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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Yeah; usually if that happens, I've read that adjusting the f-stop to move the point of focus will help.
  2. You did a magnificent job on this! Just the perfect balance of weathering and cleanness.
  3. Yeah...forgot about Andromeda. Maybe they should just make a series then where every other star trek series hates Discovery, and everyone from TOS to Enterprise is trying to kill the Discovery crew. Star-Trek: Whackamole.
  4. An idea for a new series then: the Federation has been destroyed, and they have to start all over. New ships, new structure, basically rebuild Starfleet from the bare bones up.
  5. I'm just going to agree with everything you've said here, as it sums up quite a bit of how I feel as well on this topic. It's not that we've grown to hate the franchises we love; rather, it's that we've grown to hate what those who have been entrusted with the reins to those franchise have done to them, and how they've been warped from what we loved about them.
  6. Interesting idea!
  7. Wow...looks like that hovertank transforms backwards or something. Talk about "blow it out yer @$$" rofl
  8. As far as the canopies go: I would consider gluing the canopies to the cockpit and filling the gaps with something like Future floor acrylic. Then, using very thin styrene, make frames for the canopies where they meet the cockpit and disguise the join. This would allow you to then paint over the styrene and have a clear decent-looking canopy. One time, I used masking tape in that endeavor on a model kit where the canopy was being a royal pain.
  9. Yeah... may have to expand it soon. I made a scaffolding for a repair crew, and the current set is getting a bit crowded.
  10. ROFL! Well, if you do build a death ray, let me know. There's a few individuals in my life that such a device would...erm... anyways... Interesting to see these engine cutaways; ideas for the tech manual I have for my project.
  11. They do have a device in Macross that can induce "voltage spikes" of that caliber in shielded aircraft: heavy quantum beam weaponry. :P Seriously though, I would say the level of power needed to do that would probably be better spent on directed energy weapons to take out said craft, considering at that power level, you'd probably vaporize the pilot in the process. For all that energy, iIwould think it'd actually be an energy savings simply shooting them with energy weapons rather than a broadcast-induced energy spike. I think it would be a pretty interesting story to see a species that could wipe the floor with the Vajra come looking for them...and happen upon NUNS. That's the exact thing I was thinking when I was wondering about the "flight simulator" Isamu was in that was on the armatures in M+. And the scary thing about the YF-21 is that Guld was half-Zentraedi (at least somewhat more durable than a baseline human), and the unlimited YF-21 did THAT to him. Think about what it wold have done to someone like Isamu, or even a regular pilot.
  12. It would seem to me like a drink mixer that pours out what used to be pilots O.o
  13. You have a point; we just need the Macross Quarter to swoop in and put this thing out of our misery.
  14. All I can say about RT "remix" is... WHY. WON'T YOU. DIE??!!!
  15. That build was pretty epic; I think a lot of us were just floored by it! It had some influence when I did my Arii Storm Attacker a couple of years ago. Those scans must be huge! I didn't think to ask about them back then.
  16. Okay, thanks for the clarification on that. Watching M+, it was a little unclear and aside from what I had read elsewhere once, I didn't see much else to confirm one way or another.
  17. I wonder if Guld's YF-21 "Omega-1" was specifically tuned to his requirements? I think I saw somewhere that he designed the craft, but I'm most likely mistaken.
  18. Tempted to find one sometime when I have money and see if i can make it transform...
  19. *Bruce jumps off roof, deploys cable to swing, but it grabs the building the at the wrong angle* Bruce: "Aw, CRAAAAAAAAAP--" *Smacks right into brick wall* DA-NA NA-NA NA-NA NA-NA SPLATMAN!!!
  20. Speaking of Leigoss, I recently dug a project from some time back out of the archives. I don't know if I posted it here or not, but it's worth a shot, right? I did a 1/48 scale Monogram Leader-1: Well...it is a Monagram model... and it is a model of Leader-1: I kit-bashed a 1/48 scale model Strike Eagle I found at a thrift store with a few loose knockoff Transformer parts I had in reserve. Although i had to make some concessions to get it to work, I think it works pretty well. I even did a concept piece for "Masterpiece Leader-1" box-art: Everything but the "Go Bots" and "Tonka" logo were done from scratch. One day, I hope to find a Leader-1 model kit from the 80's. until then, I've got this.
  21. It would make sense to show the learning curve he has to go through to reach the Batman that we see in the comics. learn the hard lessons about why things work, what works and what doesn't, pacing one's self in a fight, learning to "read" his enemies and prepare for them, why he needs a database on individuals, etc.
  22. If you look near the bottom of Memory Alpha's page, they have info on this one and what happened to the impulse engines: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Constitution_class_model_(refit) Not to mention, the AMT model is accurate in the sense it was screen used: Source: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Constitution_class_model_(refit)
  23. Very much seeing an "early Batman" here (year two as mentioned), where he's still kinda green and hasn't had years of experience, workouts and combat to build muscle and technique. Example: Pattinson Batman breaks guy's arm, whallops him about 20-30 times to the dome, then 2-3 or good measure on the ground. Keaton Batman: One backhand to a creep in the Axis Chemical plant takes the crud down. Bale Batman: Sore throat. Batfleck: Uses a gun to blow up the flamethrower guy's tank backpack. Adam West Batman: Gets the "Bat-Anti-Creep-Spray" out and douses the guy. No, seriously: "POW!!"
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