting will do.
  14. Thanks! Meantime, I gotta hand it to you for making the world's most professional capgun system! lol Seriously though, it looks like you've got quite the system going there. GOing to be very interested to see it in operation when completed.
  15. Yeah, I've been there Derex. Is there any chance you could use a color printer and a sheet of clear decal film to make a new decal?
  16. Wow man...that royally sucks! Yeah, it looks like the outer coat contracted and split as it was drying; a cool night and the item having been just painted would probably do that. I'm thankful on your behalf that it was in an area that you could sand and repaint without losing details!
  17. Well, some I left in, as I wasn't interested in fixing them. The booms are actually new-construction, as I felt the originals were too skinny: This was the original configuration, and the new ones I scratched up at that time. I also had to add in elbow joints so the Daedaulus and Prometheus could pose properly.
  18. WOW!! Nice clean lines on those phaser strips, Derex! :thumbup
  19. I believe he fudged them, as I ran into that issue when I converted the 1/8000 Revell SDF-1 into a transforming version. The booms aren't the same size (or even shape) between Storm Attacker and Cruiser mode, and other things "shift" in size and proportion. What I ended up doing is "averaging" the parts between modes (making them a mid-point size that would work in both modes): As a result, the booms came out a little bigger, but they don't look too small in Cruiser mode.
  20. UPDATE: okay folks, got quite a bit more work done: Got the bird mounted to the launch arm, and mounted the weapons to the wings. Had to do a little rework on the reaction missiles (had big gaping holes in the tops!), but it's all good. I just need a few details here and there, including the arms that hold the valkyrie in place. Stay tuned...
  21. Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see how Tekering finishes this one!
  22. I'd love to get one again to do this kind of project. Trouble is, I can never find one for a price that is reasonable when I have the funds. Not even sure what "reasonable" would look like nowadays, tbh. Most I've seen easily top 100 bucks.
  23. I really wish they'd bring this line back; I miss buying them!
  24. Right; copper appears as greenish as an ore (Malechite and Azurite), so asteroids and airless planetoids could also suffice. Just brainstorming some possibilities here.
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