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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Yeah...mine I bought as a "smoothie" and have been trying to rework it since 2010. I can't stand the inaccuracies, so it drives me absolutely nuts until I correct it. That also means having to find accurate decals as well too. I really wish round2 would just do a new kit this size, but better accuracy. But I'm betting the money's not there (amongst other issues).
  2. I ended up putting mine away after a brief stint today, trying to see if I could resurrect mine. The point where the pylons meet the hull is badly chewed up, i already replaced them once, and the rear of the secondary hull is tilting back slightly. So I don't want to have to replace parts again. Not to mention not having the decals to finish it... just not interested in trying now Not in a good mood right now anyways. I wonder if i still have a nice, big hammer somewhere for that piece of #$@%....
  3. What is that, a space herpie?!!!
  4. This is why I just watch each one really on its' own merits and enjoy them (or at least try to) for what they are. But that said, I like the various things they've done with both the TV and DYRL versions and enjoy both in equal measure. I also like M+ and MII, and yes, M7 as well! Frontier and Delta...not so much. They're okay, but just not my cup of Petite Cola (which reminds me...I have to make a Petite Cola machine in-scale for my factory workers in the Macross Armored Factory Diorama!).
  5. Guess they listen to Limp Bizkit "break stuff" when they fly
  6. True...very true. Now if we could just get that for Macross collectibles
  7. Utopia isn't an absence of conflict; in fact, conflict in of itself is not a bad thing. The matter is how those conflicts are expressed and handled that is part of a utopia. I and Seito, for example, can have a difference of opinions and have our views conflict without it becoming an all out war, or even a vehement argument. We instead can choose to exchange views and find common ground, working towards a common goal and trying to see the other side of the debate that doesn't get stalemated by relying solely on the expression of that difference. The problem is: when we think of conflict, we think of combat. And while conflict is defined as "a serious disagreement or argument", it does not have to devolve into combat, despite the original intent of the word before it's modern usage.
  8. And I can see why they would be upset: "advanced and professional" doesn't mean that people will automatically see everything "eye to eye". Professionals disagree on stuff everyday, due to varying experiences, as well as individual personas and whatnot: "your mileage may vary" really comes into play here. People aren't robots (well, Data is but we won't go there! :D), and even in utopia, unless everyone is brainwashed you have folks with minds of their own and differing backgrounds. One example that really comes to the fore here is Spock and McCoy. Even though they were TOS, if they behaved the way Roddenberry would insist for TNG , I think a great deal would have been lost. More on point, TNG episodes like "The Drumhead" (Adm. Satie on her witch hunt), "Chain of Command parts 1 and 2" (Jellico and Riker clashing ), "The Measure of a Man" (Picard has to defend Data's right to refuse being an experiment, and Riker has to work for the opposing team) are only a scant handful that I can think of at the moment. Imagine any of those being "too advanced and professional to disagree" (and I'm sure there are a lot more episodes that I'm neglecting to mention about now). Professionalism tends to be about the methods of disagreement and working together despite those disagreements (although there are times that to go along with something is not professional); Riker didn't deck Jellico when asked to pilot the shuttle, nor did Picard strangle Satie when she went loopy. Now that I think of it, Riker probably wanted to launch Shelby out a photorp tube for being such a ambitious pain in The best of Both Worlds, Parts I and II...
  9. I think that would actually lend credibility to it, as in real life, paint doesn't always exactly match on craft even on the fuselage.
  10. Yes, and I nearly gouged my eyes and ears out, TYVM. I mean, saying "it's twice as good as Picard" is like saying "this turd in the toilet bowl is solid, as opposed to the rest of the liquid diarrhea!"
  11. No... Below Decks is a complete and utter dumpster fire. I figured a factory located on a moon in the outer solar system, with a bunch of synthehol-swilling academy washouts.
  12. A sledgehammer may prove useful...
  13. Maybe what we need is a Trek series all about the guys who make the photon torpedoes...
  14. Exactly; which only reinforces the already iron-clad evidence that CBS wanted an un-Star Trek Star Trek. Star Trek is not "woke" like the current crop out there feel it should be, and trying to make it such is like trying to turn a Ferarri into...er...something else. In all seriousness though, if people want bleak and dreary sci-fi, they have other venues to turn to and it's already been done to death. They should have left Picard where he was, and not tried to drag characters from the endings they originally had for them. Now i can see clearly what you meant in the other topic about bringing back Original Macross characters: too much risk of turning them into sad parodies of themselves.
  15. Ah...why did I think it was "to bodly go" (probably thinking of the opening to TOS ST)? And I agree: SNW seems to have the best chance out of all of them. Ironic, since the one that has the most promise is one that the fans asked for instead of CBS trying to "create" one!
  16. Roy is such a bad-ass that he got killed and is still dating Claudia!
  17. I had that kit a long time ago; I remember using plastic card and plastic welder to fill gaps on it (it was that bad!). I would love to try it again and use sprue to make my own pilots!
  18. Is CBS still going to do the "To Boldly Go" series, or did they back out of that? I've been out of the loop a bit with IRL stuff as of late...
  19. And make sure to order 2 kilos instead of just one... Oh wait: wrong Heisenberg. O.o
  20. This may be of assistance to you peter: Agatha Chamberlain did diagrams noting the color differences between the Refit and the A versions: https://culttvman.com/main/agatha-chamberlains-refit-enterprise-diagrams/
  21. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Auto-destruct
  22. Okay, thanks for the clarification!
  23. Just out of curiosity: would Roy have been considered equal or slightly lesser rank to Misa Hayase? In RT, they were both Commanders (I think); in SDFM Roy was Major iirc, and Misa I think she was a Lieutenant, but she was also ship's Xo (unless I'm mistaken). On a less serious note...speaking of Roy and Hikaru:
  24. As far as I'm concerned, that ship is a flying explodium exhibit looking for a place to happen.
  25. Imperial-sized shipwash? Thanks!
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